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Posts posted by JohnTheCynic

  1. Oh boy.


    Let's break this down piece by piece why, subjectively, your suggestions are not that great. Your suggestion for gaining MR by doing raids (read: anything that's not Draco) is already in the game. One can net a tidy sum of MR by completing the Star Chart, and one can't even say that completing the Star Chart is grinding; it's the "campaign" of the game, and not completing it is equivalent to not finishing the game. Willingly ignoring the completion of it is limiting oneself from game content.


    Second, the MR system is in the game to make it fair for old players. If MR wasn't in, lowbies could easily get the "meta" guns and frames in 5 days of play while veterans had to wait months or years for the content to be released. Didn't the Soma get bumped up in MR because so many lowbies were just rushing it for the meta?


    Third, the MR system is, as some others have probably explained, a way to ensure lowbies can experience other weapons and train themselves in the game mechanics before being allowed to use more powerful equipment. In a game which now has raids and PvP, a newbie who has the guns to fight in those gamemodes being put into a session with veterans can be the difference between victory and defeat.


    Fourth, limiting XP per day is utter bullcrap. Some people enjoy grinding. There are games in the market specifically designed to cater to people who love grinds. Is that fair to them if XP limits are in place? Instead of continuing their play session, they might as well leave since they don't receive any more rewards. If that's your idea of preventing people leaving the game, you're sorely mistaken. EDIT::Also considering this is a PvE game at the core, does it really affect newbies that somebody has the option to grind all day?


    Finally, you just did the equivalent of plugging your ears and making noise when veteran players offered you criticism. One, this is a forum, not a one on one with Digital Extremes. Two, you're implying that new players know exactly what's wrong with the game at the moment instead of the people who have played since Closed Beta, or U8. Three, that's just extremely childish, let's be honest.


    If you want to tell me that my opinions aren't wanted, I'm MR16 and been playing since Pre-Op Sling Stone. Have a nice day.

  2. Honestly, I would not like to see PvP as it is right now (fighting other players directly) have a larger role in everyday Warframe. There's not much else DE can do to expand it without infringing upon the lore of current PvP, which is that it's a friendly sport between the Tenno and to help hone skills against more skilled opponents.




    To sate the PvP appetite for a majority of players, I would reckon expanding the Conclave to at least 4 v 4 and add the ability to put limitations (I haven't really touched Conclave yet, but I am aware that the current limitations is that you cannot equip a lot of high-end weapons, Warframes, and mods and expect to get into Conclave 100) such as melee only, powers only, etc. Another suggestion that comes to mind is PvP, but not direct PvP. Maybe have a team of 4 race through a ship as fast as they can while staying undetected and the other team has to beat that time? If I'm not mistaken, that seems very lore-friendly.


    Another suggestion would be to remove K:D ratio. Just remove it, burn it at the stake, bury it, and stomp on it for good measure. Most, if not all, competitive atmospheres are ruined - in my opinion - by one or more players trying everything in their power to prevent dying and getting more kills. The much better thing to keep track of progress in PvP would be W:L ratio, especially if more team-based objective games are added to PvP (read above: time trials, CTF, deception mission, etc.) From my times playing games such as Battlefood 3, Haylo 4, And Tea Eff Two, I am more impressed with myself if I can say, "Wow, I just won that game. It was a close match, but we pulled through," rather than saying "Wow, I just tripled my K:D ratio on those schlubs."


    Off topic of suggestions to better PvP and avoid the ultra-competitive atmosphere, I would never like to see clan invasions, PvP style. I personally don't want to see my small clan being trumped by a Mountain Clan time and time again. Before anybody says anything about this statement, though, I'd like to point out I said invasion. If both clans agree to a war games kind of gametype, sure, have at it. Enjoy yourselves. But I really, really don't want to see clans focused on the main game (PvE) being invaded by clans focused on PvP.


    tl;dr: I don't like PvP, but if it expands, do it right by including gametypes other than TDM and don't allow clan invasions.

  3. I actually was using the Ignis day one of Damage 2.0 and I noticed this "bug" (be honest, we have no idea what it is). From what I understand, Serration doesn't affect Ignis' innate fire damage the way it should, if not at all. It is incredibly frustrating that a clan weapon is so underwhelming even at mid-to-high rank.


    Back on topic, I think that Serration or other mods like it affect the Impact/Puncture/Slash values. I tested it via equiping Serration on my Ignis (rank 7, only ~2 damage bonus) and equiping Hornet Strike on my Dual Vastos (rank 5, effectively doubled the damage output per value per shot as predicted). I haven't tested other innate elemental damage weapons apart from the Ignis.

