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Posts posted by Jalakopoksaus

  1. Still an issue in May 2021.

    This gets especially annoying in Railjack missions when you're playing in squad and they want to continue and you don't, because you're forced to continue with them because the bloody Esc button isn't working and you cannot leave squad.

  2. I don't mind if Atlas is the next Primed warframe, because I enjoy playing with non-meta warframes and weapons.

    Atlas might not be the most efficient, powerful or fastest warframe out there, but it's different from what ~90% of the playerbase is using.

    But that's just for me.

  3. Since the Vault's opening few days ago I've been grinding bounties in both PoE and Orb Vallis for those relics.

    During this time I've noticed that whenever the host decides to leave and there's Host migration you stop receiving rewards from missions. This doesn't happen on every host migration though, but it is frequent enough to make you lose your hair. It get really frustrating when you're doing Tier 5 bounty and the host decides to leave on the very last mission and you lose all your rewards.


    How come even after all these years this bug is still present in the game?

  4. I recently returned to the game from my ~4 month hiatus and I don't remember having this problem half a year ago.

    I have a potato internet, so whenever I'm trying to host something (usually unpopular relic runs) the game starts to migrate hosting for someone else who's better suited for it. But the problem is that whenever Host Migration happens it gives this "Invalid session" error message and breaks the squad.

    I haven't been able to host anything for the last couple weeks because of this, so I always have rely on others to do the hosting. And as I mentioned earlier I didn't have this problem half a year ago when I last played the game. The Host Migration still happened, but it didn't break the squad..

    Anyone else experiencing the same problem with the Host Migration?

  5. My problem with the Tridolon is precisely because of those "elitists" and spartan nature of the players.

    If I try to join any Tridolon group (mostly as Trinity) I'll usually get crucified, because I didn't meet their expectations and we only got 2 caps within the night.

    Hosting my own "casual" tridolon group doesn't really work either, because there hardly no people who willing to do only one tridolon cap.


    Sometimes I wish that there was alternative way to get those Arcanes, because toxicity kinda ruins the Tridolon hunt.

  6. I started playing the game after several month break and doing several public missions on Sedna - Hydron as Saryn with Toxic Lash-Spore build the rewards were denied from me, because apparently according to game I was inactive the whole time (even though I ran around like a madman meleeing and sporing the enemies, scoring ~90% of the dmg done. The usual stuff for Saryn.).

    I wouldn't really bother reporting this if it happened only once every 100+ runs, but as I mentioned earlier I did several consecutive 20-wave runs and this occurred to me twice.

  7. I don't really like the direction the game is heading. It feels like every major rework on each old frame within the past year or so has turned those warframes into one button press killing machines.

    Take the Saryn for example. I recently returned to the game from a several month break time and I was stunned how powerful and easy to play she had become during my absence from the game. She was already quite powerful before her latest rework, but now she just ridiculous and you hardly need any skill with her. Even the new players can just one shot everything as long the spore stacks don't fall off, and that's unlikely to happen because of that new Miasma.

    One other example is Volt. I didn't really play him much, so I might not be fully aware of how he was in the past, but with the changes to his Discharge ability made him capable of mowing down hordes of enemies with ease. You just click a button and everything is CCd and melting down.

    There are other examples too, like Ember and Banshee for example, but my point is that I don't like the direction where the game is heading.

    I don't know about you folks, but mashing one button to melt everything does not sound like a fun gameplay experience to me.  =/

  8. Noticed this weird glitch that when you alt+tab out from the game or you're forcefully moved to the desktop via pop-ups (W10 notifications for example), there's this slight change that after you alt+tab back to the game your mouse is skipping ahead as you move it. This doesn't sound like a big deal, but its actually a real pain in the ass because you keep constantly bullet jumping at the walls or/and you're unable to hit your enemies in gunfight because of the unpredictable aiming.

    I did some testing with this and noticed that if I have internet browser open in the background while I'm playing the game, there's a higher change that this mouse skipping glitch occurs.

    The only way to get rid of it is to either reboot the game or keep alt+tabbing and hope that it goes away.

    I recently returned to the game from a several month break and I don't remember the game having this problem back in the late 2017's, because I would have noticed it as I tend to alt+tab a lot while I'm playing (during loading screens etc.)


    OS: W10 ultimate 64-bit

    Mouse: Logitech G502 with Logitech Gaming software handling the macros and DPI settings

  9. Basically, if you die while you're casting an ability, there's a high chance that your character stays in the "casting" status even after reviving or being revived, thus you're unable to use any skills or abilities for the rest duration of the mission. Quite game breaking bug if you ask me.

    This is quite well known bug and it's been there the entire time I've played the game (~5 months), so I'm quite surprised that it hasn't been fixed yet.

    edit. Double checked the forums for more info about this bug/glitch and I noticed that there's been reports about this same bug/glitch for several years now, so it further begs the question why hasn't DE fixed it yet.

  10. Any news from the Prime Vault accessories?

    I've heard that the DE is working on something related to those Vaulted accessories because of the negative feedback they were getting, but what is it that they're working on exactly?

    - Will we be able to buy those Vaulted accessories individually?

    - Will we be able to buy those Vaulted accessories in one full accessory pack?

    - Or does the DE have no plans of changing them and we still have to buy the whole 33$/€ pack to get just one item?

  11. It seems that the "Ability in use" glitch is still present. It happened twice to me today after dying while I was casting an ability.

    This is really game breaking glitch, becauce:

    - You cannot use abilities

    - You cannot use quick-melee attacks

    - You cannot use consumables or other gear

    - You cannot revive other players

    - You cannot respawn after dying

    - The only thing you can do is to kill enemies with your primary/secondary weapons


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