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Posts posted by Endriago-Hunter

  1. 9 minutes ago, bugalien said:

    rewards: not great

    boss fight: i understand what they were going for but in execution its currently running pretty buggy, to be expected from first day though

    archwing gun: 10 minute cooldown???????? does not work well with the boss fight currently, really not great

    I understand whats needed to defeat the boss, but the main complaint I have is that i feel they really didnt explain the method of completion well enough throughout.  


    I agree.

    I get what they were going for but it's poor execution as usual. 

    Trim down the spawns (imo just the time the ships and etc roll in. If a team doesn't destroy the beacons that's on them), change the colour effects from the Orb so they don't blend with the snow, and instead of having to run around the boss to try and look up at the head and see what dmg type it is, add that to the UI where the bounty is tracked. 

    Basically just some fine tuning. Which wouldn't be needed and the player based wouldn't knee-jerk react if DE would just beta test content for once. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Salenstormwing said:

    It's not very obvious, and it's still ****ing annoying anyways. And unnecessary. If you can't burn down the first 2 phases fast enough, you're not going to do it on the 3rd, and you're just wasting your time. It isn't fun to have to burn through the guy and get to the last phase only to reason your team barely made it past the first 2 with a single revive left, let alone any archgun charges.

    I play this game to have fun. Phase 3 isn't fun. It's annoying and failing because of some stupid time limit just makes me hate it more.

    I think the whole fight could be slowed down a bit and it would help. I agree that it is far too chaotic right now. 

  3. 1 minute ago, BallisticSalsa said:

    I'd have all 4 sit up there.  Forces adds to come to your murder shroom and lets everyone benefit from volt shield.   This way you can take advantage of less tanky frames damage potential.  Potentially even use a mirage instead of chroma as their damage.

    Not a terrible idea. Even a good Saryn if you can keep the Null bubbles under control.

  4. 10 minutes ago, BallisticSalsa said:

    Something I'd like someone to test out with their friends.

    Camp on top the giant mushrooms in a frost bubble or something.  The taller the better.

    Good cover against adds.  Someone can snipe poles and saryn/mesa adds to get archwing ammo.

    Well that's something I was thinking you would do with a Chroma and Volt. Have a Frost and someone else clearing add's and etc while you wait for shield phases and etc

  5. 28 minutes ago, BallisticSalsa said:

    That's understandable to be honest.

    In terms of "new" the whole questline does add in  bunches fo small new things.  Fishing as a quest thing, multiple assassinations at once, synchronized switch pushing across the map, grounded archwing weapons, etc.

    The boss fight is ultimately a boss fight. But it is more complicated requiring observation of your surroundings and what the boss is doing, you'll have to build differently at the very least, it reminds me of WoW raid bosses tbh.  By contrast eidolon mostly comes down to "spam amp, shoot thing, hit 3 or 4 every once in a while.

    In all honesty, it could be fine with some tweaking. 

    The terrain makes the fight harder then it has to be (both physically and the Orb's aoe effects are harder to see on the snow). The rate of respawns and the frequency of some of the Orb's abilities. 

    DE does not beta test their content, never has. Content goes live and they fix and tweak as we go. That's the way it has always been and I expect several changes throughout the week.


    22 hours ago, mikami666134 said:

    Whoa we're getting into societies now? Please don't, im not intellectually equipped for that kind of discussions.

    let's focus on your main -or at least what i assumed to be- argument here.

    Let people be OP space ninjas. Don't you think that others who don't use MS (whether it is because they don't have it or just because they don't like to use it (like most of the posters above, good lord)) can't be OP simply because others is much , much more OP than they are?

    That's life. There is always someone better than you at something somewhere at sometime. If everyone is equally OP, then no one is OP. It's basic economics. If everyone is rich, is anyone rich anymore? What is rich now?

