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Posts posted by IG088

  1. On 2020-11-20 at 7:28 PM, CarrotSalad said:

    So having switched to a new higher resolution 34 inch, 10bit, VA, (6ms, 144hz) computer monitor. I've been running settings fully cranked to try and trigger some of these exagerated brightness/darkness transitions that was obvious on my older TN, 24 inch (144hz, 1ms). The transitions are'nt as extreme but its still there.

    Solution for me is disabling Depth of Field and Bloom 50%. Or enabling everything (including motion blur) which does help slightly reduce the exagerated bright flashes.



    Thanks, will have to try this out.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Sasha_The_Lynx said:

    Fricken, jikes ._.

    Good thing that the grineer dont use LED Armors, that be their ultimate weapon against us.

    But for real, this is horrible, and for someone who suffers from migraines, it makes playing more difficult, and i have been trying to find ways to counter this Migraine Exposure. One idea i have yet to try, but thinking of is using Reshade with EyeAdaption with reverse values. No idea if that would work but, if it does, then that be quite the win for us with migraine problems.

    After looking into Reshade a bit, I'm a little hesitant to try it since someone is claiming they got VAC banned from using it while playing CS:GO recently in Reshade's forums. Granted they didn't know what punctuation or capitalization were, buuuuuut... I'd be interested to hear your results.

  3. After playing a bit more frequently than I had been since the update, I am noticing that even with my light filter on I am starting to get issues with headaches even in dark environments like kuva survivals after 20 minutes due to the screen randomly assaulting me with a glare-fest. It also makes enemies in some cases impossible to see for periods of time after some random light effect goes off.

    Who cares if it is less performance intensive in some random ways than it was 12 years ago? Computers have gotten alot better since then. Give me back my option to disable trash lighting options that strive to make your game unplayable. Even my buddy who doesn't play with a light filter was complaining about the flashing and was asking me was was up with it (and I hadn't said anything).

    I don't know what is up with Warframe's determination to simulate and worsen all the flaws of biological eyeballs in a game where you are playing as a cybernetic ninja robot. Please stop.

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  4. I am more light sensitive than most people. In order to play Warframe for longer than 30 minutes without getting a headache, I have always had most lighting effects disabled. In addition, for the past 4 years or so I have played with a light filter app as well, cranking blue light down as hard as I can while still being able to see my environment by using one of the lowest settings on the light filter app.

    This lets me play comfortably as long as I don't spend any time on Fortuna or PoE. Eidolons have never been worth the eye cancer for me. Sometimes I get unlucky with squad and have to leave at the start but I've gotten used to it (revanent/octavia/limbo/frost/mirage/etc with blinding energy colours). This has influenced my playstyle as well, and is one of the reasons I prefer maining melee support whenever I can: to spend as much time away from my own squad's abilities as possible while still buffing the group and fulfilling objectives.

    I am actually mildly optimistic about the upcoming open world because the darker colour scheme means I might be able to spend some time there without going blind. but with this change to mandatory glare, who knows. Dynamic exposure is something I have always had disabled and am excited to discover over time what other content this change will prevent me from playing.


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  5. I agree also, would love a toggle. It sucks having an inflexible control scheme ruining the investment in a combo counter build due to holding down the attack input slightly too long, which is so easy to do accidentally with these high attack speed builds. A toggle would be a great resolution to ensure that heavy attack, combo-counter, and hybrid heavy efficiency builds all remain equally viable in the new melee system meta without control scheme issues interfering and getting in the way.

    I rebound my melee attack to LMB and my gun trigger to a side mouse button. Because obviously that is the correct control scheme, but can't stop occasionally throwing my combo counter away for nothing.

    Of note pertaining to this problem, Xandypants did a great youtube video a few days ago on Heavy Combo Efficiency builds, that use that stat to reduce how much of the combo counter is eaten up by each heavy attack. Of course, this build is only really viable on a few weapons, and the builds have their own pros and cons as well. So the only way to even mitigate the issue (not the same as resolve) is to either sacrifice a mod slot and add some potentially unwanted electric damage, or get a line of +Heavy Combo Efficiency line on a Riven mod for the weapon. Serious combo counter builds will be running Naramon for combo preservation, so I don't feel that using Zenurik for the heavy combo efficiency is a viable workaround for something that happens unintentionally and probably not frequently enough to build for, but frequently enough to be annoying for someone who doesn't use any macros and prefers to manually input each melee weapon strike.

    @Nathren - Thanks for letting me know about sword and shields not having this problem. Final Harbinger one of my favourite stances anyways, but I wish I didn't have this problem with scythes and dual swords.

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