  4. Brother and I were going on an alert mission when Stalker showed up after I discovered him. However, no lights flashed and my brother never got warned by Stalker (I knew he was after my brother because when he got killed, he died for good). The Stalker had been in our mission for about 45 seconds before we noticed him. I'm not sure if this is an isolated incident or not.

  5. After a Ruk run, my clanmates and I killed a shield grineer running away. I was downed, and out of boredom, shot the body. The funny thing is, hit markers and damage pop-ups continued appearing. So far from my knowledge, shooting dead enemies will continue registering hits as long as the corpse is around.

  6. I just ran a mission with my brother when Stalker appeared. I climbed on top of a box (yes, I know he drags you off of them now, but I wanted to witness it) and sure enough, he pulled me down. However, after pulling my down, he went through three, very rapid animations of preparing for Slash Dash, then charged at me, hitting me with three Slash Dashes and KO'ing me instanly from 660-ish shields and 600-ish health as an Excalibur. I'm certain it was indeed three hits because my shields briefly broke before I was killed.


    EDIT: Before anybody says anything, he does not kill me in one hit without this triple-hit glitch/bug/update/whatever. A few missions prior, he slashed me once and it only brought my shields down to 100. Also, I did not record/take screenshots of this event. It was a little too sudden.

  7. I never really noticed a buff. The general gist of fighting him is to advance/retreat to a crate, hop on top of it, crouch down, and let your teammates demolish him while he can't hit you with his bow. That's what worked in Update 8, and it still works in Update 10.7 (about the length I've been playing). They really need to do something so Stalker can counter our advanced box maneuvers.


    In all honesty, I appreciate that he can cancel Rhino's Iron Skin. Maxed out, Rhino can tank almost anything. However, I agree with several posts that he needs to be more than a "cancel, then destroy Tenno" enemy. I personally haven't seen his abilities in use against caster/stealth class Warframes, but I'm assuming that their abilities are cancelled as well (save for Loki's Invisibility).


    tl;dr: Stalker needs to be an enemy that's feared by his skill, not by bullsh*t abilities.

  8. I was running through a mission with my brother and were separated by a lockdown caused by a shattered window leading into space. I hacked the panel, but noticed it could be repeatedly hacked. I only hacked it twice, once to seal the shattered windows, and a second time because I thought I failed the hack. I'm assuming one could hack a panel three to four times trying to seal a window.

  9. -quote-


    Of course:




    Our Victory at Gradivus

    He runs like a coward. He watches his profits crumble. Grineer feast atop the broken heaps of his defeated children. There was never any other fate. There was only ever one outcome. He knows what comes next.

    You made the right choice. You became Grineer. You have earned your rewards.

    And I, I will remember how you have served me.

    -Sargas Ruk




    We'll see what DE has up their sleeves for any potential additions. :D


    EDIT: I find it foreboding that Sargas Ruk mentions "You became Grineer".

  10. -quote-


    Indeed, we don't know how many Tenno were rescued, and as you pointed out, we don't even know how the Tenno work. I personally believe that each Tenno is indeed a person and not an avatar, as some believe. Yes, it's possible that the Tenno are indeed avatars and just share a consciousness between bodies. However, it is equally possible that the Warframes that are presented to us is a type of "class", and that some genders are more suseptible or downright only able to use a certain class, similar to implants of sorts to aid in Warframe use (which would explain why Ember, Trinity, Nyx, Nova, etc. are female, and Rhino, Frost, Excalibur, Loki, etc. are male).


    I doubt that the Grineer will actually honor any efforts we did during the event as well. Both factions in the war are still enemies, and I don't doubt we would be betrayed regardless of the outcome of the war.


    I agree that the rewards were a little skewed from the beginning. I personally didn't play as soon as the event started, but I did engage in the event a day later. I still got a good grasp of the imbalanaced rewards, though. Credits vs. potatoes, blueprints, and rarer materials. It would be better if you chose a camp at the beginning of the event without prior knowledge of the rewards, didn't know the battle pay per battle, or even just had equal rewards. There was one mission I noticed that had a Catalyst for both sides and the Grineer won it; however, it was one day before the event ended and was probably won for the Grineer because of people already settling on a Grineer victory.


    It'll be interesting to see what DE will do about this player-made political climate and possible repurcussions from the war, from both sides. Maybe even the Infested will become involved. Maybe the Grineer settle the wrong solar system and release an outbreak?


