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Posts posted by Cryone

  1. Yeah, Cogg Fiss is pretty much cool enough (he was first, and unfortunately i've killed him and took 1st ogris) , and I suppose there're alot of people that have same kind of problem. I have a friend that the last day had 3 Krakens in a row, someone another day 3 Quartakks etc. At this point i'm really scared on killing any other liches to receive another one of the same weapon....It's really demoralizing...

  2. 6 minutes ago, DarthIronclad said:

    Maybe have a built in primed bane of grineer at level 40? Which also includes more damage done vs future liches

    Or even better...having kuva weapons at 40 equipped will help you charge up your murmurs faster 

    The second one is nice, as long as you need to refill 3 murmur circles (2 of them if you are random'ing 3rd one) it would simplify for a bit the process to discover Parazon mods to kill your lich.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Oreades said:

    What I'd like to see? I'd like to see them not cost 5 Forma or go to lvl 40.

    This change,I suppose, can be a solution to completely transform all the Kuva Lich system into "Take more mastery points for your mastery rank, boi, and don't ask any question".

  4. Probably yes, but then what's the point to making them Rank 40? Only to receive additional 1k exp. to Mastery rank? The weapon also has a small chance to bring your Kuva Weapon Lich specter to assist you during the mission. Could be nice addition to have a bigger chance to spawn it if your weapon is fully upgraded.

  5. Hey, fellow Tenno! Today I just want to share my little improvement ideas for the Kuva Lich system and weapons.

    Mine experience with the system so far was quite satisfying I was able to achieve 2 kills (and currently hunting for Kuva Brakk) and take two of the new Kuva weapons. The second I've discovered that Kuva weapon have 40 Ranks instead of normal 30, i was so exited to see what will bring Rank 40 (Also Rank 32) from this weapon. I've started to put some forma and after reaching 40 rank with my Kuva Quartakk i've found that the weapon doesn't have additional bonuses, unlike Paracesis with the Sentient bonus damage etc. So in this state the weapon itself seems like Mastery rank stick with slightly buffed bonus elemental damage and stats.

    In my opinion the current state of the Kuva Lich hunt is quite time-consuming and lacks the rewards. I'm aware that the system is quite new, and it needs to get polished/fixed etc. and one of the suggestions is quite simple. It would be great to have some additional bonuses to Kuva guns that in some way interact with Kuva Liches. Yeah, there's still like small possibility that the Kuva Lich from your weapon can assist you during the mission like for 20 seconds or else (not sure about the amount of time), i saw him only once since the update during the Survival mission and then nothing.

    So it would be nice for example on Rank 40 of your Lich weapon buff the chance that your weapon Kuva Lich assists your during the mission ( and like double the chance if you are soloing), as well adding some bonus damage to your Lich Adversary from it or any Kuva Lich flavor bonus that you have in mind.

     Tell me what'd you like to see in the blank space of your fully forma'd Rank 40 Lich weapon. You are free to share your ideas here, i'd like to see some pretty cool stuff going out from it and also i hope that DE will consider some of them.  

  6. It's really really sad that we can't use Hystrix + Electric Shield combination to hunt Profit Taker down, it'll be such a good thing if DE's reconsider this change, it's near impossible to collect all the rainbow damage (for solo/public play), and the new arcanes for the operator (void into elemental damage type) is not one of the wises choices that I personally gonna make.
    Anyways, Volt is useful but not essential in the group for the phase 4 Profit Taker extermination, he's capable to clear fast annoying spawns of trash and i suppose with the right loadout can help to combine some damage types. Surely, if you have the pre-maid party you're not suppose to have this kind of problem anyways, just concord what you'll bring on the mission, but it's like losing all the versatility of the ability and there're alot more usefulness to bring other frames into. Anyways, Volt shines on Eidolon hunts, and here he's in kinda ok/meh range, but squishy (i'm not talking about Adaptation/Arcane Grace builds, that can be expensive (for the full set of Arcanes i mean), but for the normal play), and yeah, hope we'll find something useful in the future, especially with the damage 3.0.
    Wish you all guys happy holidays and all the best to the DE team, may the inspiration be always with you.


    Steve's heart melting tweet.




  7. Nah, guys, it's just not the time. Wait until DEV release a Deluxe (real one this time) skin for Volt, prolly then they will pay some attention to this thread again, or not. In the mean time is Titania and Nyx reworks turn, we will prolly see the results this friday (maybe) on DEV Stream. For now Volt remains as it is, even if his viability not expands beyond Skirmishes and Eidolon hunts. He's still sucks on the long way, his damage is still trash (because of Electricity damage type), and CC is reduced, so real high endgame viability is close to 0 (back in a days when you could Stunlock entire room....). (in my opinion) 

    Same as always, Melee 3.0 and Damage 3.0 maybe can change something with it, but....

  8. Does Garuda have better Volt's Shield now? As much as i saw from Devstream, from her first ability she pulling out of npc an orb with screen shield that absorbs incoming damage, that can be redirected to the enemy (IN AOE!), kinda Nyx + Volt synergy etc. The screen shield does not drain any energy per meter and also can be used in defensive/offensive manner.

    And her ult...i see some Zeus treatment for Volt, Channeling ability, levitating ball of lightnings.




  9. Noticed weird thing during Onslaught runs, at some point Discharge not dealing damage at all. It's only me, or there's serious problem? 

    The problem is that i tried to cast it even with mobs everywhere, and nothing happened. One of the runs another Volt told that Ulty not working, if anyone else can confirm or deny this, i'd like to know it.







    Update: This is an issue, i'll post some more reasonable gifs and data that i've collected below.

    Am i doing something wrong? Same build, Neither CC or Damage procs, Long/Close Range!




  10. 2 hours ago, (PS4)purpleskullgamin said:

    You mean that thing most people hate? 

    Seeing as for alot of people and especially with the frames it's currently on really gives off the feeling of slowing down combat and not being worth it overall.

    IMO the game as it is gonna be slow soon with Melee 3.0, no coptering, nothing, only explosives and massive AOE now making some fast clear progress etc. 

  11. In my oppinion you should try Streamline, even if you'll not have energy problems with Zenurik, still you need some time to replenish 100 energy to your Discharge and the time is precious in Onslaught. Also to consider what arcanes you are running, if you have an Arcane Energize (max rank). You could take some Vitality mod instead of Redirection, the reason is simple, shields for now are not that good, HP and some extra armor are great to have (for example Vitality + Arcane Guardian will have you up for more time, than Capacitance).

  12. 18 hours ago, (Xbox One)RECLAIMERR117 said:

    I had a capacitane volt that scaled into end game (sortie 3), and i dont understand any of the discharge changes. You guys talked about him slowing the game down as if he could freeze the whole map. He doesnt and he never has. He zaps a decent size area around you, but more unstuned enemies start to walk in immediatly. I just liked boosting my shields and landing headshots with vectis. Equinox and harrow already do this essentially. Why cant volt?

    Too OP, perhaps.

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