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Posts posted by bladeguardian

  1. Sold all my Frost Prime parts for Ducats a couple days before he was vaulted because I didn't know this was going to happen.


    I think I bought Primed Fast hands, and sold it for 50 plat. 


    The frost parts would have been worth hundreds, if not thousands. 

    WAit what? Frost prime parts are worth thousands? 

    I sold frost chassis for like 30 plat....

  2. I can't find a job D:

    Dude that legitimately sucks!

    I was in the same boat 1 month ago, keep at it! You're probably 1-2 interviews away! 

    or if you're really desperate, call centers are always hiring (preferably a research one, sales ones are so much worse)

  3. These people who dont forma anything probably dont go very far in endless missions. Maxed Split Chamber take 15 mod point, then Serration for 14, and Heavy Caliber takes 15 as well. 44 Mod points gone without any elementals even being added. This really boggles my mind of how many people dont use Forma, as they're are just as essential as Potatoes and slots.

    Yeap that is me

    I don't like playing super long endless missions

    I barely even potato my weapons, most of my mods are half ranked (serration, hornet) 

    If I really want to go long in a survivial, my potato angstrum is plenty for it

    And also considering that I could last 15ish minutes and still doing killing t3 enemies with my lv 8 dragon nikana and lv 20 ash (no potato on both) I think I won't forma any thing for quite some time 

  4. Yeah not to sound like a fanboy, but I just spent 30 mins playing Ghost Recon Phantoms and I had more fun in my first 30 mins of Warframe.

    I don't like decaying items. I may give it another go to see if I can enjoy it more, but first impressions are meh.


    Nope not fanboying at all

    Ghost recon is boring

    It's a stale shooter with crappy gun feel 

    The abilities are cool but nobody is coordinated enough to use them to any meaningful impact

  5. How exactly? You can already just buy most of the things in game and not have to put any effort in. What exactly are you imagining?


    What is Warframe currently? See previous.


    How? You can earn everything but cosmetics.


    Wasn't Cryptic bleeding money because their games financially were doing horribly?


    What? I'm not joining on the speculation train and I'm on the wrong side?

    How is it so different?

    Have you tried BLR recently? 

    Join any game and try to win

    You'd have to be an amazing super god at FPS to do that with stock equipment 

    AND really in an fps, there should be no intrinsic upgrades as you play the game, just side grades

    As you progress the game should give you more options not straight up advantage to the new players

    FPS should be about all skills

    And before you start, Warframe is a PVE. It's closer to an RPG then a PVP FPS 

    Of course you should have progression 

  6. If DE has a choice in this SAY NO, or Better yet HELL NO
    Look at the steam stats page, Warframe is the ONLY f2p that is not valve in the top 10
    No other F2P even comes close to getting that position 
    It is quiet amazing actually, I've been with steam ever since TF2 became f2p, there have been countless f2p on steam, none of them are any where near warframe in terms of popularity and longevity 
    Look at even PW games on steam, not even in the top 50
    Hell Blacklight is not even in top 200

    DE your game is successful, don't do something crazy like sell to PW

    Unless you don't have a choice.... In which case this is goodbye, after trying blacklight there's no way I'm dealing with PW again  

  7. To most of you saying run around with overpowered weapons
    I don't do that at all, maybe I'll bring my potato angstrum to a long survival but that's once in a blue moon
    I've not forma anything, and is usually leveling up 4 different thing at once. Yet I never see stalker wth? 


    All I'm asking for people to who get stalker is just please, please try to kite a little, OR BLOCK 
    your teammates will kill him in 5 seconds.
    Is staying alive for 5 seconds that hard?

  8. Today will be the sixth time someone in my group got stalker, and the sixth time we auto fail because the person refused to move and got one shotted
    LIKE WHY? I even saw the person today just straight up trying to melee stalker with underpowered weapons... We almost had him too, then one shotted...
    There's is this magic thing called kitting guys, run circles around him
    OR BLOCK GOD DAMMIT, you already have your melee out....

    This never seems to happen with the hunters or gustag 3 for some reason, and gustag is WAY harder then stalker 

    I don't understand,..... I JUST WANT MY DESPAIR 

  9. Is no one surprise as to how well warframe is doing on steam?
    When I dropped this game 10 months ago I expected it to drop like all the other free games on steam that are not tf2 and dota2

    But after a while I see warframe sneak slowly back into higher and higher spots, and eventually almost always remaining in top 10 in steam stats

    Look at spiral knights, war thunder, planetside 2 those are some decently big f2p that drop off the radar compared to warframe

    This is not including the players that don't use steam, which is quite numerous apparently 


    Warframe seems to have strike a decent chord with the steam crowd, and as long as the steam crowd keeps it at top 10 spots, warframe will continue expanding 
    Who knows? or maybe it will lose its momentum and crash like the rest of the f2p on steam 

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