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Posts posted by Diseenith

  1. I'm enjoying the kuva lich, but there is one big issue I have is... you have no reason to fight them.

    When the kuva lich spawns, if you haven't farmed the mods / murmurs you know you'll lose. The answer is to let them kill you, revive, and get on with the mission. Even if you beat them you still auto-lose, regardless of situation. There should be some reason to try and survive the attack, not just lay down and die.

  2. So after playing her a bit, although her kit feels a bit on the weak side I feel the biggest missed opportunity is not allowing gun usage during her 4.


    I love the kit, but when I'm flying I'd love nothing more than use my penta, my ogris, my torid, lenz, opticor, or even her signature archgun. But I can't.

    Her shield gating immunity allows her to use heavy weapons much more safely than any other frame, and her flight would further cement that value, being a heavy weapons shield maiden flying above the battlefield. 

    I know its unlikely to happen, but if I could even just use my archgun while flying it'd be the most satisfying thing to have available to me.

  3. The tonkor is better in every single way. Faster fire rate, faster projectiles, more damage, wont kill yourself on the splash damage, faster reload, crit based weaponry, etc.

  4. Honestly it feels like people just hate bursas because the normal stuff isn't as effective against them. Notably tonkor and staticor do all of nothing to them due to how explosives work. I go in there corrosive projection, a mag, a trinity (EV), an excaliber, and a mirage and its pretty easy. Or just mirage + EV, because that blind is crazy.


  5. So I had recently been browsing mods, seeing what I was missing and what I wanted to get for friends. One friend of mien really enjoys the Daikyu  and was telling me about a conclave mod he wants, but absolutely hates PvP. Given I'm not a PvPer either I figured I'd look into this and see if it came from anywhere else.


    Upon investigating, I noticed every single PvP/PvE conclave mod drops from sentients except  for this one in particular. It seems to require hurricane rank and 30,000 in order to get, so at least a moderate amount of investment in PvP for a mod not arguably that powerful for PvErs as a whole. However if the Daikyu did get primed it could be an issue later in the road.

    Ages ago DE had spoken about not making any PvE usable content exclusively requiring PvP, something they've kept to their word so far. So I'm assuming this mod in particular was an oversight, and it'd be nice to see if it could be added to sentient loot tables or as a syndicate mod of some sort.


    (For math sake, on the bow the mod is stronger than a 90% elemental mod or 30% bane mod)

  6. I think that's a bit to many passives for one frame. And a lot of his stuff, notable extra primaries would requires an entire overhaul of arsenal coding on the ship just to impliment... prob way to much time/work to make something like that. Same goes for shooting two guns at once.


    Atop of that, a playable grineer prob won't happen given the lore. Could have one join us in a story mission. Could have a grineer-tech warframe though. Think something akin to valkyr setting where she's been messed up by corpus.



    You could also make the abilities conflict to make a true master of weapons. Rather than throwing just reload and fire rate, replace the first ability with a critical based effect. Perhaps damage & Crit multiplier on next shot. Then bake the second ability into the ultimate. This would make the ult feel stronger than a mod (Lets face it, unlimited ammo isn't the best unless you're playing without restores/wasting it willy nilly). Then up the fire rate to 150% and make you unable to crit during it so Soma doesn't become literal god mode in it (And makes other weapons worth using it.)


    With this you could make the roller ability the second ability, and make the damage a bit less. In exchange, they could ragdoll enemies hit. This would give a defense mechanism for the frame.


    The third ability could grant some better scaling, say 'Rounds in current magazine ignore and shred 10% of armor on hit'. Giving him utility into the late game.



    Also grineer are decayed, no stopping that. Better to have a grineer themed teeno if you dont want decay.

  7. This thread is pointless just because we alrdy have her


    She's an ability frame. Her 4 is not gunplay... its literally an ability that looks like shooting your gun. Her 1 is the only gun related ability. Her 2 is a defensive ability (damage bonus is affecting her guns directly), and her 3 is... once again an ability.


    She has gun-themed abilities, but they don't affect her guns directly. When I say gun-play frame I mean a frame that doesn't have any abilities that work outside of the guns they sue. Which means their abilities would work vastly different with a different loadout.

