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Posts posted by AbleAlgorithm

  1. IGN: LostAlgorithm

    Mastery Rank:  14
    Timezone: CST (Mississippi)
    About me:

    When I was younger I used to wish I could find a game I enjoyed enough to dedicate a significant amount of time to. Warframe was and still is the only game that's resonated with me in that way. With nearly 1100 hours put in by this point, it's been a constant in my life and I'm looking to find ways to continue enhancing the experience. I'm hoping joining your clan would be a way to do just that.

    Outside of the game, my job (military) keeps me busy, as does my wife and furbabies (Two kav...er, cats), but I love each one as much as I do gaming, so it's all good.

    I tend toward being an eternal optimist, even when it's not always realistic. I like to think I'm an easy-going, relaxed person who just tries to enjoy and appreciate every experience that comes his way, even when they don't go the direction I was hoping.

    What can I bring to the clan?  

    I like being part of a group that I can support and that I know will support me back. I could probably do some leadership style stuff eventually, but I have enough of that in my regular day-to-day so I prefer to not get too deep. I'm more than happy to share my knowledge and to help those who have less than I do though. I'm dedicated, reliable, and understanding of others. I work well in teams because I tend to get along with everyone and can be counted on to care. Overall, I believe I'd simply be a solid addition to the clan, but saying all this makes me feel bad for not seeming very humble...I promise I am! I am the most humble!...Wait...

    Anyway, that's me I guess! I appreciate you taking the time to read through my application! Hope to join ya'll soon if you'll have me! Take care!

  2. I felt like there was a decent possibility that the Lotus symbol might have the word "Tenno" within it, and looking at first 4 characters of the middle script in the symbol it almost looks like it could be that considering the third and fourth characters appear very similar. Unfortunately, I'm not sure where to go with that from here as I'm lost on any possibilities for the latter half.

  3. Hey all! So, the A Quest Unknown contest is over, and, like many, my entry didn't win. *Frowny face* That's okay though! Even though I didn't win, I still put a lot of heart and soul into my piece and I didn't want it lost to the Void of the contest topic. It's the first piece of writing I've done outside of school that I've ever shown to anyone, and it would mean a -ton- for me to get any sort of feedback (Positive or negative!) so that I can feel like I've gained something from my effort and can improve for next time!


    Anyway, please enjoy and let me know what you think! Thanks!



    I stepped into the world, and he stepped out. I remember the thud as his lifeless body collapsed against my cryopod. I remember the fear in his comrades eyes as they lit up the room in a desperate barrage of laser fire. I remember the growing crimson calm that followed as I laid them down one-by-one, broken on the floor. Though I struck with precision and clarity, my mind was lost in confusion. Who was I? What was my purpose? My instincts, though they had saved me from my would-be captors, had only martial answers.


    Lotus...Her voice came to me like an angel, echoing across the Void. She greeted me as Tenno, an honor I was unable to fully appreciate at the time. The fog of centuries began to clear as my new mentor explained the forgotten history of the Sol System, my people, and our connection to the Warframes. It was a connection she stressed as absolutely vital to develop if I wanted to survive. The enemies of the Tenno are many, and not all would be defeated on instinct alone.


    Action is the best teacher. The tyrannical stranglehold of the Grineer and the greedy attacks the Corpus made against my kin fueled the fury of my lessons as I swept through their holdings, slaughtering them on mass. With each victory my power grew, and each liberated Frame of Tenno legend offered more understanding. Wearing one of my ancestor's Frames was almost like stepping into the persona of the original Tenno, each one a treasure trove of knowledge that opened up the more you gave yourself over to it. I did so eagerly.


    In time, the connection between myself, the Frames, and the Lotus became almost tangible. I began to look to the symbol of the open lotus for strength and wisdom. I understood that each Frame was a petal on that flower of enlightenment, and that my efforts had helped it to bloom. I could feel the energy of the universe flowing over me - through me - and I knew my rebirth was finally complete.

