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Posts posted by D4RKEST

  1. Happened to me yesterday couldn't reach extraction with dash, but then it happened the other way around - when i jumped to operator it was completely stuck but could use warframe. It's defo not operator specific, can happen either way and when it does nothing undoes it - can't even chat when the character is stuck the only key that works is the one to switch modes

  2. We did at first go into it with embers thinking it would be the same as the last plague star event with number 3 melting its heads in moments forgetting what she had just endured at the hands of the nerf hammer - needless to say that went badly as embers fire no longer does any meaningful damage to the heads - so just grabbed inaros, zenistar for crowd control and a pyranna and murdered it :d job done, corrosive/slash build worked a treat. :D

  3. On exiting the Kuva survival on more than one occasion myself and the entire team (public games) have experienced a black screen after the the extraction it fades out but there is no extraction animation and then nothing leading to an alt + F4 scenario. Can't abort mission can't access menu but can hear the fight still going on (or more accurately the slaughter of the team) in the back ground with no visuals. every time it has happened it has been a 30+ minute kuva survival mission with around 7-8k each time - this week was the 5th time it has happened and 40,000 kuva worse off as a result over the last few weeks - it needs looking at peeps as it isn't just me experiencing it.

    40,000 kuva is a lot to lose and since i have no proof of any times, chat windows, dates there isn't anything you can do - which is annoying tbh. so please guys - get it fixed as soon as you can, i like the kuva survivals as i am sure others do but spending 30 mins to an hour farming for nothing is a little bit meh :)

    this is exactly what we see - with just sound and no exit options.



  4. So here we are - Plague star again and still the endo that drops is not the endo you receive normally not a big issue. but when you run the mission a lot of times it adds up to 1000's missing.

    The pics are endo received in game vs what you receive when you leave. This was an issue in the last plague star event and tbh was hoping it was fixed by this one.




  5. mhm...

    We already had this question I think.... and I think that, just because you wield a flame thrower, you aren't invincible to fire.


    Ember casts a circle of fire and walks in it - undamaged - but any other fire damages her - frost is affected by ice levels but can cast an avalanche that kills all enemies and does nothing to him. maybe frost just shouldn't have his shields affected as a result of being surrounded by what he casts.


    On a side note - why is frosts shield static and the Arctic eximus can walk around with theirs ?

  6. Had one 50% when i first started playing - played since july 13 - one of my clan mates has had at least 6 75% off's that we know of :/ 


    Other than the one - never had more than a 20% - sorry DE plat just isn't worth it at full price :(

  7. I just went to viver hive mission but was greeted with a rather curious effect. When using radial javelin they caused no damage to the infested and instead either followed the infested around for a while or hung in mid air, they did occasionally hit but 90% of the time did nothing at all. while i couldn't get a shot of the javelins following the infested about i did manage to get a few of the javelins just hanging around.





  8. Soo 2000 + hours every weapon and frame in the game (except founders - oh how i am glad i didn't take that road now), usually 99% of the time changes are ok but now and again well they just are not thought through before the hammer hits. 


    I woke up this morning and booted WF - Thought ooooo hotfix time and proceeded to read the notes :( oh dear, I wish i hadn't. Yes i ran viver and with the need for 240,000 rep points to max a syndicate rep and the feeble amount of rep points from other missions for the last few days i jumped on the bandwagon to try to accrue some of the rep. 


    Yes viver was flawed but it was flawed because of your own game mechanic DE and it was abused because of a system you yourselves put in place. But.....


    Instead of fixing the core issue, you all but destroyed the use of 3 frames - no longer can mag stand up to corpus (they hide behind everything available) over level 40 putting yourself in direct line of fire in an open map is suicide. Magnetic forces anyone????


    Excaliber LOS WTF are you kidding me radial blind was the first of your poster boys powers to get it - now radial javelin (straight after his buff no less) and his other 2 powers will not keep him alive in a T3 or T4 run.


    And finally Trinity, wow she has had a hard time with the hammer of nerf, first blessing, now energy vamp :( - is this ever going to stop ?


    See the thing is DE many other frames and a 4 player team with energy siphon + restores can easily keep up enough energy to farm on viver, A different set of AOE frames whilst not quite as efficient can do a similar job what will happen then? Are you just going to nerf every weapon and frame until we have no way to kill anything ? 


    Change VIVER it isn't rocket science and you would not have gotten 39+ pages of grief in doing it :/

  9. never had much of an issue with the tests but there are tips on the warframe wiki regarding all of them 


    Tips straight from the wiki - not sure if they will help but it's all i have for you sry
     - Consider using slow frames like Frost or Rhino to have even more time to aim and do the required Manoeuvres.
     - Shotguns or widespread continuous weapons are recommended as it aims a large area as opposed to accurate rifles.
     -Vertically climbing on top of all the platforms is an easy way to pass the test as it will give you an indefinite amount of time to shoot the orbs and proceed.
  10. Still looking for options guys - we are seasoned tenno and not rushing into anything without options and info, if its better pm me with your alliance details - number of clans in it etc and what you are looking for from new members of the alliance.

  11. We are a shadow clan looking for a large alliance to take us in,


    We have 25 members - 17 of which are mastery 10 or higher the others all above mastery 7.  Resources personally we have a large amount and can contribute to the cause, we started an alliance but quickly realised we couldn't compete with the huge alliances, with a little regret and the destruction of 10 rails built by our clan we deleted the alliance. Now we look to give our allegiance to one of you. pm in game on the forum or reply to this post.

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