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Posts posted by Khaz-0

  1. On 2018-07-04 at 10:17 AM, (PS4)NeroRedgrave said:

    Nice work. I love that painting style.

    Thanks a ton!! I know it's not super popular style but I'm glad a few people like it! ❤️


    Also, new addition to my first post for those interested! A swell drawing of Nezha and Rhino! 😄

  2. Sorry for the double post!

    Just leaving an update post here for those interested. Instead of making multiple threads for my art, I decided to turn this first post into a box of sorts to drop all my future artworks like many did before me. For those concerned, feel free to comment on either the new or old art! It's never too late to welcome new comments with open arms!

    With this, I wish you all an awesome day/night!

  3. On 2018-06-24 at 12:56 PM, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    i like the pieces flow 

    Thanks! I'm glad it got noticed! The S flow worked out very very well in the end!


    On 2018-06-28 at 3:07 AM, Star said:

    I love it! I really get a vibe like its the cover for an anime series that I'm about to get super into. 

    Yoooo! That is super awesome that you think such. It was what I was going for and if a single person gets that feeling, my work was worth it! Thanks a ton! ❤️

  4. 10 hours ago, Aeon94 said:

    Its absolutely beautiful :O

    Only if we had THAT cool mohawk hairstyle for operator 😞

    Thank you kindly! Maybe when we'll get the hairstyle revamp, the current mohawk will get closer to that look! Here's hoping for the best!


    9 hours ago, Echoes said:

    Aaaah, I need that female(¿?) operator as a glyph x_x

    Male or female? That is a very good question indeed! 😜

    But hey! A glyph of this cutie would be amazing! I'm sure more than a few would like one of those! 

  5. Hello everyone!

    So I've been wanting to draw something Warframe related for a loooong time but I never got the chance until today. With it done now, I would like to share it around a bit and maybe get some feedback if you think something can be improved! Otherwise, I'm pretty satisfied with it and I hope others will enjoy it too!

    Posted on 08/08

    Title: Good boi Nezha and big daddy Rhino.



    Posted on 04/07

    Title: Gods waiting for a new dawn of war.



    Posted on 22/06

    Title: We're in this together


  6. 1 hour ago, Sarge_Tarmus said:

    I think, Lotus took his body, to rebuilt it with some Sentient technology.

    Hopefully, it was his plan all along. It would be an interesting twist that could explain why he was so easily thwarted in the chapter. But then again, why would he go to that length? He created the Sentients or if not him, the Orokin did. They have the technology to make more and even control them.


    1 hour ago, aligatorno said:

    He isn't dead, but I do agree that they've completely dropped the ball with that ending boss fight, if you can even call it that since you just fight what you`ve fought throughout the quest. 

    Most likely they rushed it to get it done, such a powerful and important character didn't deserve to be used in such a weak way. 

    Hopefully, he isn't. Ballas had a lot of story with Umbra and the Dax but no emotional resonance with us as players and to our Operator aside from the fact he took Lotus and didn't taunt us in the slightest in doing so. At least not in this particular chapter. He needed more development and his involvement in the story was indeed far too important to be a mere plot device for the next chapter.


    59 minutes ago, ShopCat said:

    he will come back for sure, there is no way that was a fatal wound  

    I really hope so too. But that scene really felt final. I hope it's just an unintentional hiccup in the writing.


    55 minutes ago, (PS4)Shaun-T-Wilson said:

    He was the stone, she was the hand

    When the thrown stone is more interesting than the hand, you have made a mistake. You have spent a powerful ammunition on a misfire.


    53 minutes ago, Aleksi134 said:

    Yea it was kinda sad there was no big boss fight at all. Bu at the same time i understand what he did, he thought he could stop us with simply controlling umbra. I feel like we will have a boss fight with him later anyway.

    I understand that it came as a surprise for him but at the same time, it is very uncharacteristic of what we know of him. He knows the Tennos, he knows the Warframes, he knows the powers behind the Transference... Unless he staged his ''pathetic demise'' as a calculated move, I don't see how he could have been caught by surprise by that.


    31 minutes ago, JellalOuma said:

    Hey guys i wanted to know that something happened in the man in the wall, he told "hey kiddo, did you finally accept it", yes, I killed Issah, "good"

    Isaah is the name of the Dax soldier Umbra killed after his transformation into a Warframe. Our operator is confusing his memories with Umbra's I believe.

  7. So I went through the Sacrifice like many others and I enjoyed myself greatly! I wish to thank DE for the great work again and I am eager to see more in the future! I wish it was a little bit longer but overall, I enjoyed it!

    Though, I must say... My one and only complaint(and the first since I started playing the game) is that the battle at the end against Ballas was very anti-climatic. Unlike the Grineer Queen who had a good build-up, a satisfying ending, the promise of future repercussions(through the second Queen and your choices) as well as a new dungeon to explore, Ballas' end felt flat. The Orokin was built up as a mysterious, calculating, manipulating and powerful entity and truly a promising villain for the future of the series with a FANTASTIC voice actor. He orchestrated many of the events of the past and is no doubt the reason everything is as is in the universe of Warframe and took away our Space Mom! His death was premature and his potential underestimated in my personal opinion. He should have done even more to make his defeat more personal for our Operator and us as players.

    Of course, that is my opinion as a fellow storyteller. I welcome everyone to share their thoughts if they have any on the matter. But this leads to my childish and unreasonable request if it's not too late already. Don't kill off Ballas already! I want more of him!

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