    If a Saryn, Ember, Nova and Memestrike Necros enter into whatever mission type, all modded correctly to be "OP" then it is going to come down to skill because everyone is going ot be on even footing. Say the Ember just hits 4 and goes AFK (pre-nerf), Nova does the same thing, and Saryn Just stands still hitting molt with spores, The MS guy is CLEARLY working a lot harder and at the end of  the mission they all have roughly 200-230 kills. And the MS guy has 30 more kills because he got a few before the others did by being out and about.

    I can't count how many times I have seen this. On either side of the equation.

    22 hours ago, mikami666134 said:

    Simply put :

    pre-nerf MS is the only thing that's OP, other melee weapon can't hope to challenge it save for a few exceptions.

    Post-nerf MS Many more weapon is "OP" because more weapon can still kill things without it being stolen by some dude sliding around.

    Or are you saying that it's fine to be OP, no matter what? Interestingly you agreed to changes WoF and RQ. Where do you draw the line i wonder? maybe we could start a discussion from there.

    Are you saying that room/map clearing abilities from standing still in a single spot and going AFK are equal in terms of someone having to manage to slide attack, navigate and survive hits? Even with a macro, it is no where near compared to hitting 4 and going to poop.

  7. 1 hour ago, Tellakey said:

    Imagine me boycotting Cd Project Red for not having competent enough a computer to run The Witcher 3. Little fact: I don't. My computer is too weak. But that's on me, not on the studio.

    A mediocre setup should be enough to get you through Warframe's entire content. I don't understand this juvenile outburst against DE for daring to stick the unvaulted relics in PoE, despite the fact that it's a loud minority having technical difficulties on account of their own PC's outdatedness. 

    You can't expect the studio to water the entire game down just to accommodate you. YOU must be the one to step up your game in order to keep up with the standards. Warframe was never advertised as a product for low-end computers. This is not Stardew Valley. It's an ever-evolving piece of work that, just like the entire gaming world, progressively demands more and more out of its clients. 

    The thing about DE? They actually DO pander to you, making their best to accommodate the lowest ends of computers, but even that's not enough.

    If you don't wanna upgrade - boohoo.

    If you cannot afford it - I'm sorry and you have my sympathies, but that's on nobody but you.

    Please stop demanding unrealistic compromises from the developers and start living in reality like an adult.

    I hate to be aggressive, but I think this time it's merited.


    Stop projecting your poverty people. It is not DE's fault or best interest to hold back a game because you cannot hold a job, or haven't finished collage yet or whatever reason you cannot afford to upgrade your potato. I've been there, I then finished school, got a job, kept it and pay my bills. You can too! Btu there is no one to blame but you!

    Besides PoE bounties are not THAT bad! And the more people that are playing there, then the better they can find and eliminate bugs and etc I hope.

  8. 19 minutes ago, Wolfdoggie said:

    I just did though and I'm a (top tier) player. A lot of them have awesome animations, useful procs and increased damage. Not everyone just spams their quick melee button, there are 'actual' melee players in WF. 

    Proof besides yourself or one or two people? Where is the data to prove this point?

    Maybe you should edit this to reflect that this is your opinion and not as-mater-of-fact?

  9. 1 hour ago, mikami666134 said:

    I think the flaw in those frames when compared to maiming strike is that they have some sort of delay before getting the kills (dps tick, skill travel time, casting animation) while MS is virtually instantaneous, and you don't really have to aim.

    I do agree that we should never lose the feel of becoming OP space ninja, hence it's why i think we should discuss what kind of nerf would be acceptable.

    I actually HIGHLY ENCOURAGE people to pay the above posts another visit. The nerf that most people agreed to is one that'll make MS weapon only have 30-50% of it's original dps potential. 

    That is more than enough to one shot rooms. But, it'll make it so MS is comparable with the frames you suggested at higher levels. The goal here is not making MS unusable, but to pull it down from its current place where it is a clear cut above the rest. (save for void stalker lacera; that thing got crits, 100 status with guaranteed corrosive procs, high attack speed, and farther range than whips.)

