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Posts posted by (PSN)waltsjr

  1. Sad that people can't form logical arguments, instead relying on ad hominem.

    Killing larvalings unintentionally is an issue, despite some of the burden of responsibility falling on the player, DE really should have approached things better.

    1. People seem to forget/ignore that on consoles the number of buttons is far fewer and the interact button, even if you remap, will likely overlap with another function. For me the interact button is also used to reload, which is used frequently.

    2. I have posted about a glitch/bug and heard of other people experiencing an unintentional larvaling kill, despite not initiating the finisher on the larvaling. I used a finisher on a nearby enemy and had the model switch to the larvaling during the animation. I also killed a larvaling by reloading when I shouldn't have been close enough to trigger the animation. Both of these glitches have been a problem since the beginning of the lich system, although was more frequently seen when killing thralls.

    3. Farming larvalings is mindless and can literally take hours to see the weapon you want, I farmed larvalings for 3 hours and still didn't see 6 of the kuva weapons. Yes, it is still partially the players fault for killing the larvaling. However, responding with "you're stupid" etc. is just ignoring how easy it is to make mistakes when you're essentially turning on auto pilot. There have been numerous studies into this sort of thing. Like even something as morbid as people forgetting their kids in the car has been shown to have a basis in them just going through the motions of a day. Although the player is still responsible for the mistake DE can still be faulted for making a gameplay loop that is not engaging, but rather extremely tedious even after the recent changes to the system.

    A secondary confirmation, even if it was just another (separate) button press would help bypass the first two issues and would take into account the player making mistakes due to the nature of the gameplay loop. There would be essentially no negatives from a gameplay perspective as the secondary confirmation would only delay you using a finisher on the larvaling for like a second, if you wanted the lich.

  2. I have killed two larvalings now that I never intended to kill. One was killed when i did a finisher on a different enemy, when I performed the finisher on the enemy the animation played, but the model switched to the model of the larvaling. I aborted the mission, but still gaind the lich.

    The other larvaling I killed happened from me reloading my weapon, despite not being close enough to the larvaling for the finisher prompt. I pulled the cord on my PS4, but still gained the lich upon starting up warframe.

    The changes to larvalings and the lich system is negated when you get stuck with a lich you don't want because of a glitch.

  3. Rescue missions have a problem where extraction will not show up after rescuing the target. Even if you manage to find the extraction without the waypoint it will not allow you to extract until it actually shows up, if it does at all. On top of that it takes a while for the UI to indicate the rescue target is down. Was playing a sortie rescue and extraction never showed up, then it notified me the rescue target was down with 1 second to revive him. Its a coin toss whether rescue missions are even able to be completed. Fix this broken mode.

  4. Ran the earth sabotage and couldn't find the last cache. Pretty sure I didn't miss it as I scoured the entire tileset for nearly an hour. I had on loot detecting mods and checked high and low for it, but never found it. I have included a video of one of my sweeps of the map I mark the locations where I found the other two caches, in the video you can also see I have on loot detection mods when an item dropped.

    If it's not a bug and I legitimately missed one, I would appreciate knowing where it is.


  5. Running into problems with the twin kohmaks where they will consistently stop shooting and forcibly go into the reload animation with ammo still in the magazine. Once I get this glitch the reload animation always occurs with the same amount of ammo in the magazine as the first time.

  6. Playing an arbitration survival and got instantly killed had nearly full health with nekros and shield of shadows up. Literally instantaneous death no chip damage, no status procs, no damage to my shield (i had overshield up too), just standing there one second the next I'm watching another player play.

    • Like 5
  7. Was playing sanctuary onslaught solo and upon moving to the next wave (wave 6) enemies did not immediately spawn. I went around the map to make sure I wasn't just missing them, but could not find any. Enemies did spawn later after about 30 seconds, which caused my efficiency to take a big hit and meant I got very little focus that wave.

  8. Was playing an arbitration survival and upon casting my fourth ability as Nekros I did not get the shield of shadows buff, despite having the augment equipped. I noticed that over on my ability list it also did not show the number of shadows I had summoned, so I thought it was just a UI glitch. However, my damage was not being reduced. I ended up getting killed quickly not much later despite having full health and being right next to my shadows.

  9. Went to claim some 10x cipher, 10x energy restore large, and 10x energy restore small that had finished building and it wouldn't allow me to. I switched to the gear tab pressed x twice  over one of the items and it forced me to spend platinum to claim the items.

    Don't really care about the platinum because it was so little, but the bug is annoying and would be very frustrating if it was a more expensive rush item.

  10. I play Trinity and was wondering how you guys kill vomvalysts without wasting void strike stacks.

    Usually I get a team that quick charges a lure, I drop off two, then when I collect the other 5 usually at least one more is charged I spam ignis while Terry is down and manage to charge enough that I can focus on charging VS. However, I'm wondering what to do when we're not this efficient.

    Someone said during the final phase if you stand over the eidolon the lures will kill and absorb vomvalysts automatically? Step 5 in the teralyst phase

    Other people recommend Itzal drones/crush.

    What do you guys do?

  11. Just tried a tridolon hunt with a group and during the second set of captures I would go into operator mode and while it said I was invulnerable my operator would do the death animation. This happened repeatedly and during the animation my health did not go down. If not for the death animation I would have assumed I transferred back in. After I transferred back into my warframe each time this happened I would immediately die.

    After the mission was done and my team went back to the gate the mission summary screen showed that I had no rewards. I checked my inventory after returning to my orbiter and had gained nothing from the mission.

  12. Lost my toroids and everything else during a farming session on Fortuna. Was farming for ~40mins then went down and my teammates extracted, teleported to the elevator, and the mission summary screen popped up empty. Checked toroid count through little duck and it was the same before the mission.

    Thank goodness I didn't get one of the pet 60/60 mods.

    • Like 1
  13. Hey I have a Plague Keewar riven (+116.3 Range, +92.8 Status Chance) and I was wondering what suggestions you guys had for zaw builds and mod setup.

    I was thinking

    Zaw: https://semlar.com/zawcalc/639

    Mods: Primed Pressure Point, Primed Reach, Primed Fury, Riven, Condition overload, Primed Fever Strike, Voltaic Strike, Drifting Contact

    I have only built one zaw before and suck at making a build unless I can test it, so any advice is appreciated.

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