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Posts posted by Tirtul

  1. The old parkour room and the new parkour rooms are bugged not allowing players to leave once the begining door closes. there is a audible door moving sound but the door neither closes or opens. it also doesnt matter if you complete or fail the challenge.

  2. a squishy nuker, just use ember with max our stretch and focus, don't use overheat and don't use vitality or redirection... great damage (especially against infected) frame has lowest armor, and one of the lowest shields and health.

  3. this just happend to me as well with the alert. walked into the room jackal start a little bit in the floor... falls through the floor and a little later... great job taking out the target tenno. just a bug.. might have been something with one of the hot fix's or just a random thing.

  4. I have looked more into what might have been causing this issue. its seems on the larger defense (mobile/ED) that with myself (north american west) and my friend (north american east) there is no lag at all. As soon as a third or even fourth person joins then the lag is unbearable. we have tried with both of us hosting and it happens in both cases. when a third friend of ours (north american west) joins its laggy but not like the random 3rd or fourth abut with the random fourth and the three of us again with the super lag. I don't know if its just the map size and so much going on or what.but again seems to only be since the last patch set.

  5. Has anyone else noticed that there seems to be a lot more lag as of late. I was running kappa with a buddy of mine and when 2 additional people joined it was horrible. there were marines just standing around that had already been killed. I would walk over resources and mods, even stand on them and it wouldn't pick them up. I am not sure if its something that was recently put in as this lag didn't seem so apparent a week or so ago, (prepatch  7.9) I  have have tried everything to see if it helps but nothing seems to work, anyone else having these issues?

  6. I noticed something similar to this with the burston, not sure if its an isolated incident or not. With mine it cleared up later in the mission and havn't had a problem since... I just chalked it up to lag heh

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