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Posts posted by Sufferot

  1. short answer - no


    long answer - sentinels/pets only get affected by your invisibility, other buffs do not apply. Your AoE healing stil works on them tho. Also pets can get benefits from it with armor link

  2. Here is another tip - use itzal archwing, you will be able to do a full run and fly near every water patch in 5 mins. Also it's 3 will suck in wisps. Also, use theif's wit for better knowing, if there is something under you. Don't bother to run on foot for wisps, if you actually want to heavy farm them. with this methid I get around 70 to 100 wisps with a booster per night, which is more than enough for anything. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    Where is my Dread Prime?

    Dread is a stalker's weapon, so why it should get a prime? It's not tenno based weapon too. Thats why we got paris and cernos primed, but not dread, so as for other stuff.

    PS: also dread is just a paris with different arrow, lol

  4. 1 minute ago, krc473 said:

    Why is this something DE should do? Sure, they have been around for a while, but is that all that is required to prime a weapon?

    well, one of the reasons is that actuall vasto prime is here, sitting for a while, while lexP got his aklexP treatment pretty fast.

  5. 1282 days passed from the release of Vasto Prime.

    1756 days passed from the release of Akvasto.


    DE, for the love of god, please, release Akvasto Prime. Bring them with Baro, with Vasto prime unvaulting, make them 10k kuva and 50k oxium to build, whatever. Just, please, for the love of God, bring them in game. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, (XB1)BigLithuanian said:

    Very True and just to let you know I added more to my comment that I think addresses your point.

    oh, missed that, thx!


    My honest opinion - founder's stuff should not give mastery points. then screams will kinda stop - founders will get their exclusive toy, and everyone else will stop screaming, becasue, as I feel, most of the people just need them to boost their Digital PS by 12k mastery points.

  7. 1 minute ago, (XB1)BigLithuanian said:

    I'm confused on what in the devil you are rambling about OP. So I'm going to say this, founders are the reason Warframe is still alive today. So they deserve something really special from DE and that is Excalibur Prime

    TBH ExP is not THAT special at all, dunno why people are screaming "gibe me ExP now!". It's just a basic excal with some gold shenenigans, thats all.

  8. Hey, maybe you will think that it's a "git gud" message, but here is how I cleared it 1st try without nearly any effort.


    Take chroma/trin and some red and blue tablets. Take itzal if you feel like you are really slow and mash that 1 button to TP between platforms. As for weapons - enemies there are lvl 30-50, as I recall, and greneer. You can capitalise on that with ignis/ignis wrath made for corrosion + fire, or latron with a good alpha damage, or nearly any semi-auto rifle with good alpha damage, so you wil just oneshot them. Semi autos are more preferable cause youdon't need to mod them for firerate most of the time, but they reload faster, so manning the archwing will not break your reload. For melee you should use any with a fast recovery animation (for me, I used a dagger modded for attack speed). You don't really need melee there other than for hitting the orbs. For secondary - use w/e, but if you really need help from it - you can use angstrum/kulstar and just wipe out whole platform with one shot. 

    Don't be greedy, use tablets as you will need them. At 24 MR I was able to spare around 300-400 tablets of any kind wihtout any regrets - I should have really big supply of resourses. Don't be shy and start shooting already from archwing, while moving, then land on a ball with slam attack. It should be easy after few tries.


    I really hope that will help you. 


    PS: Korinth works wonders there as you can altfire into platform and finish off survivors in less than 10 secs for a platform.

  9. 14 minutes ago, Smurfdaddy said:


    I heared 2 stories like that but that was it. U make that sound much more frequent then it is ^^

    I heard this 3 times, this one is 4th. 

    Maybe I'm a bit paranoid, but when I sell something, which is a rare thing, I always check who buys, MR and such. MR3 guy, buying opticor riven for roll same second I posted it? Nope, not gonna happen

  10. Hey, I'm not a trader and a bit ashamed that I will need to say next. I'm not a fan of things going on with rivens, and RNG on top of more RNG with RNG topping on them. 


    But, here is why DE will not do anything with that.

    Because of high prices on nearly any meta/usable rivens people feel like they lack platinum. To get that new shiny riven they will either buy it, or wll ty to trade 5-15p items to get to that 2-3k milestone. But here is a funny thing - platinum doesn't just "appear". It's brought by people. And it's spent by people. On either DE's stuff, or rivens, or w/e. High prices on something demand more platinum. So, it's more profitable for DE to keep those prices high, and actually encourage traders to bump prices to certain point, so traders will drive plat sales more. At the end, peopel got spoiled with 50-75% discounts on plat, and DE needs to compensate for that. And thats pretty obvious, understandable and so on - everyone needs to eat. Rivens, after all, were ment as endgame upgrades for your guns, not a mandatory stuff. 

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