    I don't want to see more Grineer units, honestly. I think the Corpus need a hefty update. During the Dilemma, they used Crewman and Technicians as front-line troops. Maybe it's time DE makes a Corpus marine unit? I realize that the Corpus are traders and scavengers, but would any trader rely on only the crewmen to defend/attack something? It'd also be great to see DE emphasize the Corpus' technical prowess by adding "engineers" of sort, who could deploy portable turrets or other defensive weapons/structures. On a slightly related note, it would be very interesting to see more indigenous wildlife on planets, similar to Phobos.

  11. I sided with the Grineer almost immediately, due to my undying loyalty to the Tenno cause. I won't lie. I saw that Tenno were in immediate danger and I reacted opposite of sacrificing those unnamed, unknown Tenno.


    However, as the war progressed, I literally sat for an hour or two per day, jotting down notes and contemplating each side's story and angle. Yes, I was aware that I was sacrificing unknown denizens of planets to be conquered by the Grineer. Yes, it was a heavy moral decision to let that happen and serve the needs of the few (in this case, the unknown Tenno that were seized by Alad). Yes, in hindsight after reviewing your notes, maybe sacrificing our imprisoned Tenno would have been better to keep the peace of the galaxy.




    I respectfully disagree with your views that siding with the Corpus might have been better in the long run to stabilize the galaxy (currently, it's really late and I have probably hastily summarized your stance on the war). Sure, if the Corpus were able to stand their ground and push the Grineer back, the Grineer would have been depraved of potential power gain. However, as the past events have shown us (and some lore), the Corpus are driven by the alluring desire of trade and money, which is most notably summed up by the destruction of Tenno to further their own interests. With the Tenno Alad had seized, his "project" (the name of it currently eludes me) could have easily been reversed on the now-dwindling numbers of Tenno and destroyed even more Tenno. If I am not mistaken, we are already on the brink of extinction. If we were to lose even more Tenno, our goal to stabilize relations would fail since we would be lacking the men and women to perform the necessary tasks to ensure peace. Thankfully, with the Tenno we have seized from Alad, our numbers have been bolstered (however, none of us know how many Tenno have been reclaimed). With the extra Tenno to support us, we can limit Grineer control by attacking or sabotaging the cloning facilities on Earth, which would help bring the Tenno ever closer to the goal of galactic stability.


    Also, from a political standpoint, we have actually stabilized our relation to the Grineer. The past two operations (once again, the names elude me) cast us as the antagonists to their cause: we destroyed over one million of their Informers and destroyed dozens upon dozens of their ships. With this victory, it is very possible that the Grineer have "forgiven" us for what we have done to them. However, I don't count on it. Since I mentioned the Corpus could have easily betrayed us upon a potential Corpus victory, it is equally possible that the Grineer will betray us now. Time will tell how the battle will go.


    We both know that events in life are not black and white. This event proves that easily. Both factions had great promises, but also drastic drawbacks. Every Tenno who participated in the war had to weight each pro and each con, and had to decide which outcome would be better in the long run.




    Sorry if I misunderstood some of your points or even skipped some. As I said, it's getting late where I am and I desperately need some rest. If you as so kind to respond, we can discuss the potential repurcussions of this event when I have more energy. :)


    I am also very sincere when I said I spent several hours thinking about the war and it's outcome. Even now, I think what could happen and will probably continue doing so until the next event is released.


    I'll be looking forward to what this Grineer victory will have in store for the fate of the Tenno and of the galaxy.

  12. My three clanmates and I have been trying to play with each other through the event. However, whenever we connect to one another and begin playing, all but the host experience latency issues (such as teammates standing still, time has to pass for hits to register, time has to pass for items to be retrieved, etc.). We all have decent computers, decent internet, and have switched who hosts the game 3 times, including myself. Several internet reboots have not helped, and we have also made sure that the ports are forwarded correctly. The four of us do not have a strict NAT rating. Can somebody offer some suggestions on what the problem might be?


    Side note: we played yesterday together and it was latency-free. Today, however, is not.

  13. While I was doing a hostage rescue, the hostage got downed. I went to revive him and did so successfully, but then my whole HUD locked up. The minimap wouldn't move in relation to my movements, my recticle was frozen in a reload circle, and my shields, health, and ammo count never updated. It was very difficult to try to escape (I failed) because I literally couldn't see where I was going since the minimap never updated. I'm not entirely sure if this bug has happened for anybody else or if it's exclusive to hostage missions, and I haven't tried replicating it yet.

