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Posts posted by Flowrpot

  1. Current clan: The Arcane Seraph, It's a small clan with only me and the owner active, I've been in it for like 3 or 4 years.

    Previous clans: none I've only ever done solo or been in TAS

    IGN: Flowrpot 

    MR/Hours:  25, 908 ingame hours, 1608 on steam.

    Country:  Norway

    Language: Norwegian - English (both fluent, cant tell that im Norwegian unless i tell you.) 

    I've been playing warframe since 2017 (a bit on and off but mostly active.) I enjoy talking to people and being social. My abilities in warframe consists mostly of speed related things.
    I am adept at parkour and have quite a few warframes modded to be viable for speed. I have a little bit of experience in eidolons and other boss fights, but nothing to brag about. Ofcourse I am looking to improve this. 

    Discord ID: Bestefar#0397


  2. While i was testing my tipedo prime build i noticed that my red crits do considerably less damage than my yellow crits (my riven gives me 300% extra crit chance and -81% crit upon slide attack) 
    The numbers were as follows: 6500 ish for yellow crits while doing a normal polearm [W + left click combo] and during that time i got 900 as red crit! Which i can not understand, I would love for some help on this matter 

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