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Posts posted by AMadCorgi

  1. 2024/1/12 AM10点26分 , ZebedeePrime 说:

    Is there a place where I can register the fact that I received no drops last night, even though my account is properly linked and I watched the entire stream? It was the middle of the night  here in Europe, so I had to go to sleep at some point, but I woke up this morning expecting to see some forma in my mailbox, but I got zip, zilch, nada... 😒


    2024/1/13 AM2点25分 , Azazelbishop 说:

    i watched the whole show and clamed the 3 forma in twitch but they never showed up in game and i'm linked 


    I got the same issue. Never seen those drops in game even though I claimed all 3 drops in Twitch. I am sure my WF account was linked to my Twitch account and was told to contact the developers of corresponding game. 😞


    I got the drops this morning. 10 hours passed since I posted my issue. 7 days passed since I claimed my drops in Twitch. I would say give DE a week to deliver drops to you. Hope my experience can help you, if you do not receive your drops immediately and are looking for a solution.

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