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Posts posted by Rafa1910

  1. I'm 100% serious. Last night my friends and I were farming the void for Mag prime parts and we got 12 forma blueprints in approx 20 runs of the void.




    What am i even supposed to do with 12 forma?!


    Added to the fact that I now got forma as a log-in reward 2 days running :I


    DE you are just losing money like this.


    "I want a part to make a crap weapon but all I keep finding is forma! DE pls!"


    Just when i thought this couldnt get any worse.

  2. I dont like playing a co-op shooter game solo. Maybe you enjoy playing it solo, but solo is boring for me. Having a team with me to talk with and have fun with makes the whole experience alot more enjoyable.

    But I lik how you assume I like solo in a co-op game. Its cute. Stupid, but cute.

    You dont enjoy playing solo, but you dont enjoy playing with people who dont play the same way as you. There are clans you know? Why dont you just join one and stop whining about people playing the way they like?

    I like how you imply I said you have to enjoy playing solo. Its stupid, and not cute. If you dont enjoy playing with rushers either whats the difference? If you want them to get to extraction and leave the mission whats the difference? Its exactly the same as playing solo and you wont enjoy it.

    Oh, but you want to join random games and get 3 people that play as you do, and everyone else can F*** off.

    My point still remains, if you join public games you have to be willing to put up with random people. If you dont enjoy that, play solo. If you dont enjoy playing solo, join a clan. If you do not enjoy a clan, I guess you do not enjoy a lot of things then.

    I will tell you what will happen if they put this into the game. You will make a thread crying about how rushers ruin the game because you get disconnected every time theres a host migration. It will never end. People like you never stop crying unless everyone else does exactly what they want them to.

  3. Just play solo. It isnt rocket science and it works for both sides of the argument.


    You dont like it when people rush? Play solo.

    You dont like it when people tak 30 minutes on a single mission? Play, solo.


    You dont like it when people dont play the same way as you? Play. Solo.


    If you join a public game youre basically willing to adapt to other player's playstyles. When you join public games youre going to play with people who play in different ways, and you should be willing to deal with that. Joining a public game and then going "Damn rushers why do you have to go so fast?/ Damn turtles making me waste 60 seconds at extraction!" just makes you sound like an A******. If you dont want to deal with how other people play, then why do you want to play with random people? Do you like to get mad? Do you like to argue with people when they dont play your way?


    Nobody should be forced to play any way. People should always have different playstyle options, otherwise wheres the fun?


    This suggestion will just F*** it up even more for explorers, because most of the time you will get disconnected when the host rushes the mission. So I dont think thats a good idea, unless you like wasting 20 minutes on a mission and lose all your rewards. 


    You want them to rush and then leave? Then whats the point of playing with a team? If this change happened you could just PLAY SOLO, and void getting disconnected after host migration.


    Are you tired of people not playing your way? @(*()$ PLAY SOLO.


    If I play defense games and sometimes theres people spawn camping. I will ask them to get closer. What do I do if they refuse? Nothing, I just leave when I get a chance. 


    Sometimes Im leveling a weapon and Im killing every enemy to get the exp and I get left behind. Sometimes I rush a level and leave people behind. I dont care if they get left behind, nor do I care if it happens to me. Thats just what happens when you play with random people, and thats the fun of it.


    When I dont want spawn campers/rushers/explorers and I want to play the mission the way I like and not piss off anyone/get pissed at anyone. Guess what I do? Thats right. Play. Solo.

  4. The only thing he needs is to make switched enemies have his aggro and receive friendly fire, even from their own weapons, like switching places with a napalm so he kills himself with his own rocket, and remove the decoy's health and reduce its duration. Maybe reduce the speed of infested if you use radial disarm on them but nothing else, its already good enough on grineer and corpus, no need to make it deal damage. 


    I didnt like most of the suggestions on that post above, seems to be trying to make all his abilities deal damage. Switching places with your decoy through walls sounds cool, but its not really something he needs because you can always just get in line of sight of the decoy and then switch.

