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Posts posted by Zadenados

  1. you forgot that they need to heal all allies inside with spacetech, and they completely drain all energy and shields of tenno.


    also, they clearly need to force lockdowns on all areas every time they blink.


     furthermore, they should invalidate your jumping ability with unkown gravitech.

  2. so i heard recently, that they are removing the stats on helmets. these are considered to be exclusive items, much like many mods, weapons, and other things.


    i feel cheated, considering i have the arcane helmets, but none of the other things. such as the event limited elemental mods, or the extremely exclusive primed chamber.


    suddenly finding out that my exclusives will now no longer be exclusive... well... does that mean they will also remove all the other exclusives?


    this is not a rage thread, but, i feel like they just wont make up their mind on what to do. i feel cheated either way though. honestly, it makes no sense to me. i understand that not everyone has the helmets so its not fair to new players or anything, but that applies to every event in the past too. unless they plan on bringing those events back, i really wish they would, then they simply can't balance it short of removing those mods. 


    i believe that like those other exclusives, the arcanes should stay in the game. there will never be a way to make everyone happy, but compromise to get the closest to it while remaining fair.

  3. so i finished a extermination on uranus and i was all what ever i'ma do a t4 survival to farm for some cores. apperantly not. reward screen comes up normally, then the timer counts down till it returns me to the tenno ship, and BOOM. i'm dead with a revival screen and everything. now, i'm not going to waste a revival on this crap, so i say forfeit. haaa guess what c:



  4. so like... you've nerfed my favorite frame to uselessness in pvp... RIP ash.


    still cant remove kubrow from my ship until its a dead corpse after 5-10 days of ... not neglect... more like planned killing.


    the trade chat bug is still in effect, and i cant log in without smashing that login button 5 times and praying to every god i know about and some i make up on the fly.


    the rhino looks like hes been skinny dipping in &!$$, feral kubrows (which are all the same color) still give out yoshi eggs with scrambled colors, and weapons are much less weapony.



  5. there needs to be a release into the wild option, and a new planet/mission dedicated to just kubrows, earth has too many ferral to notice a difference. or send them off for dojo guard training. idc what, but i'm not going to purposefully kill my kubrow.


    on a side note, all feral kubrows look the same. but their eggs are freakin yoshi powered with colors inside. wassup with that. make ferrals  have different patterns and colors as well.

  6. i wish i could point fingers, but a specter war dont make much sense to me. idc about who runs what darksector, if you dont like it, challenge them. what i am tired of is not being able to log in, or god forbid i do get online, getting kicked off because of server stability issues and repeating the process.

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