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Posts posted by Niliam

  1. 9 minutes ago, rudman88 said:

    A service is done when you submit and they review it.

    the service is not until you receive approval but upon reviewing your emblem.


    is different from your super market scenario

    your super market scenario is a transaction, you only pay for the goods.


    This is like you submitting your exam paper to the teacher to be graded.

    Pass or fail you still need to pay the school your school fee.

    You pay for the tuition fee, the teacher examining you paper is part of work you paid in the tuition fee.

    In here, you pay for your emblem to be used, reviewing is the screening DE choose to implant.

    If my child want to go to top notch private school, they have to be tested by the school; we don't pay anything until they passed her, then we pay the tuition fee.

    9 minutes ago, Fluff-E-Kitty said:

    Actually its fully legal. It is reviewed and it takes in game currency that had to be bought somehow along the way thus paying for it. Someone still looks at it. its one thing if it fails the submission criteria, its another if you uploaded something that could be close to or is something protected by copywrite. they have to protect there company from infringement and its one of the main reasons you cant just upload what you want for free. You also agree to said rules and regulations when submitting and thus enter into a "contract" with them that they can terminate without cause if they feel it puts anything at risk, also without refunding you because a serve to check the validity of the submission was done. ... hmm its actually slimier to a patent application. would be nice if they told you the reason for denial thought.

    Actually, a similar law just passed in Australia, it about the famous Pirate bay.

    Copy right owners want the site to be blocked, and wants ISP, users, and pirate bay to pay for it.

    But the court rules, copy right owners have to pay for the blockade, $50 per domain per ISP.


    Also, rule means nothing in the face of Law. And it nice if they give a reason, but they don't have to.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Carnage2K4 said:

    Part of the service is the fact someone who is being paid has to sit their and evaluate the image... a service is being done even if it's being rejected.

    In the process of a transaction does not mean the transaction is complete.

    You can go to a super market, and ask the staff to fill up 10 trolley of goods, but does not mean you have to buy them or pay for the staff's work of putting goods into trolley.

    But offcourse, the super market can refuse you service, with reason, or even no reason needed.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Carnage2K4 said:

    Yeah, emblem rejection is really dirty IMHO, I've never had one rejected, but frankly it should be 200 total, but 50 of that is for the review and 150 for the addition to the game, if it gets rejected you get 150 of that 200 plat back.

    They can charge, 200, or 2000, even 20,000. But when the service is not provided, they can not charge any, even 1. That is the Law, no forum rule, or company rule can over ride it.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Kalec said:

    They wouldn't refuse the emblem without a reason. So unless we see what kind of emblem OP was trying to get accepted, any form of discussion, wether it's legal or not what they did, is pointless.


    6 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

    Again: without the OP SHOWING us the Emblem he uploaded we dont have ANY kind of proof they did or didnt infringe any of the rules reguarding the Emblems.

    As of right now we have the OP saying it got rejected, even if the "We wont refound your plat" was right on his face and he comes HERE to complain about an issue that is between Support and them.

    I am not saying DE can't refuse OP's Emblem, ofcourse they can.

    The problem is that, when they refused OP's Emblem, they refused his service, thus no service provided.

    Then they can not take his money for not providing him service.

    I ain't sure about the Law in USA, but in Australia, a service have to be provided, albeit very little.

    You can pay a thousand dollars for a piece of rock, but that rock must be provided.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Kuestenjung said:

    If they would refund the plat you aren´t really paying, so you could just spam them with new emblems like Rawbeard said.

    If they are spamming, with evidence, temporarily punish them.

    But taking their money and denying their service; I don't think it legal in any country, let alone western countries.

    Steam just got fined 1 million dollars for such stupid act by Australian Court.

  6. 53 minutes ago, Stormandreas said:

    They didn't say they would get rid of Multishot and damage mods, but that they were trying to figure out a way to remove these mandatory mods so that we could use the mod space for... you know, actual modifications and not just MOAR DUMAAAAAGE.

    Rivens are a bit different, in that they are completely unique for each weapon and individual. You'll be hard pressed to find 2 rivens the same across the whole playerbase (but there will be some)

    The thing is, riven mod is just the mod from pre update 7, which they got ride of because of the multi shot.

    Players used to just farm for damage and multishot mods, and stack them.

    They turned those mods into fusion cores to stop players stacking them, but now they introduced it back, screwing the players who had them pre update 7;

    and the current players still stacking will stack damage and multi shot.

    Take Hek for example, half of the mod slot is predetermined for everybody: Primed point blank, hells chamber, scattered justice+damage and multishot riven.

  7. Over a year later, I came back to gave this game a try, what I find interesting is that Riven mod.

    Riven mod, wasn't this the normal mod from pre update 7?

    I remember they said in update 7, the introduction of current set of normal mod was to get rid of Multishot(Which pissed a lot of their loyal beta supporter off, and never returned.); But now they turned on that promise.

    Also, they said over a year ago, they would get rid off the damage mod like serration, hornet strike, and weapon would gain damage increase as they level up; with the Riven mod, they also turned on that promise.



    And finally, music warframe? Alerting your enemies from a thousand yard away, a space ninja is coming.

  8. 20 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    When are you coming on? I won't be available for another 8 hours or so (so until 4:00 PM EST).


    20 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

    I don't want nothing from you just came here to wish you good luck with your other games and I can feel why you leave but I suggest you to keep your account for later maybe in a later time the game will be less grindy.


    28 minutes ago, Railgun_Alter said:

    Gah... I overslept T_T

    Are you still around? Or when will you log in the game again?

    I am ingame now, last trade of the day, pm me ingame.


    Edit: no trade left

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