    Ok, the idea is good, but sounds rather boring to use the abilities. If you look at every single other frame, using an ability causes you to actually do something, and you have to think about when you use it. All of these abilities seem like constant spam to keep them up at all times rather than thinking about it.


    Not to mention it heavily encroaches on Mesa's concept.


    Finally: What would happen if I didn't have any guns equipped (say I had gone melee only by accident)? There is only one ability in the game that depends on a weapon being equipped in a slot (Saryn's Contagion), yet all of these require a gun.


    Who knows, its kind of like going valkyr without a melee weapon. Also the abilities can't be used in conjunction for the most part. Dropping duration nerfs 3 & 4, so fleeting would hurt that. 1 & 4 are mutually exclusive because you can't crit, etc. You could use a sniper and say... duel cestra. Go 1 for bombards, then switch to cestra, hit 4 and burn down in a massive hail of bullets for AoE.


    Really it'd be vastly different based on loadout. Using your ultimate on Ogris would be much different than going a high damage crit build with 1 shots on say a bow.



    And in terms of interesting. Mesa is not interesting unless you count pressing 4 with max power efficiency and holding the fire key interesting. You can play her other ways, but then she's just surpassed by other frames.

  8. So I've been playing for a good while now, have all the frames and the like... and I've always been a bit curious why there was no frame completely focused on gunplay. Sure there are frames really good with their guns (Nova debuffs, Rhino roar, etc) But no frames that really interact with their guns heavily. This is just a rough draft concept, but here we go.


    Passive: This frame consumes 50% less ammunition when not using a melee weapon. This functions via every other shot with a gun costing no ammo.


    Critical Blast: No cast time, the next shot fired deals damage as if hitting a weakspot and gains X% increased critical chance as well as ignoring all armor on the target. Scales with power Strength and Efficiency


    Focused Shots: No cast time. This frame projects an aura out around, reducing fire rate of him/herself by X%, but increasing his/her weapon damage by Y%. This effect is halved for nearby allies. Affected by duration, power strength, range, and efficiency.


    Charged Gun: Very short cast time. Sacrifices X% of shields, the rest of the current gun's magazine gains Xm punch-through, X% increased status chance (Double of value on gun) and a 10% chance to ragdoll enemies on hit. Affected by Power Strength & Efficiency


    Rain Hell Down Upon Them: Short cast time. This frame turns into an avatar of battle, removing ammunition costs from all guns. Additionally all guns gain 200% multishot, 100% fire rate, and no longer needs to reload. Unfortunately the frame is unable to critical strike and has half of regular status chance while using this. Neaby allies gain 50% of multishot value. Channelled in a manner similar to Ember. Scales with Power Strength, Efficiency, and Duration



    I've always liked gunplay, but figured it'd be nice to have a frame entirely built around their weapons.

    Note: This is obviously not balanced! And suggestions would be awesome

  9. Alot of vitriol in this topic.


    Anyways, I honestly think loki is fine except for irradiating disarm. It essentially outclasses nyx entirely by itself, infinitely scales, and allows for loki to solo anyone and anything just about (except infested, of which invisibility still lets him combat them easily). This could be very easily fixed by only irradiating on the first use when it actually disarms them and not reusable if they've already been disarmed.


    I mostly have an issue with it because Loki is the ultimate utility/trickery frame, but his augment adds damage to his kit indirectly in an extreme form. 

  10. There is a tier for weapons, as to there are a lot of 'noob trap' weapons. For starts, never ever spend your platnium (if you get any) on a gun from the store. If you get platnium purchase Synoid Gammacor, Rakta Ballistica, Boltor Prime, Paris Prime (If you like bows), or Telow Akbolto. http://wftrading.net/ is a good place to approximate prices.


    Shotguns, Snipers (non bow), and all melee are largely incredibly weak in higher end content. However, the orthos, orthos prime, and a few other polearms/heavy weapons are godsends vs infested in close quarters (Hive Missions). Super early starter weapons that are good are Paris/Cernos, Burston, Lex, Aklex, Bolto, & Akbolto. Paris prime can be bought super cheap from players once you're mastery rank 4, and most other primes can be bought from players / acquired by bumming along on void runs once you get 10 orokin cells. If you like burstfire play burston prime isn't bad especially with the Steel Meridian justice mod, and the Braton Prime is good for a full-auto gun since its buff (But weaker than Boltor/Soma prime... yet cheaper to buy from players.)


