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Posts posted by GSGregory

  1. Was Checking the staticor build I had since I had not changed it in quite awhile. 

    Convulsion, hornet strike, barrrel diffusion, lethal torrent, pistol pestilence, frostbite, primed pistol gambit, anemic agility.

    Ingame cold damage is 408.2

    Ingame radiation damage is 680.4

    Ingame corrosive is 1020.6


    warframe-builder values are

    513 cold damge

    856.050 radiation damage

    1284.074 corrosive damage


    Base stats are off slightly

    site shows base damage of 88 radiation

    Ingame base damage is 80. 

  2. I have had it happen a few times now where the effects of the infested maggots becomes permanent, shield drain, hp drain, and it basically ruins missions. The only way to get it off becomes dying, not just downed, but fully dying and having to use a revive. 

  3. I don't get the cernos release either. Don't understand why we needed a 4th version of a weapon or why it got matched with valkyr. They could of primed a weapon that didn't already have 3 other versions easily enough. And seeing the comments on here it seems to me it is either time they release new tenno weapons or new lore to allow for tenno augmenting of non tenno weapons. Or new tech weapons, or a new type of augmented/upgraded weapons.  More "dragon" weapons for example? 

  4. 17 minutes ago, Omnimorph said:

    There's two sides to this.  In the earliest MMOs, it was felt that it would foster community to have low in-game information - that way, people who were "explorer" types would discover things like quest/puzzle/information solutions, disseminate them, and have social standing in a community that's more comprised of "achievers" (who get their kudos in a more visible way).  Blizzard and a few other companies roundabout the same time changed that by having things more visible in-game (the paradigmatic example being the quest-giver's question mark above their head) so that achievers and other types wouldn't have to go outside the game, their play session could flow more easily.  This would encourage less uber-nerdy types to play MMOs, broadening the market.  And that succeeded very well - but at the cost of somewhat excluding "explorer" types from the social standing they had before.  (EVE Online is another game where this dynamic played out - initially, the game was so information-sparse that a huge external community of info-givers formed around the game; as CCP started introducing more info in-game, that external community has dwindled in importance.)

    Both points of view have something to recommend them.  With DE, I think they would like to have more relevant info laid out in-game, it's just that they don't have the resources to do it that well (when you're tight on resources you have to prioritize, and since outside-game dissemination can be relied on, especially with Youtube and things like that, and especially with Warframe having good fan support on Youtube, it's not a game-breaker to have to go outside the game for info).

    My complaint is more that while Warframe having different types of gameplay to suit different playstyles is a great thing, this is the first time I can recall where a particular, specialized type of gameplay (puzzle-solving, "learning", "practicing", repeating things until you get them right, plus "platforming" - which delights a lot of people, for sure, and after all these are some of the oldest, most venerable videogame playstyles) that I don't like and would normally avoid, has been put up as a bit of a roadblock to my progress in the overall Warframe story.

    It's not a #skyisfalling thing, and it is indeed a #firstworldproblems type of thing.  And personally, I've already gotten one mod, and will probably get the other two casually in the course of the next few days.  I would just like to flag that it's probably a bit of a mis-step on DE's part, something they should probably do as little as possible.

    tl;dr  killing stuff is the LCD of most videogames, and if you want people to see content you've lovingly made, you shouldn't set the barrier to it much higher than killing stuff.

    Ingame information will never be as full or as useful as player information for two reasons. 1. As you stated resources are limited and a dev team has much fewer resources than thousands of players. 2. Devs are not going to willingly put all the secrets up for players.


    Now as far as it being a roadblock. As older players we see it as a roadblock in that we are forced to GO BACK and do this, often times when it is content we have already done but most of the junction requirements are designed for new players with the idea in mind that players will fulfill the requirements as they progress through the game. As to the puzzles, they are not that hard and are not any harder to do than some spy, boss, or arch wing missions. 

  5. 6 hours ago, (PS4)cleaver1680 said:

    Sry didnt clarify u need nanos to build archwing to unlock saturn junction and yes u can grind maroo once a week for maybe a thousand nanos.  U  need 5k nanos for arch  so thats what a month or more if get lucky and get close to the same amounts every run

    nano spores are not used to build your first arch wing?

  6. 7 minutes ago, Noamuth said:

    And some people find exploring the map fun.  Mind further blown!

    Try reading the entirety of the post before getting snarky.  My post was to show that there isnt "one true way" to play public matches.


    If you can't get a team together, every newbie I've met will cue up and hope for the best.  Giving a sorting feature will help prevent speeders from getting stuck with slows via random matchmaking.

    And you do realize the recruiting covers the server and not specific planets, right?  Not to mention the majority of players don't use recruiting because it's a terrible feature.

    To simplify; cue up for a speed run on a node and you randomly get paired with any other speed runners also cueing the mission.

    Seriously? You don't think that people who are too lazy to use the recruitment channel will be too lazy to pick the right match making group? Not to mention griefers. And it still won't change anything if no one is playing the planet you want to play that way. Best of all even if you put people into speed running and non speed running omg there will still be people there for different reasons, or with different ideas on what to do or how long it should take and all the same problems will still exist. 


    edit- forgot to add this part.


    All it really sounds like is you are too freaking lazy to find people to play with.

  7. Just now, Noamuth said:

    Teammates play for fun.  If you want a team dedicated to the objective, play with friends or flatmates and make a team.

    Neither statement is right and neither is wrong.

    Have you used recruiting for planet missions?  If it's not a popular node, or a valuable alert reward, you're yelling into a well. I'm speaking from experience.  No one will invite you. 

    Recruiting isn't the answer.