    TL;DR Read and understand the above posts people, we're better than this.

    I disagree. 

    I see no reason at all to change, nothing valid or concrete. I maintain that I personally do not care if it exists or not, since I do not use it outside of my Necros desecrate build which I could just slap my Lesion or Orthos prime on and do the same anyway.

    I just do not, at all, see a good reason why it should be changed. I can understand why Banshee and Ember are getting their changes, standing in one spot and pressing one button ever 2-3min is pretty dumb. But would I rage quit a match because I ended up with a WoF Ember on an exterminate and got like 3 kills? No. Because I'm not young enough to give a S#&$. Your life and the time you have is valuable and short, just sit back and have some fun and play a game. It is after all, just a game. And there are a million more missions to run after.

    I'll say it again, let people be OP space ninja's and have their fun, it's not at your expense, it barely effects you, go find your own fun and just be happy. Don't like how someone on a multiplayer game plays the game? Tough. Don't play multiplayer games or just don't play with those people. Easy as that. DE does not and should not have to bend and cater to every pissant that whines and cries. And then ruin the fun for everyone else.

    Does it affect the game as a whole balance wise? No. Does it affect the individual player? Realistically no. Do a minority of players chose to let someone else's idea of fun bother them? Yes.

    The whole thing is just ridiculous and reflects the pampered, pissant, snowflake society we've entered in the last decade.

  10. 13 hours ago, Marekthejester said:

    The reason is very very simple :

    Why do people play warframe ? Because it's fun.
    What's so fun about warframe ? Killing hordes of ennemies.

    So now, tell me, why would someone be alllowed to ruin other people's fun by preventing them to land even a single hit on those hordes ? 

    Warframe might be a not competitive PvE game, but that doesn't mean that everyone need to be allowed to do anything. Lack of balance and overpowered stuff makes players unhappy and unhappy player is bad for DE. 

    Also stop with this argument of "why don't you just sit down and enjoy your free ride ?". If i play a mission no matter wich, i want to play the game, i want to use my weapon, kill some ennemies, not watch another spin like beyblade and killing everything in font of me.

    Wait, let me understand something here. Just so we are clear.

    Your fun > My fun? Because that's exactly what you are are implying here.

    If your logic was applied, Banshee, Ember, Nidus, Nova, Saryn, Frost, Mirage and pretty much every frame that has AOE dmg of any sort should be removed/reworked. As well as pole-arms, staffs and whips. You want this game to better suit how you want to play it. Well in your own words "Unhappy player is bad for DE" Because if DE did that people would leave in the hundreds, because obviously these frames, weapons and mods like maiming are HUGELY popular. 

    People play WF to feel like an OP space ninja. Let them. 

    Again I ask, why let other peoples fun ruin your fun? Just smile and be happy they are happy and be happy alongside them and in the next mission you get to be a bad &#!. I mean, unless you are one of those people that just don't have the frame/weapon/mod's to compete. Which, hey you'll get there!

    PS - As for the frames I mention, there are obviously more, and more combo's of frames weapons and mods that allow a frame or weapon to clear rooms, maps and carry teams. All the frames I listed are ones I have, and I use, and do carry and "hog" kills with. Easily and without maiming strike. It's hard to pick one but my current favorite right now is an avalanche Frost, I get all the kills and my teammates can afk and take no dmg for the rest of the mission! Or Mirage with my Zarr or Ignis XD 

    I have maiming strike but so rarely use it as there are far, far better ways to get all the kills! 

  11. I don't see why it needs to be changed at all.

    If this is how someone enjoys their game, let them. It's not a competitive game. If their play style bothers you, you should maybe step away for a bit and do some soul searching to find out why you are so insecure and care about other peoples enjoyment. 

