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Posts posted by StormBlader-

  1. Discussion: Arbitration's are a pretty decent idea with incorrect implementation. I would like to propose an idea to make this game mode better and more rewarding to the community.

    Change: Arbitration's in my personal opinion should be Faction based. Each Faction having their own unique rewards that need to be obtained through high difficulty missions (Much like the Faction itself). Arbitration's should be available for those who have reached the final Rank of their Faction.

    Immersion: Upon reaching the final rank of your Faction you will feel properly rewarded by having these high level missions available to you. Your faction will address you by your Rank and offer you a Reward pool filled with Cosmetic items to truly represent your Faction. You will also unlock lore based Codex entries on the origins of your Faction. This will make the Players feel like true representatives who earned their Rank.

    Rewards: The rewards will be similar to the normal faction spoils but they will be earned through collection of "Vitus Essence" to keep the theme of current Arbitration's without to much of a Jurassic change. A good portion of the Rewards will be representative of your respected Faction (Themed Rewards) and of a more elite tier than the normal spoils. EX: Armor sets, Syandanas, Weapon Skins, Ephemera's, Custom Heirloom Weapons (Not Weapon Variants), Faction Orbiter Flags and generally anything to flex your Rep. Of course normal Arbitration rewards should be available across the board.

      I understand that this is alot to add to the game, but the implementation shouldn't be too different than the current system. Only now there are better rewards with actual themes and purpose. I feel like this addresses two problems that the game currently faces; Lack of Faction involvement / Lack of purpose in Arbitration. I am curious to hear everyone's feedback so please leave a comment on your opinions. Lets construct a possible solution for the community.


  2. Given a little thought and a couple frustrating builds later I noticed the Exilius Slot isnt being used to it's full potential. Sure we have some decent Exilius mods, but what if we also allowed augment mods in that slot? It would make it easier for tenno players to have warframes more suited to their play style. We could make builds around those augments instead of losing out on an available slot for other mods. 

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