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Posts posted by AngryNarwhal

  1. It's a long weapon, not a heavy one. It's just a faster, slightly weaker version of the Bo. It's advantage against most weapons is that it can ignore armour, has about 100 charge damage (slight less than plasma sword), normal attacks apparently stun more often (unconfirmed) and can hit multiple enemies. I'll just stick to my supercharged Bo thank you very much.

    PS, electric is basically the worst element.

    thats another thing, its charge damage is kinda crap. its only realy usefull when it hits a large number of enemies at once, but if you get in to do that your health drains from melle attacks worse than a house party for drain osprey.

    umm I'm not sure bout you but it's fine by me.... not being able to kill loot canisters...I'm also not sure bout that <.< mine just one hits them like most melee weapons do >.>

    idk what you are taling about, mine cant one hit canisters where all of my other melle do. i dont know how you got it to work well, it feels so weak to me. perhaps ive just been spoiled by furax?

  2. i bought the new staff on a whim with real moneys, after playing several games with it and leveling it up to 9 the "heavy staff" is just as slow as the avarage heavy weapon but its attack is less powerfull than most small weapons. it has decent range but not farther than the other heavy weapons(or at least not apretiably) and its certainly not enough for not being able to kill DESTRUCTABLE LOOT CANISTERS! the electric damage on jump slam exists but is not nearly enough to make up for any of this. am i using it wrong? am i just bad? probibly, but i cant imagine this would be ideal even if i were a pro and knew every detail about how the weapon worked.

    Comments? Confimations? Screaming swears of distaste?

  3. this guy is a speed runners dream.

    even with the cap i think there are some bosses that will be one hit or nearly one hit by his first ability, thats a great move for only 25 energy.

    undo is a little silly because it seems to be a tool to excuse bad play, or at least can easily be seen as that. "oh jeez i was a dumb guy and got my nipples bitten off by a horde of infected, let me just fix that instantly." gate is cool but i would like to see it cancel upon putting the portal to close, because doing so implies you misclicked and it would suck to just be like "oops there goes 50 energy so that i can get teleported 3 feet away, thanks portal ability." and then the last one is like "yup i play league lol" its a neat idea but this means he has 2 direct damage one target spells that serve the same purpose exept one takes the whole energy bar and gets crazy huge bonuses and the other can be repeated 4 times unupgraded.

    seems just a little op.

  4. yeah i guess ulti has limited uses but making it even aim its attacks is a risky proposition, could very easily be op.

    the intention is for it to be used with a weapon that has aoe, or on imobilized opponents.

    not sure about brush, but thinking about it perhaps a painting referecne would be more apt.

    i chose to use art as an element because i didnt see any other sugestions like it, and there are some weirder elements in the game already like um.. rhinos? swords?(excalibur) brains? yeah i can see an art theme existing in game.

  5. time to post another warframe idea, unfortunately i dont have specific stats for this one either but i have the idea this is just a framework(pun not intended) for him.

    speaking of which his name is quil http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quill

    he is a drawing/ink based frame with moderate hp and shields.

    his helmet is cubic facing an edge forewardand tilted downwards decorated with various metal seams and in the lower back of the helm there isa handfull of tubes leading into the collar of his suit. aformentioned collar is surounded by pleated metal screwed onto the torso plate. his arm armor flairs out near the wrist like a bell sleave decorated like a fountain pen. coming out of these armor "sleaves" is a length of fur/hair with darkended ends which look like the end of a paintbrush. his legs are decorated with similar but less obvious cuffs. on each thigh is a larger plate wraping around and stretching up to the hip and on the curved hip plate there are several divots made to look like a painting palete.


    1: Flourish

    Quil briefly swings his arms to his hips and then twists them around his body dramaticly leaving a trail of "ink" around himself that floats around as a liquidy looking shield that blocks some damage from incoming attacks for a duration. after that duration the ink dries and sets in place becoming a pathing(movement, but not projectile) blocker for another duration.

    2: Penmanship

    Quil swings whatever weapon he is holding downwards and then swipes his non dominant hand in a circular motion in front of him. held weapons become coated with "ink" including melle. for a couple seconds quils attacks create a trail of ink wherever they hit the trail does not last long but pervents enemies from moving through it(very high slow) and does damage over time to them. if an attack directly hits an opponent it deals small bonus damage but leaves no trail. the trail lasts a short amount of time before fading.

