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Posts posted by Spaz_Taz

  1. Been enjoying the new Elite Archimedea but one issue im having is with all the sheer number of modifiers i must have enabled to be able to get rewards out of the mission its kind of restrictive. the final tier being 50x vosfor is not that valuable and frankly im glad for that as it gives me an excuse to torn off one of the modifiers but a lot of the are very rough. the arsenal restrictions are particularly hard to deal with as i own around half the tottal weapons in the game with proper builds on almost all of them but i frequently am finding that in this level of centent monst weapons arent cutting it so when i get a selection of the hikou, kuva kracken, and pandero i just dont have a secondary avalible to me, and when this happens the the frame slot its really tough, example if i get nyx, vauban, and limbo i just cant play those into this weeks mission because A) none of them are in a good state due to how sad of a state CC frame are in right now, and B) one of the zone modifiers puts overgaurd on every enemy making them near unplayable. in this case all i can do is wait for the next day in hopes of getting a frame that can at very least survive the content so i can get carried through by others.
    the carried through by others brings another issue, because my gear is so gimped im inclined to play online which is a problem for me with spotty internet connection at times. usually i play the game solo but with the health of the mirror defense target and my gear restrictions i simply cant do that.
    Last point i will bring up is the modifiers, most are fine, some are a bit challenge, then there are a handful that are just unfun such as transference distortion and Bolstered Belligerent are just awful, the ladder of which making CC frames unplayable (which is a whole discussion on the state of the game as any CC frame is dead right now) personally would love to see these gone or reworked. example for reworked transference distortion could be when you use operator you have a 15 second cooldown on it or something.
    I think the system feels great to have some serious level content and i love that however some change seems needed. my suggestions as someone who has been playing through it a bit would be looking at the modifiers mentioned above, make the modifiers you enable worth a little more so that you can get the full reward while still being able to select 2 things in your arsenal, usually a frame and weapon as that can get through most content to an okay degree, and perhaps increase that vasphor amounts because the 20 and 50 are kinda pitiful amounts.
    Also side not that i will prob make a whole post about but can we seriously reevaluate somethings in game like nulifiers and overgaurd in regard to CC frames as they are borderline unplayable right now and that is making the frame feel all the same when every frame has to be a nuke or useless.

    • Like 1
  2. Wow i invested a lot into nezha, arca titron and dante because i was enjoying all of them quite a lot, glad to see all of the slaughtered in a single hotfix. like dante needed a little nerf for sure but this is over kill, personally i would have lowered his range as that limits the area he effects and the damage due to how it scales. Nezha nerf to his augment just killed the augment entirely so thats cool. and arca titron is just dead in the water, yeah its math was strong but thing is the weapon was outside its slams quite bad, unlike other nukes in the game it required you to get 10 kills with a bad weapon before it did anything meaningful.
    Yeah bit irritated over this after investing so much into all of theses.

    • Like 6
  3. Im glad to see such a quick change all things considered, while im sure plenty of others would like to see other changes like separated packs or the skins not being limited time (im quite partial to an idea Brozime mentioned of them returning briefly around tennocon each year) i think this is great to see and while the cost is steep they do have good value to them now.

    Also to note on what everyone else is saying about FOMO, i would have to agree that locking the skins behind a limited time thing isnt great i do think locking the other things like the accolade, sigil and emote would be 100% acceptable.

    Another small note but uh, any chance at a Valk heirloom sometime in the future? maybe? maybe a rework with it, please?

  4. 1. So when can hold melee to heavy attack be a toggle? With the way it is right now it makes its really hard to use blood rush/ weeping wounds when they just get reset randomly because you have melee attack speed. As it is the only way to use either mod (but still not well) is to also use combo efficiency or combo chance, but if you run either you will be loosing out on a large chunk of damage, not to mention the fact that you are forced to use a mod you dont want because there is no toggle for heavy attacks.

    2. Condition overload, So what im suggesting is exactly as Brosime has talked about in a video in the past. Make CO (condition overload) its own multiplier again, bring the number of damage percent back to 60%, but dont make it scale off its self. Or alternatively find another way to make status weapons be able to compete with crit without nerfing crit.


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  5. Been leveling death cube prime after buying a riven for him and noticed that he just seems to randomly stop shooting and never resumes doing anything but looking at enemies. obviously this is a problem given his name is DEATH cube not menacing cube. not sure what causes it. but i was playing oberon with his 1 augment in elite sanctuary onslaught if it helps.

  6. On 2019-07-23 at 9:25 AM, [DE]Tweep said:

    Please make a ticket to customer support and they should be able to assist you. 

    Well i would if i could understand how to even do that, but either i'm too blind to see it or it is too hidden for me to find.

    simply put how do i make a support ticket?

  7. So i have been trying to be patient and see if it would get fixed soon after Tenno-con but it didn't. I watched about a hour of the art stream and the full Tenno-con live, yet i never received either the ephemera or Nekros. Its been 2 weeks and i still haven't gotten them. Is it just me that hasn't gotten either yet or is there still a lot of Tenno who haven't gotten it?

    (p.s. not sure if this counts as a bug or not but it seemed like the best place to post it.)

  8. So when Valkyr has her prime details turned on it covers up any and all details on her front. This is kinda annoying cause you purchase Tennogen with a ton of amazing details to turn on prime details and find they all disappear. and sure there might be some people who like this look, but i have never heard of such a person. If we could please get a change to show more of the equipped skin on her front it would be greatly appreciated from I and a lot of Valkyr players.

  9. So me and my squad were doing a relic capture and the wolf spawned. he spawned at level 79! he spawned so high level because of the recent assassin changes. so we spent nearly 20 min hacking away at him spamming gear ability and everything we had. after about 700 total health ammo and energy pads, we finally manged to kill him. and he dropped fever strike. i spent 20 min and who know how much resources on pads for fever strike? i was a bit mad to say the least. anyway can we please see wolfs health seriously nerfed, or allow us to apply status to him.

    • Like 12
  10. So i was playing destiny and noticed when you head shot a enemy they have a special effect that looks cool, so i though "wow wouldn't that be cool in warframe!". it wouldn't have to be much but it would add little bit more fun to the game and would make me want to go for head shots for more than just a bigger number. I would love to hear some ideas about what factions would have for their effects on head shot death.

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