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Posts posted by Lunamaniac

  1. As of a day ago, whenever I try to join a public mission I am kicked back to the orbiter with the message "Session unavailable".

    Interestingly I remain in the squad and can communicate with everyone else.  So far, I have experienced a failed host migration every time shortly after that - at which point I am booted from the squad itself.

    This started after I accidentally reset my router.  New password, and everything seemed to be working - but then I tried playing Warframe and this happened.


    I've searched around, and others seem to be experiencing the problem as well - but I cannot discover any solutions.

    I can run missions in solo or invite only, I can even host public missions but then no-one can join.  This is a bit of a pain since I can't solo Eidolons very well.

  2. 20 minutes ago, Latiac said:

    It seems interesting, but out of place with the game - Why spend time to do that when we can blitz past them and 1 shot them with a Tigris Prime right?

    But at high level missions I would find this tedious to use, not only do you have to survive getting shot at by incredibly strong enemies with little health, We'd have to do it for EVERY enemy to make a noticeable difference.

    Could be an interesting concept for a frame though.

    The reason I figured it'd be good to have the operator gradually rise in level based on the disparity between player and enemy would be so that the operator's progression would be so you couldn't instantly make the operator on par with enemy level.  You'd either have to take things slowly, like you're thinking, or find an enemy with a higher level than most enemies.

    One thing I didn't really convey too well in the OP, is that often you'd want to find a normal enemy to drain first before trying to find an eximus and then drain that.  The two methods aren't mutually exclusive.

    You're completely right about it being too slow though, perhaps a straight average would make it too slow to approach enemy level.

    This mechanic that I'm suggesting is fairly arbitrary, but I'd be genuinely excited to see level scaling handled in a dynamic way for operators.

    12 minutes ago, Teksorbkyva said:

    I think they should instead make Void damage either a type of Finisher damage that can't be resisted, or deal percentile damage so that while your survivability may go down with higher levels, your ability to kill does not. Amps would need a rework with that though, seeing as we're used to one-shotting low level enemies. Perhaps there could be a minimum base damage plus a percentage bonus of the enemy's max HP.

    I neglected armor kind of intentionally, it has its own problems but having some way for operator raw damage to be increased would make it share only the problems that our warframes and other weapons already have.  Scaling damage based off enemy max hp actually seems kind of tricky to me.  How would high level trash mobs be distinguished from high level boss mobs?

    11 minutes ago, Bronjun said:

    You know, I love the new Madurai's blind void dash, except the fact I have to switch back to warframe to perform finisher. I would love a custom finishing move for operator with stealth multiplier, just like other melee weapons. 

    In general I would love some special mechanic for operator finishers.

  3. Introduction

    With the new AMPs, operators can be genuinely fun to use and offer versatility in combat when rapidly switching between them and their warframe.

    This however, is only true when facing enemies of up to about level 50.  For the purpose of this suggestion, let's imagine that the operator's default level is 50.  Operators have no ways to really power themselves up, lacking mods or currently any other progression system.

    The simplest solution would be to just have operators match the level of the enemies present and scale their damage accordingly - however I don't find this a particularly elegant solution.

    Instead, what if operators could perform a ground finisher on enemies to dynamically steal levels from them?

    Sounds strange right?  And oddly specific.  Well, let me explain in some more detail why I think this could be well balanced and also a fun and thematically fitting solution.


    In this proposed suggestion, the level drain would occur in two parts:

    Part 1 - The operator approaches a downed enemy and initiates a finisher.  The operator will perform an animation to represent draining the enemy's energy, at which point the enemy will have its level set to the average between its and the operator's.  So, if the operator is level 50 and the enemy is level 100 - the enemy's level will be set to 75 (If the operator's level was higher, the level drain should fail).  All its health, shields and armor will be recalculated for that level.  At this stage, the operator's own level is unchanged.

    Part 2 - In order to raise the operator's level, they must defeat the now weakened enemy.  If another player defeats the enemy, or the operator switches back to their warframe, it will not count.  Upon defeat, the enemy will send out an energy ball in the same color as that of the operator's who destroyed it and this will travel to the operator.  The operator's level will then be set to the average decided earlier. At this point their damage could be increased based on their new level.

    Level would be reset at the end of the mission, but not on operator or warframe death.

    How this mechanic fits in with existing ones

    There are relatively few ways for an operator to knock down an enemy, and the simplest way is to use the void blast which is currently underutilised - encouraging the player to use all the tools operators have at their disposal.

    With a mechanic like this, operators still wouldn't be optimal for all situations and wouldn't risk replacing warframes - but at the same time a determined player could try to make them viable and perhaps discover untapped niches or just another way to play.

    While they would still be squishier than warframes, this mechanic could be well suited for endless missions in which enemy level gradually increases over time, allowing the operator to ramp up its level alongside enemies.