  5. Go to wave 50+ and see how hard you hit grineer or corpus with prime, or heck, T3 defense later waves.


    Stop trying to balance abilities around wave 50 enemies, almost nobody plays up to that point, theres no reason to.


    The fact that Novas ult cant instantly kill enemies at high level defense doesnt make it balanced. Every other ult sucks by that point, MPrime still has the double damage, the 50% slow and the massive rank.


    Stop trying to make it seem that is not OP because "Huurrr it cant clear rooms of level 200 enemies!" No S#&$ Sherlock! Nothing can!


    People complain about it because even at high levels her ultimate performs much better than everyone else. It cant kill everything on wave 50? Can crush do it? Avalanche? Blade storm? 

  6. Funny thing is, Ive played Loki on a lot of public games, Im invisible most of the time, and Ive never had one of my teammates complain about spamming invisiblity or saying Im OP. It would be hilarious to see someone say "Loki is stealing my kills! Hes invisible all the time NERF!!"


    If you dont like it when playing solo dont use it. Theres a lot of abilities that remove the challenge for the game, and Loki needs invisibility at higher levels to not get killed in two shots.

  7. I agree with part of your post. Enemies should have some kind of reaction to being shot in the face at point blank range.


    But still, that is more a problem with the game mechanics than with the ability. I dont consider invisiblity to be OP, to be able to use it almost everytime you practically have to build Loki around it, and it requires a lot of mods that take a while to get, , maybe his alt helmets too. And by those standars, a lot of frames have an ability that could be considered OP. New players cant spam invisibility and they cant make it last forever.


    Also, like someone else said, invisiblity is his only ability that isnt situational, and you have to be aware of the fact that loki is one of the weakest frames in terms of armor/health/shields. Invisiblity its basically his only way to avoid being shot, its like his own version of iron skin.


    The point is, Lokis abilities are very different from everything else in the game. His playstyle is very interesting and fun. And he is also one of the most underrated frames, so it just seems weird to me, to see someone consider him OP, when theres much more obvious choices of frames to call OP.


    I brought up Nova, because a lot of people consider her ultimate to be OP, silly, and boring. No need to get angry about that.


    By the way, you are still vulnerable to damage and knockdown while invisible, you can get hurt if an enemy attacks your teammate. And enemies still get alerted when you shoot them, even if youre playing solo, and if youre playing solo all enemies in the area will start shooting you as soon as it runs out. The fact that you have to be aware of how many enemies are around, and how much time is left until it runs out, also your weak shields and health, its not game breaking, its not OP, and its fun.





    I honestly don't give a damn about Nova's balance in this context. It's about making Loki feel more fun to play. His balance is badly executed,
    Yes, on the grand scheme of things, Loki isn't breaking the game. But his internal balance issue is preventing him from living up to the gameplay promises made by his description of a "manipulator." I am not looking for a balance solution that is to make him "FAIR," this game is about power fantasy fulfillment, I am looking for a balance solution that makes him feel like an actual stealth character rather a console command.


    1. Loki is already fun to play. One of the frames I had most fun leveling, by the way.

    2. Its one of the few truly balanced frames in the game.

    3. He already fits his description of manipulator. 


    The fact that you said you dont care about Nova's balance just makes me disregard anything you will say, and Im sure I will not be the only one.

  9. Im going to add my voice to the crowd, please revert overheat or turn it into something completely different, something actually useful.


    And fireball, and fireblast, theres so many things you could do with them. Make fireball explode on impact, deal fire damage to all enemies in a small radius. Make it something like those shots from the grineer napalm. Right now it may be the worst first skill in the game, even frosts first skill is more useful.


    And fireblast, you could make all the enemies inside the circle take damage over time, you could turn it into a more defensive skill, get a damage reduction while inside the circle, or make all weapons receive a fire damage buff. 


