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Posts posted by Dartus

  1. Pretty sure BROFRAME was #1 for their tier the entire time. So what happened there?

    Did you read the OP or not? It clearly states that the results for clans with more than a thousand members were based on kills per capita so that zerg clans wouldn't get a free win like the last event.

  2. If you do the math, if you run solid, non stop for 48 hours. I mean non stop, no load screens, now countdown to run start nothing... then the top player would have had to have done each run in about 4 minutes. That's not factoring in Corrupter farming. I'm just saying the math doesn't add up.

    Warbros members were doing runs in two, two and a half minutes on average.

  3. Large clans had no chance because of the large percent of their guild that was inactive or casual. Shouldn't encourage clans to kick everyone that isn't super active or hardcore. Instead of dividing points by population, you should of only counted the contribution from the top 1,000 or so members. That way Broframe wouldn't of benefited from their 7k members, but they wouldn't of been at an insurmountable disadvantage either, but their score would of been a product of a large amount of their playerbase.

    That's what happens to zerg guilds bro. They'll always lose to the more focused, skilled, players - like those in Warbros.

  4. good job at all the little clans.


    laugh  @big clans like warbros and others who think they did good. with that amount of members and not beeing #1 they should recieve the "fail of the year" award


    lol @top 100 who used bugs and played 24/7 for nothing. gj jobless nolifers (no offense)

    I'm sorry man. Considering how upset this has made you maybe next time you'll be motivated enough to succeed and win cool prizes. (no offense)

  5. I understand, I didn't hear about this game til alienware arena was giving out keys ( if your not signed up there you should, you give away TONS of free stuff ), it was a CBT promo and the lato vandal was available then the OBT started, Fret not as there will be other vandals as time goes by.

    He does have a point though, if the response to people who never had a chance to get a Vandal is going to be "bad luck" the people who sold a limited edition weapon should get the same. Splitting player groups is never a good thing, it'll just result in elitism.

  6. This happened to me last night. I was hosting a game with two friends and decided to change weapons about a minute in so I aborted the mission. I swapped my weapon and rejoined straight away but once I was ingame I saw that I still had my original weapon equipped, although the fire rate seemed to be different. I quit out again and found out that my brand new Braton was now level 30.

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