    In terms of warframes, Nekros is used as a loot button, Nova is the godess of debuffing and damage, Frost is ultimate for defense, Limbo is an amazing support, Banshee has a map-wide stun with good modding, Loki is great with appropriate mods, and Rhino is largely the best 'cheese low level content' frame.


    In terms of an early frame, I highly recommend rhino to start off as he comes from a very early on boss and is incredibly good vs low level content, followed by Nova & Loki for when you get the mods. Mesa is also good if you want to be lazy when farming low/mid level content.

  11. ... I believe you're all missing the point of why Abilities are built the way they are...


    ... Have you all tried to be indepentant from the abilities themselves...? Because my brother does that with his Volt and he has no problems whatsoever with any of its abilities. And before you say he doesn't have problem with its abilities because he's not using them at all, you're wrong... He uses the Volt's abilities -when he has to use them-, and not because the Universe demands it.


    ... If your problem is with Overload then its because of either of these 3 reasons:

    1) You mindlessly press the Overload key/button like a beast

    2) You have too much spare energy and since you can't have multiple energy bars, you have to use it BECAUSE the Universe demands it.

    3) You either use it when there is a small group (up to 12 units) around you OR you're trying to use it against enemies beyond level 25, which the Universe dictates that the Overload will fail its purpose.


    ... These are the -only- 3 reasons that validate of why you think you have a problem with Overload... I know, I know, "alternative to gun play"... I know, I know, its abilities should (in your honest oppinion) perform better... I know, I know, the Devs probably thought about it already but left them as it is because its in line with all other Warframes.


    ... Volt's an Anti-Corpus Warframe, through and through. Want an "alternative to gun play" that's good for everything? Use Mirage or Limbo... Especially Limbo, because he never runs out of energy because he recharges himself.


    I'm going to assume you read absolutely nothing that I posted. I only have issues with overload because by and large it is only comparible to other ultimates if used when the star's align on a corpus ship in pre-level 25 content. I don't care about the alternate to gunplay, in fact I feel volt is the ultimate jack of all trades in that he's effective with guns, melee, and abilities (overload aside.)


    His 1, 2, & 3 are fine, as I had mentioned. Especially his 3 which I'd argue is one of the best non-ultimates in the game. But beyond that, he might as well not even have an ultimate given how few situations it exceeds the usefulness of either just shooting the targets or spending energy on the other abilities.

  12. How about we turn volt's speed into his ult by making him vibrate his molecules so fast that he disintegrates enemies on contact. Volt is love. Volt is life. Volt prime soon my friends.

    I am ok with with this



    I don't think there's much wrong with Volt at all, he's probably one of the best-balanced frames in all Warframe, in the sense that he doesn't have any one ability that's so overwhelmingly good that it's not worth bothering with any other.  All his abilities are useful all the time, and his playstyle requires constant rotation of them.  IOW, Volt is a frame that's good for people who like fast and busy gameplay.  

    Although Overload is a situational nuke, it can be a doozy in the right circumstances, and even when the circumstances aren't idael, in synergy with the other abilities, it's a valuable ability for getting out of trouble.

    The only tweaks I'd like to see are Electric Shield having a minor stun effect on enemies who pass through it into melee range, and Overload having more items in the environment that could be flagged "electrical" (e.g. crates with electric locks, that type of thing), and have a cooldown on electric items that makes them "usable" by Overload again after a reasonable period.


    I agree with you completely, except on overload. Its incredibly, incredibly, incredibly situational that overload is even worth the energy cost. Usually its only in a low level corpus mission that isn't outdoors. Although I like overload and everything else about his kit, his ult just feels like it lacks the... well anything really for a 100 energy cost ability. It self stuns, it hits for nothing vs anything asides corpus, requires finnicky one-time-use environment tools, and... well you get the idea.