    This system would reward targeting stronger enemies to level up the operator faster, but that of course entails a greater degree of risk.  Players would be able to choose whether they wanted to level up their operator quickly by seeking out powerful eximus units or play it safe by taking care of only slightly stronger enemies to build level more slowly.

    Players who do not enjoy the operator could still find some niche use for this mechanic by swapping to operator mode to level drain a strong unit and then instantly switching back to their frame. (Remembering that in this scenario the operator's level would be unchanged).


    These are only broad suggestions.  Massive changes would be understandable and maybe necessary - but I had not seen a similar idea being discussed elsewhere which linked the operator scaling issue to existing gameplay mechanics.

    Enemy scaling has always been an interesting discussion point in warframe, and I think with operators there are potentially a lot of interesting mechanics that could be used to really distinguish them from warframes and our traditional weapons in a way that makes them fun and effective in their own way.

    Please give me any feedback, even if you just think the idea is mad, and I will even amend this suggestion when good points are made.

    Thanks for reading.

  4. The latest hotfix invalidated Shraksun Scaffold as a practical alternative to the Pencha Scaffold.

    Both AMPs recieved buffs, but one was far more generous than the other.

    The Pencha Scaffold had its damage increased from 6000 to 9000

    The Shraksun Scaffold had its damage increased from 7000 to 7500

    The Shraksun has gone from a small damage lead over the Pencha to a significant damage damage difference not in its favour.

    Now, despite having a longer range the Pencha Scaffold massively outdamages the Shraksun.  I don't necessarily think the Pencha's buff is too much, for high level content it certainly isn't OP - however the Shraksun is now a much less viable alternative for a player who wants their loadout to be optimal.

    I would personally like the Shraksun to maintain a lead over the Pencha, as to me that justifies the extra danger the player places themselves in by placing themselves in close quarters with enemies.

    The Shraksun still has much better aoe, but as someone with good AMPs with both it isn't a good enough trade off for the much greater range and damage of the Pencha.

    The Shraksun now does basically no self damage, I'm guessing why that is why the buff received was so meagre - but I really don't think that justifies the perplexing decision to make it less rewarding to use than the Pencha - which a player can use from complete safety in void mode from a long distance away.


    EDIT: Just be clear with where I stand, I love how the Shraksun Scaffold feels to use.  I like jumping up to a group of enemies and shooting a beam into the middle of them at just the right angle to not blow myself up.  Personally, I liked the self damage even but I understand that change.  I will continue to use the Shraksun Scaffold in all likelihood but I find it a real pity that it is being shafted like this.

  5. 3 hours ago, TotallyLagging said:

    You mean "Reroll every Riven mod until it gives critical chance/crit multiplier/damage/multishot and then do your standard rifle build with it"

    Except we don't. It's the exact same playstyle except easier because your weapon's far more powerful than before. Some Riven mods doesn't even have negative stats on it.

    Which can also be achieved by doing something that they've been doing for the past 3 years, which is by altering the weapon stats itself instead of making a low droprate mod with randomized stats.

    If making old weapons viable is their true intention, then they took the longest, hardest and controversial way to do it. Seriously, how hard is it to come up with decent stats for old guns? There are times where I like how DE sometimes handle things differently, but this is definitely not one of them. It's a crap system disguising itself as a "buff" while also making money in the process.

    I don't disagree with any of what you've said, but I think you are ignoring some of the potential upsides.

    I'm a player who enjoys endless content, and so for me what matters most is that as many weapons as possible remain viable when content actually DOES become challenging.

    As far as I know mods with negative stats tend to have higher positive ones, and from my examples I think I made a fair point.  I'm personally having to adjust my playstyle to get the full effect of the bonuses.  (Maybe DE could expand on this?)

    If DE just buffed the weaker weapons (Which honestly I'd be fine with them doing) then the argument is that new players wouldn't feel like they were working towards more powerful weapons.  I don't actually agree with this, but to me DE's decision is a good compromise since more weapons will be balanced to be competitive when taking these mods into account.

    Just to reiterate, I think you're right in many ways.  And those were my views as well but I think if certain changes are made Riven Mods could still be a positive addition to WF.

  6. 2 hours ago, motorfirebox said:

    It's not a bug. It was an intentional decision to make melee combat more responsive. In the old charge system, when you pressed the melee button, the game would wait to start executing your melee attack because it had to wait and see if you were going to release the button (and do a regular melee) or hold the button (and do a charge melee).

    In the current system, the game executes your regular melee attack immediately, so you don't get that slight pause between tapping melee and seeing your attack occur. The downside is, when you want to do a charge melee, it has to execute the regular attack first.

    That's a reason, just a bad reason.  I couldn't tell the difference before and after we lost charge attacks.  We just lost an interesting mechanic, and now it's back but just worse.