  14. I died 4 times doing 3 void runs yesterday night, sacrificing all of my self-revives. This morning, with my friend, I died again at the hands of Raptor and he failed to revive me in time. However, when I died, I found that I had another 4 self-revives and could actually revive myself with said revives. After the mission, I reviewed my armory and found that I had 3/4 revives remaining. After another mission, they went back down to 0. I didn't die again afterwards to confirm this possible bug, but:


    In short: I expended my 4 daily revives, didn't buy more, died again, got another 4 strangely, then they disappeared afterwards. Note, this was before the daily reward was given to me (I live on Pacific, GMT-8, so I get my reward at 5PM. Lost my revives around 10PM, noticed bug at around 11AM today).

  15. Yall tend to be of the opinion that if you use any weapon other than the Lex, you will miss every bullet. It's silly. I like how absolutley the only weapon you guys are complaining about in my list is the Lex -- The Vulkar is terrible for all the same reasons! Did you see that I didn't mention the Lanka, Snipetron/Vandal, or even the bows? Because they are FAR better at what they do, than the Lex.


    The Lex and Vulkar are byproducts of bad design when DE thought that Sniper rifles should have god aweful magazine caps and god-aweful fire rate and reload time. The Snipetron Vandal is an example of a good sniper rifle that doesn't suffer from the above mentioned.

    I only mentioned the Lex because it's the only weapon I really care about that is on the list and one that I have used personally.


    I bolded the above text because I didn't know Lex was a sniper. I thought it was a handgun. At least, I always use it as a handgun, not as a primary. I use a Gorgon for that. The italicized text is there because that's the balancing factor to accurate weapons. During my usage of the Lex, I modded it to have reliable fire rate, almost as fast as I could hit the mouse button.


    I also never said you will miss every bullet using any other weapon. Hell, I even mentioned sniper rifles up yonder. Yes, I might have exaggerated that laying down on the trigger = no hitter, but let's be honest: by the time I empty my Gorgon at a far enemy, my friend will have already sniped 8 others with his Snipetron Vandal. And I'm fine with that. My Gorgon is better at medium-close ranges, his sniper isn't. Mutual partnership and all that jazz.

  16. I usually don't agree with posts like this, telling people to avoid X weapon and take Y weapon. The game has 70+ weapons for a reason: variety. It's up to everybody to use what they want. Some of the weapons, yes, should be avoided. But some people prefer said weapons and I won't berate them for doing so. Hell, I used the MK-1 Braton for a while because of it's solid performance across the border in it's class (rifle). However, in team play, it's much better to be specialized. One guy uses a slow, but high damage primary, one uses a high firerate, relatively weak rifle, and everybody else supports with other weapons, usually shotguns to get close-up enemies.The way this post makes me feel is that you're trying to make every player into a one-man army, which usually doesn't work.


    About the Lex vs. Kunai, yes, I crunched the numbers myself and highly-modded Kunai are better than the Lex, DPS-wise. However, the Kunai's downfall is travel time, gravity, and "bloom". The Lex is a metaphorical beast at oneshotting/headshotting people at a respectable distance because of it's laserlike accuracy, no travel time, and not being affected by gravity. In short, it's easier to hit a moving target at range with the Lex than the Kunai. And I might be alone in this statement, but I prefer accurate weapons over weapons that can't hit the side of a barn door. The farther I engage the enemy, the less chance they get to engage me once they get in range to return fire.


    Also, DPS isn't everything. I'm sure a few people have said that. DPS doesn't mean a damn thing if 1) you can't hit the target, and 2) you're out of ammo because you've been busy spraying and praying.


    However, I will give your guide credit for one thing: it'll help people who are interested in DPS a good guide.

  17. Call me technologically unsavvy, but how exactly do I access the page to make my clan emblem? Whenever I use the link found in the launcher, I'm directed to a page where it refuses to let me in, claiming I don't have access. Even when logged in, it doesn't change. Can anybody help?

  18. Yeah, currently, a warframe's ability to use Invisibility (not sure about Ash's Smoke Screen, though) does not extend to the sentinel. I'm not entirely sure if it's intentional or not, however, so I really can't offer if it's truly a bug or not. The only way to cloak yourself and sentinel is to allow it to Ghost.


    Also, about your disappearing accessories on your Shade while Ghosting, I'm not really sure if that's that big of a deal. After all, it's invisible while it's Ghosting. However, it is still a bug, yes.

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