    I personally don't believe his 1, 2, or 3 need any form of buff. But his 4 does need an honest rework.

  13. I've seen a lot of posts regarding Volt and his abilities. His lack of scaling on the ultimate, unreliability of stun on his Shock after the first target, and some general comments on his 2 and 3. I wanted to tackle these one at a time.


    For starters, I wanted to mention volt is one of the few frames that truly feels like his entire kit is cohesive and has abilities that feel smooth. His 1, 2, and 3 have negligible cast times, he has both defensive (1 & 3), utility (2), and area of effect damage & CC (1 & 4). His base damages are on the low side, but his 3 has substantial scaling and high functionality with beam weaponry. His 4 has high risk low reward usability with its self stun and requirement of electronics, at least in comparison with most other frames.


    Now, an obvious choice people have is to move him more to CC! Make his shock 100% proc chance on all targets hit, give proc chances increases when shooting through a shield, and increase the damage of Overload significantly are a few I've seen. I personally however disagree with these choices. The first seems to powerful for a low energy no cast time ability, the second could get out of hand with the likes of amprex, and the last wouldn't solve anything.


    To the first, instead of providing 100% proc chance to his Shock, rather let is be augmented by his Electric Shield. Then, in addition to that allow it to gain 100% proc chance if fired through an electric shield, increasing its damage and its usability. There is another suggestion I have to synergise with Overload, but I'll save that for when I get to Overload.


    Second, his Speed. Speed is a pretty good ability, it gets its job done, its highly functional, and a dream come true in speed running captures. There is room for synergy in this ability but largely I'd find it fluff or unneeded, but cool if possible. One functionality is for it to add a slight proc chance to weapon fire based on intensity. Or another would be to allow allies standing near one another with speed on to periodically shock enemies between them: like lightning rods if you will... and speaking of those, well there's another idea at Overload.


    Electric Shield. This ability alone is why I love volt, its high damage synergy with guns & its sheer quick 'Save me from a hail of bullets' use is stupendous. Although I personally don't feel it 'needs' a buff, it could certainly be a little easier to see through. I feel I need to keep my energy color dark simply to keep seeing through it. There is also lots of room for synergy to his other abilities, such as the aforementioned Shock Changes.


    Now for the doozy, overload. It is in my honest and frank opinion that this ability needs to be completely removed. Not buffed, not nerfed, but removed. In its current form it will always be in a perpetual cycle of uselessness or an overpowered, overloaded (heh) nuke. I do have an idea for a good change that'd allow him strength, usability, and a good scaling with nearly every attribute while remaining thematically pleasing and still utilizing electronics.


    Overload: Volt overloads a target with electrical energy for X Seconds. When Overloaded the target is stunned and periodically fires electricity at nearby enemies, this electricity charges the hit enemy for X seconds and the same enemy can be charged multiple times. Overload can also electrify nearby electronics and will target them before other enemies, an overloaded electronic will then chain to X enemies (affected by power strength) to charge them all at once. Upon Overload's duration ending or the Overload targets death, Overload will detonate in an electrical blast. This blast will deal X damage to nearby enemies and fire electrical arcs to charged targets regardless of range. These electrical arcs will cause their own smaller blasts for X damage at the charged enemies, leading to a devastating chain reaction. 


    There are a few synergy attempts with his other abilities here, for example: "Shocking an overloaded target will charge nearby enemies hit with the chaining from Shock" or "Shock can preemptively detonate charged enemies" or "Overload can electrify nearby electric shields or sped players, increasing the shields size or adding additional electrical damage to player's attacks."

    Possibly to prevent spamming and truly make it feel powerful, it could be an ability that drains energy as the enemy is stunned, and can be cancelled early to trigger the reaction sooner (Or left going for a long time if you have the duration to make the bomb bigger / utilize it to charge shields and players).


    Its a bit late, so i wont be able to reply much till tomorrow. But any thoughts, comments or otherwise would be appreciated.

  14. Just a curious question, I was thinking of setting up a few 0% tax solar rails, but I'm worried some clan might compete it with a 0% then jack up the tax after knocking it over. Our clan doesn't need anything, but I'm unsure of what people are planning to do with these rail things, don't want to bother if larger clans are just going to boot it out of the way with trickery.