    WoF still needs a little more damage, but I trust after U10 it will do enough damage.


    Just turn her 3 first skills into something with more utility, something that isnt just pure damage, WoF already does more damage than any of her other skills so theres no point in using any of them.


    If you really, like REALLY want her to be pure damage at least make the abilities into something different, not the same ability in 3 different sizes. Nova has projectiles that seek targets, a controllable bomb and a chain reaction explosion with a massive debuff. Saryn has spores that spread to other enemies, a buff to her melee and an AoE-DoT skill. So why does Ember needs to have 4 AoE skills?


    Also, stats. All of embers abilities require to be in the middle of the group to work, but she doesnt have the stats to do that. She isnt as durable as Saryn, and she isnt as fast a Nova. Thats why overheat was needed. She needs to have something to defend herself, she cant have 4 damage abilities.


    So please, revert overheat as it was, or at least make it have something good like 75% damage reduction so its still useful but not as insane as it was before. And give fireball and fireblast something special so theyre not just crappy versions of WoF.

  10. Armor and damage changes are coming. Soon.

    I like how youve completely ignored all the times I replied to you and just mention the armor changes like Im not aware of them. Its like you actually think that will make any difference.


    As I said in my posts before and I hope you actually read them. This doesnt have anything to do with the armor on enemies. But for the hell of it, lets assume that your expectations about these changes are right, and after U10 all of ember's abilities end up doing a lot more damage. That would be good, alright, but that doesnt change the fact that that all of embers abilities will be. Exactly. The same. Thing. 


    Let me put at it this way. Fireblast was barely used before this update. Why? Because everything it does, world on fire can do it better AND you can move the area of effect. 


    So what did they do with overheat? Turned it into YET ANOTHER skill that is just a less efficient version of WoF. Wheres the issue with that? Well, Ember currently has only one useful skill which is the one that does more damage. It doesnt matter if you can stack their damage. Look at Saryn.


    Even after the armor changes, even if it buffs all of embers skills, even if it brings her damage up to Novas level, It wont change the fact that she will have 4 damage abilities and the only useful one will be the one that does more damage. It doesnt change the fact that her powers will still become USELESS after a certain point in the game. Face it. Ember needs UTILITY. She needs a complete rework of fireball, fireblast and overheat. 


    The problem is not that they want to turn ember into a caster offensive frame. The problem is that Nova has rockets that orbit her and seek targets, a controlled bomb that absorbs and multiplies all damage you shoot into it (which will do more damage than anything ember can pull out of her &#!, armor changes or not), a chain reaction explosion with a huge rank and a massive debuff on enemies (UTILITY, see where Im getting at?) and a FREAKING TELEPORT. What does ember have right now? Fire damage in a point, fire damage in a tiny circle, fire damage in a medium circle and fire damage in a big circle. What will ember have AFTER U10 and your miracle armor change? Do more damage in a point, and more damage in 3 different sized circles.


    I will ask you again, because you just keep ignoring any logic. Does any other frame have a skill set consisting of 4 damage abilities? Is there a frame that doesnt have any utlity, defensive or buff/debuff skill? Does any of them rely completely on damage?


    This may be my last post on this thread. Im tired of typing a wall of text about how this is wrong for you to keep spitting your "Hurr armor changes coming soon" and "Moar damage is good it stacks and moar kills!" nonsense like youve been doing all thread.


    "So it sounds like Ember is supposed to sacrifice her own protection in the name of excessive fire damage in tight quarters."

    Thats it! How didnt I see it before? Ember literally fits the role of a suicide bomber!

  11. Why is damage useless? She's a damage frame. A damage frame where every one of her damage abilites STACK with eachother.

    Damage abilities become useless because they always have a limit where they just stop working. People dont play Nova in high levels because of her damage, they play her for the double damage buff and slow she gives to all enemies in a huge radius. People dont play Nyx for her damage, Nyx chaos actually scales with level so the higher level the enemies the more useful their abilities are. People dont play Vauban or Frost for their damage but for their crowd control, and people dont play Rhino for the damage his ult does but for it freezing all enemies in the air, and for his 50% damage buff.