    So... How does it make any sense that if you always fail at recruiting people for what you want that having a matchmaking mode for it will fix it? If the people aren't there to begin with you are just going to end up playing solo always anyways. 

  8. Just now, VoidWraith said:

    While recruitment chat is a possible solution. I have used it quite a few times back in the day of tower keys.

    As for clans and friends, you are depending on another person. which isn't always a bad thing, but it also isn't always reliable. For clans, you have a bunch of clans that promise certain things, but when you join, you are half of the time left by yourself, either because of different time zones, or inactivity of the clan (or most of the members), or the clan is very laid back to the point where helping is a chore, and no one wants to do it. Friends are great, especially if they are people you know irl. Problem that might arise is if they will stay interested. The availability of said friend. 

    This game isn't very hand holding, which can be a good thing, but the solutions of "go solo, don't pub" , "find a clan" , "find in recruitment chat" or "go with a friend".
    While they are technically answers. The reality is that those "answers" or kind of non-answers, as it is not realistic. But then again player expectation also isn't realistic.

    If you go into a pub, the correct mentality is to adapt your flow to the flow of the team. If they are hunting for marks, ayatan stars, or just exploring w/e. Then if you are a speed runner, you can help out, and make it go faster. This is the least confrontational mentality. Or you can just quit the party.

    If you go into the pub and the rest of the team is speedrunning, then you, as an explorer type, can quit, or speedrun with the team.

    If you preach teamwork, then work with the team, or leave. Whining and complaining about it won't help much, but maybe to alleviate some stress you built up? In which case it would kind of come out as white noise, and people on the forums will just give their typical responses, that usually aren't helpful to you. Or can technically help, but it ends up not being the answer you were looking for.

    That's all I can say on this subject.

    Gotta say it's refreshing to see this type of topic pop up after so long, haha.

    All those issue you mention are not going to disappear just because you split match making into speedrun and explore. And nothing would stop griefers either. 

  9. 21 minutes ago, ThunderTitz said:

    That's the thing.

    This doesn't have to be hard to sort out.

    Look at Spy missions (used to be random layout spy vault rooms that took time and was fun for some; now, they are just same setup after the QQ nerf).


    Things don't have to promote or punish play-style.


    All DE has to do is make an option to party with the correct play-style group.

    Man.. if only there was thing thing called recruitment chat where you could find like minded people to play with... Or if only there was some sort of clan system where like minded players could gather to play together. Man if only those things existed. But since those magic other worldly things don't exist I guess the better option is to split all matchmaking in half and make it harder for everyone to find a quick game. 

  10. I think it would be interesting to make the void a sort of testing ground, higher level enemies, make the game modes more difficult, increased enemy numbers, maybe add in minibosses that spawn every now and then, faster scaling. But go and make it a place where high geared players actually have a reason to be high geared. New or more drops? meh. Give us some kind of new challenge. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Ameijin-Grey said:

    Just because you're okay with being a calf forced to eat fodder doesn't mean that everyone else should be so complacent. Those junctions have very little to do with the actual plot of War Within and you KNOW that. Yet you sit here and defend their practice as if that will make more players content with their decisions, and it won't. Even if you disagree with players not being happy with these requirements, at least acknowledge the fact that unlocking those junctions are tied to RNG, and can potentially burn a colossal amount of time. No other game demands you to reach outside of the game aside from buying DLC to receive information. You should not have to go outside of your gameplay experience to receive prior warning. The dev streams are for those who WANT to be a part of that, not a mandatory thing. Arbitrary barriers are not pleasing. 

    Just about every mmo in the past ten years requires you to go outside the game for info. Arbitrary barriers in video games!? WHAT IS THAT EVILNESS! Not like video games have had arbitrary barriers to access content for all of time. 

  12. On 11/13/2016 at 9:41 AM, FaytHarkwind said:

    I'm actually in the boat that locking it behind one of the harder junctions is kind of bad game design. If it was an optional 'unlock a warframe quest' like sands of time, that's fine, but its a story update right? You want everyone to play that sort of content. I went through and unlocked what junctions I could when they got added but some of them are very difficult for a solo player. Yes, I could go ask a bunch of randoms for help, but it defeats the purpose of a solo option then. I also don't enjoy interacting with the community in game as most of the time they are rather unpleasant, or I'm just very unlucky with the people I meet in game. I'm sure there are other individuals who want to play entirely solo, thinking its a valid option, who are now struggling to get puzzles they can do alone. 

    This game is a multiplayer, but when you give an option to play the entire game solo, you can't just lock them out and say "lol, git frends scrub". If there wasn't a solo option, this wouldn't be an argument worth having since you should be playing with others, but since there is a solo option, it is a flaw in progression flow. 


    You can play any game solo, just like you could play warframe without using damage mods, or you could drive a car with no windshield, really in the end all you end up doing is hamstringing yourself. In the end this game was designed for multiplayer and anything else is YOU choosing to play that way. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, ograzzt said:

    And here I am, getting riven mods almost every sortie (got 6th one today), but ironically they all are extremely bad even after 10 rerolls. 

    How bad is extremely? 

  14. Just now, CrimsonKing07 said:

    if DE gave the frames 5 class roles it would be FAR easier to balance than the like 30 individual frames they have. and the level scaling is atrocious it honestly makes no since to me.

    So this begs the question, how much time do you have in warframe?

  15. 4 minutes ago, Omnipower said:

    Not sure if they lootable but you can also throw an ivara in there IF so.



    Not sure on ivara, I know nekros and maybe hydroid work on the grustag 3. 



    Honestly seeing this.... I wonder what new players would think if they had to do 20+ runs just to get a warframe part like it used to be. Still remember doing upwards of 100 runs for rhino and ember each back in the day. 

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