    I just don't understand why people feel the need to whine and cry and go "OMG NERF XYZ! IT'S TOO OP!" in a PvE game that is not competitive. If this was like, PUBG or LoL or something then yeah I could see why someone might be annoyed about balance or scores. But for a PvE game, with no competitive leader-board or anything, who cares? If you are pugging, and run into a memestrike Necros, oh well extra drops and a quick mission! Finish and then go do something else. 

    There are a lot of weapons and frames that trivialize most content if not all content in the game currently, and you can see that DE is (slowly) addressing this. And I suspect eventually memestrike, among other mods,weapons and frames will all be hit with a nerf bat, but something will always replace it, be it new or old.

  12. As stated by the OP.

    There is nothing wrong with Loki, it's the players. Much in the same way that there is nothing wrong with Limbo, it can be a great frame when used right. But ultimately both frames are used by lazy, selfish players. 

    A radial disarm Loki is AMAZING in group play. Disarming an entire wave of mob's in a defense is just fantastic! But a max stealth duration Loki? selfish, but arguably does help the team if they are actually killing things and not hiding in a corner or something -_- 

  13. In a PvE game (let us be real, there is no pvp in WF) I never understood why there even needs to be balance changes as heavy as DE does. I'd understand if there was some kind of competitive mode or for the scores at the end of a mission, and I'd almost believe that if not for Ember prime, or Saryn or Nova. Maybe it's to not trivialize the content to keep players engaged, and I'd believe that if not for Ember prime, Saryn, Nova or several other frames that can pretty much turn on an ability and go AFK and have been able to since they came out.

    I'd be interested to see the break down of why this particular change was made, while one of my most used weapons currently, I have also been searching for a replacement anyway and now have much more reason to do so.

  14. 17 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

    Many swear by the Molt Augment but I never found it necessary, Medi-Ray and killing stuff out of line of sight FTW :P

    Of course, don't forget your high-status Gas weapons, e.g. Ignis Wraith and Pox are good 'uns.

    I have the same feelings about Molt,never seen a need to use it yet. Maybe if you were solo running a 2hr+ Endless mission or something? But at that point, you are gonna get one shot by a lot of things anyway so it's kinda moot.

    I have a 5 forma Ignis Wraith and Pox that I LOVE! Infested Cernos was alright for a bit.

    don't forget Lesion! 

  15. Coming to the forum to make a post will likely yield in either a locked thread, some trolling , or added suspension time.

    Or all the above. Suggest you make a support ticket instead young one.


    PS- the classic "My little brother did it" hasn't worked since 1995, if ever.

  16. 1 hour ago, abdulsalam200 said:

    Hi! :smile:I am a Warframe gamer, I play it on PC edition I am here to apologize for a reason I got suspended in a game online chat I can still play the game but I cant do chatting anymore This is my first time i got suspend that happened cause of my little brother He was playing on my PC and i really/swear don't know what he did but I promise I will not let that happen again, I really enjoy playing Warframe everyday so

    please understand/appreciate my conditions. (Sorry for my bad English or my letter may looks not clear for you)

    Thx for reading my letter! :heart:


    The "It was my little brother" slick is as old as the internet it self. Find yourself a more original lie. :crylaugh:

  17. Seems like a silly question to me.

    But since I enjoy being part of the PC master race, I wouldn't know how the consoles work so correct me if I am wrong but isn't WF an "always connected" game? So how could you even play without the membership? One comes with the other I would assume.

  18. Gem's like these are great.

    Corinth, and Zarr are two of my favorite weapons. 

    I love the Zarr because it's Barrage fire acts like a shotgun, but mods for a rifle.

    My other favorite right now is the Attica on Ivara.

    I always encourage people to step out of the meta and play with some of the other, fun weapons. ^^ 

  19. On 1/22/2018 at 4:33 PM, Varacal said:

    too bad it still counts towards their sortie completion


    Limbo's are the worst.

    20 hours ago, MagPrime said:

    It's internet mythos.  I've met plenty of unpleasant Canadians. 

    Like myself! Proud to break that ridiculous stereotype. 

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