    The only frame that is used purely for her damage is Saryn, and its because her ult deals INSANE damage, so insane that it makes 2 of her abilities useless because they are just not as effective at killing things as her ulti. And Saryn has the stats to actually get in close range to the enemies and use it. Embers ult is nowhere near the same level as miasma, neither does she have the armour/shields/health to use it.


    So yes, having a frame with 4 damage abilities IS useless, even saryn has molt, and nova has wormhole, ember just has 4 variants of the same ability. It is useless because she has no utility AND past level 50 SHE HAS NO DAMAGE EITHER.


    But hey, I guess using ember for her damage is cool if you never go beyond mars.

  12. You must not know about the armor changes.

    What does my post have to do with armor changes? It is irrelevant if overheat does a lot more damage after the armor changes, it will still be just a smaller version of world on fire. What Im trying to get at is that ember does not need another offensive skill, she already has 3 offensive abilities. Dont you see what would her skill set look like?


    1. projectile that does DoT.

    2. DoT around you  in a small area with a little damage reduction.

    3. DoT in a static area.

    4. DoT around you in a big area.


    Whats the point of having 4 abilities that do damage and 3 of them basically the same ability with different range? People will just use the one that does more damage and never touch the others. And thats without mentioning that without the damage reduction she is squishy as hell and all her abilities require her to be in close range.


    Tell me, do any other frames have a skill set consisting of pure damage abilities? Just think about how boring and lame it would be to just have the same ability in 3 different sizes (and fireball, which no one will use no matter how big the buff is) before you start implying Im not aware of something as big as the damage rework..


    Edit: The only thing close to a frame having 4 damage abilities is Nova, and she has 3 offensive abilities, which deal damage in different ways, and wormhole, which has great utility. So why make ember have 4 AoE-DoT abilities?

  13. With the damage increases and damage system changes maybe people will play a damage frame for her DAMAGE and not her ability to tank.

     Except she already has 3 abilities that do damage, 2 of them the same except you can move the AoE of the ultimate, she does not need anymore crap damage abilities, she need her 3 damage abilities to work at high levels and a defensive ability. Dont you see that no matter how much they increase the damage overheat does, it will still be just a tiny and less useful version of world on fire?

  14. did u even watch the livestream?  he said the def is getting lowered, its getting an offensive buff. how is that just burning nearby enemies.


    you guys don't even know the number yet. for all you know it can 400% damage to the point where that is your survival.


    the only reason people played ember is for overheat good damage and good def. and people call that playstyle, sounds more like easy mode.

    >Overheat good damage


    The only reason people play her its because overheat damage reduction. Why turn it into another AoE fire damage when her 3 and 4 already do that?

  15. well frost needs a rework of all his powers beside snowglobe



    Well Ember needs a rework of all her powers beside overheat.


    The reason I am mad for embers changes is that the main focus of overheat is the damage reduction, it is a defensive ability, and the only useful skill she has past level 50 enemies when her ultimate only tickles them. But they want to turn it into yet another offensive ability, and ember already has 3 of those. Ember NEEDS utility/defensive skills.


    It doesnt have anything to do with the damage overhaul in update 10. Its because of the fact that even if she does end up doing a lot more damage after update 10, all her abilities will be the same except overheat will be another "do fire damage in a radius around you" skill, which doesnt even matter because on top of that she will still be squishy as hell. She will not be a glass cannon or a caster like nova. Nova's abilities have enough range for her to be safe from enemy fire (MPrime has an insane 20 meter range + stretch). Ember has to be in the middle of the group to do damage and she doesnt have the stats for that.


    Basically, overheat is the ONLY reason someone might have to play ember and theyre saying they want to turn it into another offensive skill, if theyre going to do that then she needs a complete rework of her other 3 abilities or an increase in armor and shields. Because no one will play a frame that has 3 versions of the same ability and a useless and hard to aim fireball.