    3: Animation

    Quil brings his hands to the floor and then raises them above his head. as he raises his hands his texture becomes tinged with "ink" and his movements become even more exagerated and dramatic than they were before. while ink covered his exageration gives him a bonus to attack, reload, and movement speed for the duration, after the duration the ink violently splashes off him dealing light damage to enemies in the area directly around you.

    4: Self Portrait

    Quil swings his arms up from his waist to directly in front of him, then crosses his arms and swings them directly outwards to his sides befre returning to normal stance. as the animation finishes a cartoonish figure porportioned like Quil is produced in front of him and stands there for the ability duration. next time you use an attack (melle, fire primary or secondary weapons) the double will copy it and keep repeatedly using that attack for the remainder of the duration, but does not aim it and instead stands still while using the attack. it acts as a pathing blocker be could not be mistaked for the real one so enemies will not attack him. at the end of the duration the double disipates and his ink splashes all over creating a similar explosion to the end of penmanship.


    his ink colour could be determined by the colour picker.

    his self portrait could just be portait and randomly choose a warframe to be a stylized version of.

    more visual puns in his armor design.

    this is my idea so far, I hope you like and sugestions are always welcome.

  6. I'll acknowledge your point, if numbers were to be shown I will concede the my point that she would be straight up better than the other 3 frames mentioned. But then the question comes to mods. How would you balance the numbers, AoE, and all of that once you put mods into the equation? Low damage, Power Strength. Range an issue? Power Range. As of now, you'll need to think this through a little more thoroughly if DE would decide to take in an interest to this and tweak your preexisted idea to what they believe would be fitting for Warframe's design.

    mods are always a little wierd to deal with, i cant say ive thought of her exact skill tree.

    also i feel dumb for not realizing that you put other stuff in the quote, so i guess ill adress that now.

    name: like i said, i dont know what to name her, if you have a sugestion that would be great.

    1: dont know what you mean, if it didnt have a duration it wouldnt have an effect.

    2: youre right about the knockdown being redundant, but its targeted at an area, not all around you like crush. also its weaker than crush because crush is a final ability that cost 100 energy and this isnt.

    3: point taken about the ember similarities, but it would be a self buff that lasts longer than one jump and wouldnt necesarily go as high as excalubur. that said this is the weakest of her abilities design wise.

    4: its not like it matters that gravity doesnt work like that, if it did then so many warframes wouldnt work because fire/light/magnets/muscles/electricity doesnt work that way. i gues the idea would work better as a 3 and not a 4 depening on the damage involved.

    that said i may be showing my other idea tomarrow, to late at night right now, need sleep.

  7. I hope you realize Mag is already gravity-based. But the only real role I would imagine this frame playing is somewhere inbetween Nyx and/or Ember. CC with AoE damage, but superior to both with how the abilities function as of now. That might be a little unfair as both Nyx and Ember are, IMO, underpowered right now though. However, if this was for whatever reason implemented, Nyx and Ember's skills don't get a rework in time for the official launch, who in their right mind that is min/maxing efficiency with the best frames would choose Nyx, Ember, or even Mag over this frame?

    boopity boop boop

    they wouldnt be invalidated since she would not deal a huge amount of damage with her abilities exept for 4,other focus on either damage or cc, she does both but is not as good at them as the ones who focus. also she has 2 abilities that require her to be close to eneimes. her 1 deals no damage just buffs her and knocks down some enemies if it is aimed well.(not very large radius until upgraded) i dont think shes op, she just needs some numbers atributed to her abilities. i may do that in the future.

    mag, as per her name, is magnetism based, not gravity based. check her description. following is from the website:

    With full command of surrounding magnetic energy, Mag is an expert at enemy manipulation. She is a perfect choice for players that want to deal heavy damage in unconventional ways.~

    Mag is gravity base by seeing the fact that gravity is magnetism. Gravity base warframes would be cool too.

    still think there fhould be a frame exclusive to gravity, its diferent enough for the purposes of gameplay that its worth exploring. also if you have a better idea for what to call this frames focus/element that would be nice

  8. I had a cool idea earlier today

    idk what to call her though but they all have punny names so... Vity? Ravit? any sugestions?

    She would have low health and medium shield, being an anoying caster with aoe disables.

    in terms of looks i see a sort of dome head with a seam in the middle that comes down to a point in the front like an arrow pointing down, and the bottom would have little tooth like metal extremities. Her elbow joints would be covered by a pointed plate coming down from her upper arm, and her legs would have a similar patern but in several segmented more metalic looking plates going around the thigh and the lowwer leg would have this as well leading to the foot which ends in a wide arrow like point and has some sort of glowing orb mounted on the top. her hand and fingers have similar segments to the legs.


