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Posts posted by RangerZer0o

  1. Is it possible that we get this as option? like it should be a future because some weapons when I aim with the screen is just zoomed in like way than it should be I really wanted as FOV slider for ADS to make it more salifying and relaxing to the eyes like if you used the Soma and ads with it - it will zoom in like deep but if we had a less zoom option when Ads that would be awesome & I don't want to relay on Rivens  just to get negative zoom to make my eyes relaxed or some of the incarnon weapons like come on some games got that options and hats off to them for making that so why not making it as option so everyone enjoys the game even more with the weapons he like - like actually some weapons I don't use because of that zoom so ads fov slider would be a solid option to the game ❤️

    Thank you and please make it happen.

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  2. The weapon Called Shedu - every single game i use it - it shot some times and then after that it won't shot anymore fixing it by dying but still the same problem it keeps happening every time i can't use this weapon anymore Some ppl have this weapon and got no problem and some have problems Please Please Please DE Fix this already you made a lot of hot fixes last update but you didn't fix that please Fix It 

    Thank you..

  3. Hello the new update was really good but there is a problem now..The new arm canon the shedu is buged every time i use it - it shot some shots and after that it just stuck and all i can hear i clicking on the weapon not working every single match i join it works for a mins and then pop its stuck and can't be used anymore like its really really annoying please Fix that a week past and still no fix for shedu 

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