    So no, it doesnt have anything to do with enemy armor or damage overhaul, its because they want to turn her most useful ability into a smaller version of her third and fourth.


    On top of that they also want to nerf Vaubans most useful ability too, just when theyre about to release a new frame that surprisingly has an ability that does the same but looks like a better version. And they havent even touched Nova.

  16. Well some people like him, some people dont. I started with him and I personally think he is one of the most balanced and fun to play frames, I like him so much that I farmed for his blueprints and built him again after I sold him. 


    The problem with him is that you need the rare mods to really make him god tier, like streamline, contuinity, constitution, etc... But once you have a good build you can pretty much dominate any mission alone except infested defense (damned infested learned how to jump). With the right mods you can basically stay invisible forever, which means you will probably never die. Decoy is useful at lower levels but it dies to quickly when the enemies are too strong. Radial disarm is really useful and theres nothing like running around while invisible on a survival/defense mission disarming high level heavy units. And switch teleport is not really useful in combat, (could be if DE finally made it possible to kill napalms with their own rockets!) but its great when used with decoy since you can teleport almost anywhere.


    tldr - Try him, if you dont like him try using him again once you have good mods.


    Also, dont pay attention to his description, Loki isnt really a stealth frame, its more like a crowd controller/manipulator/troll frame. But stealth is useless anyway so it doesnt matter.

  17. Umm that's why they are buffing their damage.  Learn to dodge like novas.

    Nova's ult has a god damned 20 meter range, and her second ability is a controllable bomb. Do not even insist that "novas need to dodge", youre never in any danger even when youre starting.


    Want to make ember like nova? Give WoF the same range, make it affect all enemies in the aoe, and make fire ball an explosive, controllable 10k damage projectile. Those are the abilities that need a damage buff, not overheat, nobody ever asked for overheat to be changed.

  18. I am deeply passionate about this issue and wanted my name in this thread.

    I said a few things about this back in February and even though it was a different game and things have been changed, a lot of it still hasn't been addressed.


    I have been enjoying the current DR that Overheat has - and I was very happy to see it in its current state, hoping that her other abilities would improve (her 2 is best, 3 is decent, 1 is useless and 4 is broken).


    I'd like to ask a couple people at DE to main Ember, and only Ember, for just a week, and actually try to clear content with her. I'd be very interested in what kind of gameplay DE expects Ember to have, what kind of combat they expect the player to engage in, and how her powers are supposed to synergize.


    I will soapbox for Fireball one day, but suffice to say, you could make it do its current damage + 6% of the target's current health, have an AoE similar to destroying an explosive barrel, lower the cost to 15, and it would still not even be half as good as Slash Dash. In the meantime I'll just keep using my 2 and 3. Even when WoF is 'fixed' it's still barely 1k per second, compared to, say, Radial Javelin or something that does 1K to everything around you instantly.

    The biggest problems I feel for Ember are the following:

    1: None of her abiltiies scale well to endgame content (Except Overheat (which maybe scales too well?))

    2: None of her abilities provide interactive utility with the rest of the squad (compared to, say, Volt's Electric Shield, or something)

    3: Ember's effectiveness against one certain faction is much higher than against certain other factions.

    4: Ember's current set of abilities suggests she is meant to be played in a close-combat role. However, low armor and mediocre baseline health do not lend itself to this role. Neither does the removal of the damage reduction on her only ability that protects her in said close-combat.

    5: All of Ember's abilities are offensive. None increase mobility (Excal, Volt, Loki) and none are defensive (Except for Overheat). Ember is far too fragile to have nothing to protect herself with (Except for Overheat, which is being heavily modified).