  15. Sounds sexy to me. The first multi-element heavy gun :D 

    Would be a result of the research done by the corpus.

    "Tenno, The corpus have been developing a new weapon... It's rumored to have tremendous power..

    We believe that the corpus have been developing this weapon from research that was salvaged from the Grineer's lost ships...

    This weapon is rumored to be mass produced... your job is to steal the blueprints and whip the enemy data before they can do this..."

    And we shall call this event, Project Zeus (or something else that's mythological like Thor's hammer Mjolnir) But that's if you want to make it an event only weapon at first ;D idk i'm bored so i just made up a random story please ignore me xD

    A super heavy corpus boss of lephantis size that has a huge cannon would be awsome.

  16. well they did say in a previous devstream that weapons will actually effect your speed... so maybe.. just maybe... Miter Wraith will shoot glaives instead of saws... maybe... just maybe we can get those Mountable turrets to interact with.... Maybe... We can have a true Battle axe... Not that skimpy scindo that really needs a BA prime version already....


    Maybe.. just maybe... I wish i could have a rail gun that has a 5 second charge, with 10m punch through... does natural Radiation dmg with high impact and puncture... only have a 3 bullet clip and requires a full charge to fire... charge is so strong it damages your shields a bit to give you a feeling of how OP it is... 


    Radiation?! PAH! Blast with 100% status (like acrid) & then a smaller status chance for other elements! What kind of heavy weapon uses confusion?

  17. Its mostly hyper-scaling weapons & frames that allow this. Nova and Trinity are the worst offenders. I'd say rhino but he's moreso an easy frame to use and less overpowered.


    As for the weapons, Soma with full crit mods or a Vectis/Lanka with a few forma can 1-4 shot anything. So can a phage that's properly modded or a boltor/burston prime that's well modded. Latron prime is the semi-auto offender, hitting as hard as snipers with crits.


    Generally things like 2x nova damage + lanka will trivialize almost everything. Trinity+Stug+Link+Blessing+Foot shot will trivialize anything int he game that lacks location damage. Generally non-soma automatic weapons are worthless higher on outside of spray and praying armies with puncture. And stug/ogris style weapons are fairly risky to use unless you're trinity.


    Really it comes down to "Am I using one of the 'greater' status frames?" "Is this weapon hyper-scaling with mods?"


    Beyond that, preemptively going in with the right elemental mods makes things a lot easier. Viral on all Grineer missions, Magnetic/Flame vs corpus, Infested require nothing special due to being easy regardless of who you are.

  18. Just for starters, apologies if this is in the wrong area. Was going to place it in 'feedback' but since it isn't feedback on an existing gun I opted out of doing that.


    I have been playing for awhile, and as a player I really enjoy the heavy weapons of this game. Lanka, Ogris, Torid (Prenerf), and Fragor. However, there's a disturbing lack of a heavy weapon that is more than just some AoE projectile missile. There is no long charge time cannon, or autogun that fires so fast you're immobilized while shooting it.


    Its a simple request really, but could we get a heavy weapon fit for a rhino? Not any heavy weapon. An overkill gun. I'm talking a five second charge, single shot clip laser cannon with 10m puncture and a beam as wide as a boar's spread (Maybe not that wide, possibly the size of a Warframe.)


    A weapon that when fired, makes bass that'd make dub step listeners proud. A weapon with a recoil bad enough that it'd shatter windows even if you didn't hit them. A weapon that hits so hard that everything in front of you is incinerated like nova had ulted it. A weapon with such a heavy shot it'd ragdoll enemies in melee range of you. Hell, have it knock you down so those knockdown resistant mods are more useful.


    Its a simple request, a fun request. I'd submit it to the design council if I could. I'd draw a pretty picture of a little 'ol loki holding a gun half his size and somehow shooting it invisible. Well, I would if I could draw. Either or, this isn't a joke but a serious request. Maybe make it a 3 second beam that you could sweep after charging.


    DE please :D



    Edit: Moved to fan concepts. Totally missed over that one! Thanks for the silent move. 

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