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Posts posted by -MNG-

  1. Guy, actually read Satan's comment please. 50 wave defence is not chill for newer players. You're actually thinking only from what you like/dislike and not from the bigger picture. Same with the 10k corpus kills. Please give me a good way how a MR2 with a normal braton and bo is able to kill that many corpus enemies without it taking him ages? NW is made to be accessable for all players while still making you do (somewhat) challenging things. Its not supposed to be a braindead grindfest.

    12 minutes ago, Jannanomana said:

    the guide showed me the map, where to fish, how to get fish bait and what harpoon i should use.. the guide didnt tell me with the Green Bait i never get a rare fish...

    Until today i though "all the big fishes are rares"... but it looks like the only rare fish in the game is the one where u need the blue bait.. Player helped me with it 🙂

    Also no, there are actually other rare fishes that need other kinds of bait. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Fishing. For the Plains of Eidolon its: Murkray, Norg, Cuthol and Glappid (For which you need Murkray, Norg, Cuthol and Glappid bait respectively) and for the Orb Vallis its: Tromyzon, Charamote and Synathid (That also each have their own bait, the bait is not required but strongly recommended cause the chances they show up without bait are quite low). It literally says on the wiki which types of fishes are rare, what kind of bait you need and what special circumstances you'll need (time of day or warmth, hotspot/no hotspot). 

  2. Don't want to sound condescending but if you're having trouble with things like Railjack or Liches (or even fishing although fishing really isnt that confusing) I would suggest that you ask someone else to do the mission with you and maybe explain it while you're doing it. Now it just seems like you're stumbling around having trouble with content that really isn't all that confusing (Although I agree with you that DE needs to improve ingame explanations) and you're  suggesting braindead grindy content instead. Killing 10k corpus really isn't possible for the basic player without actually putting in a lot of effort and time. More time and effort than the average player is willing to put into it actually.  I mean, even I would find it boring to do 20 waves of ESO just to grind that challenge out and you're suggesting that the MR4 player with his normal Braton and Bo does it? Also, when opening Lith relics in pubs with newer players (MR2 or smth)  they often told me when I asked to continue that they simply didn't have anymore relics, let alone 50. My suggestion: Simply ask other players how to do stuff instead of trying to find it all out on your own from the wiki's. The Nightwave challenges are good in a way that they stimulate players to play content they otherwise perhaps wouldn't and that most challenges (with help perhaps) are possible for even the newer players.

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