    This. You want to take the only defensive ability she has and turn it into another offensive ability. It doesnt matter how much you buff the damage overheat does! The radius its stupidly tiny and without the damage reduction you would die before getting in reach. Is that really what you want? To make all her skill set be radial damage abilities with the only difference being the range of them? Dont you see nobody uses overheat for the damage? The main focus of the ability is the damage reduction, you take that away and you might just remove the ability.


    But alright, you want to turn ember into a caster? Buff all the abilities damage. Give her third and fourth the same range as Nova and make WoF affect all enemies in the AoE so she can actually compete with her.

  19. Yeah, if only update 10 came with some kind of armor rework, which could potentially increase the viability of powers in high lvl missions......


    Oh, wait...

    Did you even read? Im going to copy&paste it again so you have no trouble scrolling up and reading it again.


    "So unless all her abilities get a huge Nova-like damage buff, or the new damage system really helps her make that much damage"


    See? If the armor rework actually makes her abilities as useful as those of "endgame" frames, then it may be worth the overheat's nerf. But the point is she would need to do much more damage than she does now, that way she could actually kill something before dying.

  20. Could DE perhaps *gasp* be trying to give Ember an actual role as a caster frame? HOW COULD THEY? THE COMMUNITY CLEARLY PREFERRED HER AS A LESS USEFUL RHINO!

    Endgame is level 60-100 (Pluto to void mission levels), unless you are doing a void defense, or are just purposefully trying to fight high level enemies in higher waves of defense missions. Actually endgame could be argued to be 50-100 (Ceres to void). There is rarely any reason to fight enemies above level 100.

    Tier 3 defense goes up to level 130. And Embers damage is ridiculous against enemies in TIER 2. So unless all her abilities get a huge Nova-like damage buff, or the new damage system really helps her make that much damage she will not be a "caster" she will be a frame that does laughable damage and she will no longer have her only useful skill.

  21. No, because we don't even know exactly what they're doing to her yet. For all we know they could be reducing overheat's mitigation by 5% and tripling the damage it does. We have no idea what exactly they're doing, so stop with the doom and gloom already.


    If you still aren't happy with how Ember is preforming after the patch drops, then you can complain. 


    Until then, no...just no.


    They already said they were going to reduce the damage reduction, so yes, I am going to complain now. Nerfing the only important thing of her only useful ability its something to complain about, it doesnt matter if its 5 or 50% less damage reduction. NOBODY uses overheat because of the damage it does. 

  22. Resposting what I typed in the other thread because I dont feel like typing the whole rant again.


    "Oh, we are aware that all frames are currently outclassed by Nova, but dont worry! We are planning to rework all other frames so they are all equal to her level"

    Then they proceed to nerf the best skills of several frames.



    Now Im sorry but I have to ask, are you out of your mind? She was already behing several other frames as a nuker, and you want to take her ONLY USEFUL SKILL, and turn it into yet another pointless damage skill? Seriously? I mean whats the point of it doing more damage when she will die before even getting in range of the ability? Whats the point of all her skills doing high damage at close range when she gets blasted before even casting them?


    World on fire sucks against enemies past level 40, now that ability needs a BIG damage boost, not overheat. Are all her abilities going to be pointless AoE damage? I can see it now:


    Overheat: Does fire damage in a tiny radius.

    Fireblast: Does fire damage in a medium radius.

    WoF: Does fire damage in a medium radius that follows you around.


    Not only that but you also add a limit to the enemies bastille can hold. Which was also pointless since there will never be 5 enemies in it at a single time (Guess what? Nova killed them all!). There go two of my favorite frames, one of which was already basically in trash tier. Add a damage cap to snow globe and reduce invisibility duration. There, you will have thrown my 4 frames to the trash can. 


    Are you going to nerf all frames to make them even MORE outclassed by Nova? Or are you going to nerf her too to make everyone outclassed by Necro?


    I just want to finish saying that this update was the last bit of faith I had in Ember, and the reason I did not sell her after having put a reactor and a forma on her. But now it looks like youre going to make her suck even more, and take Vauban along with her. If this changes happen Im not playing this game anymore.

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