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Posts posted by Paperblake

  1. I don't ever post here, but I'd also like to just jump in and voice my disappointment and my concern with how the design team is handling these balances. This is a pretty big bug that affects things other than Mesa's Peacemaker, and simply calling it a balance feature and sweeping it under the rug seems lazy and detrimental. 

    If you want to make Peacemaker weaker, you should do it directly to the skill and not target an end-game item that sees 0 use elsewhere. As others have pointed out, nerfing the arcane means you're just further limiting the choices of arcanes we can use with Mesa. That said, I have a big objection to nerfing Peacemaker at all. Warframe to me has always been the game where min/maxing and getting end-game mods leads to insane synergies. This action takes that away and is a step towards blandness.

    I hope the design team revisits this decision, because this isn't how you balance live games. I strongly suggest reverting this decision and make exalted weapons interact with arcanes normally, while evaluating how you want to go forward with skill balancing. With all these exceptions, you're making it impossible for a casual player to figure out what works and what doesn't without scouring every detail of your patch notes and the edits within those.

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