    1: she slants gravty forward in the direction she faces within an area, allowing her to move foreward faster and sliding enemies in the same direction, enemies that hit walls are knocked down. projectiles traveling contrary to this field are slowed dealing much less damage to you or alies on the other side.

    duration, damage reduction, size, and speed could scale with ability level.

    2: she dramaticaly increases gravity in target area causing AOE knockdown. there is also a movespeed reduction and damage over time in that area for the duration.

    size, damage, duration, and speed reduction could scale with ability level.

    3: she creates a localized gravity field around her, giving her extra jump hight, slowfall (that may be canceled by sliding), damages nearby enemies over time, and slightly increases armor.

    aromor, jump hight, slowfall, duration, and damage could scale with ability level.

    4: she launches a vortex that knocks enemies down and pulls them towards it while dealing damage over time. becomes smaller the more it travels, and explodes when it hits a wall, dealing damage that scales with how large it was (how far it DIDNT travel) if it becomes to small while traveling it disipates in the air.

    initial size(and thus duation and damage) could scale with ability level.

    hope you like! sugestions are welcome!

    i have another idea for a drawing based warframe but ill wait awhile to post it.

  9. Blueprints should be earned through gameplay, with achievable and certain goals. These BPs can be earned through in-game actions that are associated with the nature of frame. Play stealthy and melee-orinted to earn Ash BPs. Support your team to get Trinity's. Cast often to get Mag. Tie these earning with achievements in oreder to make players feel that they're not wasting their time with uncertainty.


    yes this X100

    this is one of the smartest ways around the problem ive heard so far. naturaly i think it needs some balencing but it removes a huge chunk of the anoying random system that caused this arguement to begin with. Perhaps it should still be linked with the bosses though, like one of the achievements could be beating the respective one for the frame.

  10. the issue is the randomness of it, the people defending it have had a fine time with the RNG, while peple like me and the op have been buthumped by bad luck. the process of colecting blueprints and materials of crafting the thing is fine, but there needs to be less randomness to it so that some people dont just get screwed over.

    1: people should not have the same part drop that they already had unless they have the rest for that warframe already.

    2: if you have a blueprint in your inventory that requires something, that thing should drop slightly more often

    its just a start but just adding these will make so many people happy and there is no real reason not to.

    also the wait for the warframe after you craft it is just silly, you could make the excuse that they take time to craft but the helmet, suit, and systems only take 12 hours and to my knoledge crafting the warframe consists of slaping them together with a reactor inside, which should not take 3 bloody days.

  11. If it's just not happening, the RNG Gods are against ye.

    i think we may have found the source of all this argueing, people like me have been actively fighting lady luck, while others are getting magic farie gold thrown in their laps every ten seconds. i think at the very least less random chance should be involved in this stuff.

  12. i use a shield heavy build and use snipetron and PUNCHING(furax), so i get murdered quick by toxic, and have a hard time with groups so blugh blugh swarming.

    i dont seem to have the swarming grineer problem unless i play a mission that requires me to be left alone to hack something asuring that i will never get to do so without dying.

    also i already know furax is suposedly bad, you dont need to "inform" me.

  13. love these posts, keep it up.

    theres also the weird little thing that happens when you jump to a ledge low to the ground. you stop, grab the ledge, sink into the ground and then jarringly shove yourself onto the ledge all while taking gunfire from behind your slow buggy behind.

  14. what is with all the hostility against making getting new warframes easier? these arent weapons or random equipments, this is the games class system.

    so if you want to play a certain way or fill a role in a group then you need to go through all that. all that meaning a week of reapeating the same missions over and over and over and over to get blueprints and materials, then three days of waiting, and thats just if you already have all the locations you need unlocked. im all for making classes dificult to get but it should be dificulty not tedium. but aperently i can go screw off to another game because i dont enjoy bashing my head against a wall for hours every day.

  15. i guess if you already have everything unlocked, are very lucky, and have nothing but time on your hands it only takes a week of tedious boring bullcrap to get a warframe, but unfortunately I have i life. and this isnt just some equipment we are talking about here, this is the games equivelent of a class system, so if you want to play the game in a specific way or style, or want to fill a role in a team you need to jump through these hoops.

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