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Posts posted by Sled_

  1. I have followed up on Tiltskillet's work with the following (Kills via ability, no drop related mods/arcanes except for an unranked vacuum because mags passive was/is broken):

    Arid Butcher 580kills (460 for ammo, started counting it late)
    Health orbs: 83 (14.31%)
    Energy orbs: 100 (17.24%)
    Primary ammo: 48 (10.43%)
    Secondary ammo: 41 (8.91%)

    Arid Lancer 580 Kills
    Health orbs: 90 (15.51%)
    Energy orbs: 78 (13.44)
    Primary ammo: 58 (10.00%)
    Secondary ammo: 65 (11.20%)

    Bombard 580 Kills
    Health orbs: 89 (15.34%)
    Energy orbs: 88 (15.17%)
    Primary ammo: 57 (9.87%)
    Secondary ammo: 63 (10.86%)
    Heavy ammo: zero (see notes below)


    Health: 262/1740 15.06%
    Energy: 266/1740 15.29%
    Primary: 163/1620 10.06%
    Secondary: 169/1620 10.43%



    While my money is on the type difference on the orb drops being gone and a overall 15/15/10/10 being the new paradigm I noticed two things that bug me.
    -First my Mag's passive was down in the simulicrum. I have not used her since the change to her passive so I don't know if this is general break or something I did.
    -Next was heavy ammo: I did not pull an arch gun until after the bombard waves to avoid weird drops or confusion between the yellow heavy and orange secondary. After I then decided to pull the archgun and kill a hundred in a quick check of the wiki advertised 5%. Zero heavy ammo dropped. I then started doing waves of all the listed units that drop them. Still no heavy ammo. Started varying the level from 1 to 35 to 90, still nothing. I am now well over 1k "Heavy unit" kills with no heavy ammo drops. Am I locked into one unit type somehow or did they just remove heavy ammo when they buffed archguns? I certainly seem to run out of archgun ammo more recently but I haven't noticed if I am actually picking up zero ammo.

    Edit: While still unable to make heavy ammo spawn in the simulicrum I did confirm they exist in survival for me.


    • Like 1
    • TYPE: In Game
    • DESCRIPTION: Permanent electrical fault. No fault to fix via omni or Nautilus. Persists between missions but not when taken back to dry dock. Persisted back to dojo but not to orbiter, see new 3rd screenshot.
    • VISUAL: Screenshots by F6, taken post missionWarframe0002.jpg
    • Warframe0003.jpg
    • Warframe0005.jpg
    • REPRODUCTION: Only seems to happen when I am solo and off railjack, not certain when happens so cannot identify what causes the hazard to hit
    • EXPECTED RESULT: Return to ship, repair hazard, hazard stops
    • OBSERVED RESULT: Return to ship, no hazard detectable, hazard persists
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: Happens on ~10% of my solo missions. Not observed with teams (possibly due to Tenno being superior to the hired help and electrical hazards not happening).
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  2. Post Dev-stream / Final thoughts 


    Plexus Affinity If the plexus is intended to absorb all the affinity then please let us put focus lens' on it. The only other thing that uses affinity and does not have lens' are companions and they never "eat" our affinity, they get it on top of the normal distribution. As things stand the plexus is the only thing that will "waste" affinity once it is full with no way of putting it to use. 

    Energy / Communication While I have seen responses to all the other major complaints/issues that I have been tracking (large changes to the forma/polarity system was hard put down on a home time, credit cost/reward is on the trello and dev stream) why has there been no response to the vocal and unified complaints about the swap to warframe energy? While waiting out a bit to let the dust settle is one thing the lack of acknowledgment of what (I believe) is the largest issue raised is not ok. While I do not agree with the direction I would much rather we be told "No, not happening" than the silence. 

    • Like 4
  3. Ok, a weekend full of playing and a day to reflect on things both done...

    The Plexus - Can I still be cautiously optimistic about something that is already here? The ability to specialize more for your role without hurting others roles is nice and since it looks like the added forma grind is only for going from "works fine at highest level content" to "optimization" (and only requires ~2) I do not have major complaints about the move to unify it with the rest of the game. I still preferred the original multiple types of each mod+the grid as it gave more dials to play with but I can easily see this being a straight improvement for new players. Auras are hard to co-ordinate for in public but I would not say they are worse than aura co-ordination in core warframe. The other concern is that we only have the one plexus so needing to undo forma due to new or changed mods is a thing. The ability to forma configs a la the helminth system would be a straightforward solution to this one. Ultimately though this is going to live or die by the mods that are going to be released as time goes on. So far so good.


    New Avionics/Mods/Changes - We need more. Now that we are at least theoretically modding for our role instead of the team there should be enough mods for each role that filling out with secondary roles feels less mandatory. As an example all of the archwing boost mods got all put into the new aura. While the existence of an archwing aura is cool and good an archwing primary has very little that they can mod for and nothing without pulling from what could be bonuses for the railjack. Refill shields/flux on archwing kills in range? Increased stats if next to rail jack? Increased threat/aggro draw? Likewise for the ship engineer.

    While I am salty about needing to spend millions of credits the unification to cred/endo means I can work towards railjack while playing core and vice versa. It feels like there are too many that have enough ranks to put the cost close to seven figures but this also all hit us at once so it feels worse than it probably is. Veil volatile seems to clock in solo at ~120k cred for ~15min. Slightly worse cred/min than speed-running Hiercon (~10k/min, obviously the index still exists but I am way too out of the loop on that to know the figures on the cred return there) but more endo and other things and still a weighty amount of change. I hesitate to suggest upping the cred reward over reducing the number of ranks on some of the mods as it will probably take a bit to see what peak speed of these new nodes looks like.

    I am not a fan of the dividing of the tactical avionics. Maybe if we had 5+ of each type then the division wouldn't feel as arbitrary but we don't. Want to be a pilot with cloaking and speed? A gunner that can once a mission pop all the buffs and be nuts? Too bad, feels bad. Given that the rest of the plexus is geared to let you specialize as you want this strikes me as a step in the opposite direction. 


    Battle mods/Energy- The numbers on them feel ok but I am an archwing main so I am probably the least qualified to speak on them. The warframe energy usage? Hate it. The only frames I enjoy for the increasingly important ground portions that run flow are very "there are dudes here" oriented so I never feel like I never have a tank big enough to use the battle mods. This would not matter if the goal was a pure space content island but based on the new corpus maps all requiring the full squad to do core warframe at some point that is not the goal. We have been asked to either run a sub-par railjack experience or a sub-par core experience, this is not bringing the two together. We have a Plexus that needs mod diversity so the return of flux with flux based plexus mods  would better let the two halves work together. 

    I preferred the communal resource pools. Flux being individual might be ok due to the overlap of any gunner and the pilot but the engineer is using the omni, the gunner is using the missiles, etc. If they are staying apart we need UI to see others remaining ammo so people can know when to refill others

    New Weapons - Fun, effective, variety of choices, not so good that it feels bad busting out the old ones. Very good.

    Plating - Two thumbs up, no complaints.

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