    I no longer wonder who I am.

    I am the Loki, the Nekros, the Banshee, the Ash - The long shadows cast by my enemies are a refuge as I orchestrate their downfall.

    I am the Oberon, the Frost, the Trinity, the Nyx - Divine guardian of both the balance and my clanmates.

    I am the Rhino, the Nova, the Valkyr, the Ember - My body is an avatar through which I channel my ancestor's rage.

    But there's one name used by those who fear me that I am more proud of than any other: I am Tenno, and I bring purpose to destruction.


  4. [[Edit: After reading through others, I realized they're all about a specific Tenno. Was that part of the requirement? I was under the impression any game-related lore would do. Is my entry acceptable?]]


    I think the only real guideline content wise is that it should be structured in the format of a quest of some sort.

  5. Hey!


    It's nice to meet you all! I've been playing for awhile now (Over 300 hours put in) and I was finally lured out of lurker status by the most recent contest. If you want to read my story entry for it you can find a link below:




    Just wanted to introduce myself and say that I love what DE has done with Warframe. It's the first game in a long time that has consistently made me come back for more. A big part of that is the amazing Dev team who just keeps on pushing out new shininess week after week. I'm still excited to see what will come next even after all this time put in! Easily the best value I've ever gotten out of any game.


    Anyway, if you want to know more, feel free to ask. Thanks for stopping by! Looking forward to seeing some of you in-game!

  6. Soooo, my brain went into overdrive, I wrote several stories but obviously we can only post one. Hey Megan can we have a forum where we can pop these up, there are many of us who would want to write stories and whatnot. Pretttyyyy pleasseeee *looks up with those big cute dragon eyes*


    The Fan Zone forum  seems to have a lot of fanfiction / stories posted in it. You could maybe put your extras there.

  7. Tenno

    I stepped into the world, and he stepped out. I remember the thud as his lifeless body collapsed against my cryopod. I remember the fear in his comrade's eyes as they lit up the room in a desperate barrage of laser fire. I remember the growing crimson calm that followed as I laid them down one-by-one, broken on the floor. Though I struck with precision and clarity, my mind was lost in confusion. Who was I? What was my purpose? My instincts, though they had saved me from my would-be captors, had only martial answers.


    Lotus...Her voice came to me like an angel, echoing across the Void. She greeted me as Tenno, an honor I was unable to fully appreciate at the time. The fog of centuries began to clear as my new mentor explained the forgotten history of the Sol System, my people, and our connection to the Warframes. It was a connection she stressed as absolutely vital to develop if I wanted to survive. The enemies of the Tenno are many, and not all would be defeated on instinct alone.


    Action is the best teacher. The tyrannical stranglehold of the Grineer and the greedy attacks the Corpus made against my kin fueled the fury of my lessons as I swept through their holdings, slaughtering them on mass. With each victory my power grew, and each liberated Frame of Tenno legend offered more understanding. Wearing one of my ancestor's Frames was almost like stepping into the persona of the original Tenno, each one a treasure trove of knowledge that opened up the more you gave yourself over to it. I did so eagerly.


    In time, the connection between myself, the Frames, and the Lotus became almost tangible. I began to look to the symbol of the open lotus for strength and wisdom. I understood that each Frame was a petal on that flower of enlightenment, and that my efforts had helped it to bloom. I could feel the energy of the universe flowing over me - through me - and I knew my rebirth was finally complete.

    I no longer wonder who I am.

    I am the Loki, the Nekros, the Banshee, the Ash - The long shadows cast by my enemies are a refuge as I orchestrate their downfall.

    I am the Oberon, the Frost, the Trinity, the Nyx - Divine guardian of both the balance and my clanmates.

    I am the Rhino, the Nova, the Valkyr, the Ember - My body is an avatar through which I channel my ancestor's rage.

    But there's one name used by those who fear me that I am more proud of than any other: I am Tenno, and I bring purpose to destruction.


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