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Posts posted by jotadg

  1. my thoughts, it simply ruins the melee show.  and everytime i complain about a crap change everyone say "wellcome to warframe" so yeah 😄 lets force more deluxe skins and give some potatoes to players on the next hotfix 😄 

  2. On 4/27/2018 at 11:18 AM, FollowTheFaceless said:

    All my friends dropped WF years ago (for fokin Hat Simulator 2) and I'm solo clan also because of it. 

    Was clan solo aswell because my friends thinks the game is lacking of content or no future NEW stuff or full of promises and hopes on the DEadline and heartbreaking on the DElay then dissapointment on DEliver, so well. When I ask them why they dont play anymore and I get "repetitive"  "only fixing exploits that makes you save time and ignoring the ones that makes you lose it" (AGREE 1000% on this), after gringing for 5-6 months you actually ask yourself how this 5 years veterans stays on the game, besides staying afk on the ship lol  so well, DE please pay attention to those hopes

  3. On 4/28/2018 at 4:36 PM, (XB1)Tucker D Dawg said:

    Use recruiting to find like minded folks.

    I generally do public and stay as long as others are willing - but have no issue if they want to leave.  

    Perfectly valid reasons they may want to leave at the first opportunity:

    • They were levelling something up and its done
    • it was the only fissure mission type available
    • They realized they brought the wrong gear
    • They didn't want to play with a limbo/nova/whatever
    • Their mom called them to dinner
    • They had accidently selected the wrong mission
    • They were doing a fissure for a specific part and got it.
    • They saw an alert pop up they wanted to do
    • A friend invited them to a game
    • They don't like the conversation
    • They don't like you.
    • and countless other reasons

    The simple fact is that there is the option to extract at certain points and people are free to take it - and do so however they chose to - and they have that right.


  4. 4 hours ago, Klavinmour said:

    Slash is the only one worth using in terms of getting a status proc off.
    As damage goes Puncture still rips through armour and Impact still works wonders against Corpiss.

    And damage 2.5 was just a step for 3.0 which apparently was to include re-balancing of Elemental Status as well as giving us a feature similar to Orange and Red crit with Status Chance over 100%.

    so yea, "lets nerf slash which is the only proc that actually works to make it as useless as impact :D"  yay 

  5. yes, rip

    i really love the where the game is going with the plains, we love you DE, really doing the greatest game

    However those glticherinos... oh boy. and we are talking about a bigger map :p oh boy oh boy 

    PS: i fired a warhead of the elytron and helped moving it a little but the drone got stuck there later anyway, and some other player suggested using loki to move it as well 


  6. I come from the future, I c-can't give much details because i d-dont want to screw up this universe again, but ummm, they will have a cool feature for ships, i also warn you, if you ever see a stalker, punch him in the face for me. 

    28 minutes ago, RunicZeus said:

    Don't screw up the timeline Barry.

    I really want this more than ever. DE did say this was upcoming.



  7. Well, this was really weird, have you ever felt alone inside your ship Tenno?

    Ignoring the fact that my volt looks like The Flash, ummm maybe going back to my ship so fast ended in some mishap?, a lone volt guy traveling around with random matchmaking farming stuff goes back to his ship and find that the ship is not mine, this purple console, but what is this, another tenno, with me? is this a harrow trolling easter? no, suddenly, a guy says, "wtf, what are you doing here" well, is DE going to let us visit our friends ships soon and this bug let it happen? idk, but it was really fun, shouldnt fix it actually, now i go back to my ship and whisper the guy on DM, dude can i go to the ship again with you?

    http://weird bug.jpg


    love u DE, keep up the great work! this was really fun, should consider to release some day visiting buddies at their ships:highfive:

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