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Posts posted by (XBOX)FoxEsal

  1. So with last stream of the year I had mentioned Neon Fish for the tanks. This got me thinking, why not have Neon Color Palettes? Then just have the color palettes just glow. We can call this new addition Glow Frames.

  2. 5 hours ago, (PS4)Loki1211 said:

    I did get it from watching a partner stream over the weekend.  I did not get the prime time drop last night.  I watched all of prime time, including the extra minutes at the end when they "fixed" it.

    Xbox users didn't get it. PC and Ps4 users did. well most of them did. DE addressed it on stream today. They know and are working on a update.

  3. 1 minute ago, (Xbox One)devoltar said:

    That was limited to the weekend after game awards, it is not running currently. I also had to unbind and rebind my twitch before it worked but I'm not sure if that was actually required or if it was being buggy with different partners. 

    I did that during the time of the event. I still didn't get it. It's the same for friends of mine. So i'm sure it's something on DE's end

  4. 19 hours ago, (PS4)RedKain243 said:

    If someone is annoying you, just use the "ignore" ingame, you shouldn't see their messages anymore.

    It's not about ignoring them. It's about now allowing toxic behavior in the first place. There's no reason for it. I'd expect that kind of behavior allowed in CoD even then they still have a report button in game.

  5. We need the option to report people while in game. The chat so so toxic and people are just harassing while on missions. They don't get chat banned because they just add a space or a period in the middle of the word. How is it that the word "gay" is ok to type and not get banned in chat? We need a way to Kick afkers from our missions also.

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