  7. 1 minute ago, PoulsenJ said:

    No we dont, just thourght it's it was pretty funny thats all :D and as you can see i'am building it, even gave you the first thumbs up ;-) 

    If you had crit damage as well it would be perfect!  Sorry if I came across as aggressive, I was just confused since you said you didn't agree without saying why.

    A fix seems like it'd be fairly easy to implement, at least for when these stats literally cannot apply in any way.  We can probably still look forward to getting crit chance on <5% weapons though.

  8. 11 minutes ago, R34LM said:

    In my honest opinion, all Rivens are are just bandaid mods for weapons that DE just refuse to buff. If the goal was to solely boost lower tier weapons (they are hammering this down by adding this disposition system to cut out high tier weapons), then they should have just tweaked a few numbers and actually buffed them instead. That Panthera Riven up there looks quite nice, but I'd rather have DE just buff the damn thing rather than me wasting my time going through a "cheese or be cheesed" sortie and other RNG to get a good one.

    It seems like DE wants better and worse weapons so that new players feel like they're making progress and getting stronger.

    I don't care much about that, I prefer variety over linear progression.  However if you look at this as a compromise between players like me and DE themselves, with this system I can still be competitive using weapons DE WANT to be rubbish.  I just need to get a good Riven mod first.


    @PoulsenJ How do we disagree?  You got screwed over and DE need to fix it so that doesn't happen.  If two out of three of those stats weren't useless then it might be interesting.  Side-note: Panthera is great fun, I think that's what I'm going to be trying Riven Mods with next.

  9. Rightly, there has been a lot of criticism of the new Riven Mod system.  However the last update, has opened my eyes somewhat.

    Changes still need to be made, but even in their current state Riven Mods successfully achieve the following:

    • Greater build diversity
    • Encourages different playstyles and strategies due to the negatives
    • Buff weaker weapons while maintaining a sense of progression for new players

    Unless you're dead set on a very specific set of stats, your chances of getting a mod with a bunch of interesting usable stats are not too bad.  I recently got Status duration on my Zarr, and that's actually pretty useful even though it wasn't what I was looking for.  Before that I had a mod that reduced the magazine to two, which for the Zarr changed how I used the weapon quite a bit.  Now it's bad against the infested so I'll have to keep that in mind when facing them.

    Because these mods can be so powerful, weapons with a greater compatibility receive a very significant boost (although I don't currently know how great the differences are).

    The remaining problems as I see them are:

    • Simply bad, ineffectual rolls
    • Random power levels on the different stats

    Ideally there should be NO rolls that are completely useless or not worth using over possible rolls.  This would also justify how the reroll price increases every time.

    I don't know how power levels work.  Some mods have flat damage bonuses exceeding that of a fully ranked serration with great supplemental attributes while others will have low damage with minimal or even subjectively negative utility stats (such as zoom).  The system is either completely random or the formula for balancing allocated stats needs to be improved.  


    For example, imagine a mod with damage and reload speed.  If it were to be fairly balanced the formula should always result in one of three broadly possible outcomes for mods with those specific stats.

    1. High Damage, Low Reload
    2. Medium Damage, Medium Reload
    3. Low Damage, High Reload

    Players may prefer the higher damage, but no matter what they get the results should be balanced in some way to prevent simply inferior rolls to others.

    If you introduce a negative, such as flight speed the formula could do something like this:

        High Damage, High Reload, Negative Flight Speed

    The actual formula would be more complex, but the idea should remain the same.

    With these changes or equivalent improvements, I think Riven Mods may actually be a useful and fair balancing tool and also add a fun and interesting layer to the game.

  10. 1 hour ago, Heckzu said:

    That is a fallacious argument. Neither Riven mods nor their associated resource, Kuva, are actually sold by DE, whether through the in game market or with real currency through an online purchase. The plat "spent" was bartered and only ended up in another player's hands, which does not benefit DE because the plat most likely already existed and generates no revenue, and because there is no reduction of plat in the system to induce deflation.

    There's nothing innately fallacious in Shashu's argument although I don't necessarily agree with them either.

    On the other hand your argument makes the assumption that players will use plat that already exists, which while not fallacious there is no stated reason either.

  11. 3 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

    There's already a pinned thread by a DE employee.

    If people are going to ignore Danielle's post, they're going to ignore yours, no offense.


    This thread is more specific to be fair, although I agree that it didn't need the PSA tag.  The thread you linked doesn't clearly state to avoid spoilers in titles.

    I'm only asking for consideration personally, some threads have titles that can spoil at a glance.  Please think about people who haven't or can't play TWW yet.


    I've been stuck downloading for three hours and I can't really browse the forums very well when reading a title spoils information I'd rather discover for myself.

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