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Posts posted by Lord-Scath

  1. just in case anyone hasn't finished war within by now 


    When I came back from the plains my operator was on my market console and said hey there kiddo like what happened when you returned to your ship at the end of war within but I remember when that happened I was on the codex console not the market console like this time I don't know if that is a bug to see that again or if it's intended for a reason

  2. Do you think it would be possible at some point to give our operators suits that are based off the syndicates? Or maybe a skin of some sorts for our frames? Cause I really dig the arbiters of hexis helmet and the sigil's just aren't enough

  3. 1 hour ago, Stoner74 said:

    A cat helmet... For Banshee... ?

    Are you even kidding??

    No disrespect to the creator, but this has nothing to do with what Banshee is. The ''cat'' in the helmet is just WAY too obvious. 


    What's next? A cat skin for Valkyr with fur and a tail?! Jeez..

    Just in case this isn't some form of sarcasm the new Banshee helmet resembles a bat which is all about sounds so it fits but if you're not super familiar with bats I can understand why you might see a cat instead

  4. 1 minute ago, UNO168 said:

    I like how DE sneak riven slots for plat in hotfix and hopes no one would notice. 
    "For the same price of a warframe slot, you can now stash 1 more riven just so you can waste kuva on it"

    unveiled riven mod should be sold for 10 plat comes with free slot
    inb4 DE pre-nerf new gears just so u need a riven mod for it

    I don't think making the first point in the patch notes about buying more riven slots is really them sneaking it in

  5. 2 hours ago, ExiaTrinity said:

    Hi fellow Tenno.

    Now to all those who are against the "forma, booster and Nitian" on sorties. The following is just my opinion.

    Sortie is available to all those who completed TWW and happen to be MR4.

    Sure we don't need these new additions BUT there are those who need them. Fresh players who just started sorties after completing TWW. They most definitely need NITIAN, FORMA  and the 3 day boosters will HELP them so very much. 

    Sure we think of ourselves facing the changes BUT also think of our fellow Tenno who are in need.

    After all "tenno help tenno"

    Exactly what I was going to say I may not agree with the new drop table for myself but there are others who would really benefit from any of these

  6. I took an extended break from the game and missed out on frost prime, which sucks for me cause frost was my first real frame so I really would like to build my own frost prime. I just don't know what it's priced at so PM with offers or make them here if you have a full set you're willing to sell. Or any parts if you don't have a full set

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