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Posts posted by Kaelthanas

  1. 4 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

    Yah. These were made when Mag was the newest Prime, and you can see the meshes are basically the same for Excalibur, Frost and Mag, with the Dark Sector Proto Excalibur one coming out on 2014 for Warframe's first anniversary if I do recall right, which was the first Deluxe. That's why at the time there wasn't a need to force a model.

    As time went on a lot of people liked how the Immortals looked on the Primes, but as time went on as well the Primes started looking more and more "crazy". In the end DE decided to tweak the Immortal skins to sit correctly on Primes, but even with that there should still be an option to choose somehow.

    Well that does explain a bit, thank you for that, I do hope sometime down the line they either allow the choice or give the skin it's own model to show how the original designer had intended it for.

  2. 6 hours ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    Im not seeing the issue with your link there, to be honest, other than the Valkyr. Was that Valkyr Prime with the default skin on?

    That was Valkyr Prime, I had forgotten to write that in, 


    3 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

    That's not bugged. The Immortal Skins unwrap themselves on top of the mesh being used instead of forcing the default mesh they were intended for (like Deluxe skins work). This means that if you're using a Prime Warframe, it won't use the non-Prime mesh.

    This was an issue on TennoGen too and they ended up doing that Prime parts toggle, which is something a lot of people ask for these ones too. So hopefully one day you can select the body you want to use.

    And thank you, I don't normally look at the skins, I kinda just color and go. but I'm surprised the skin doesn't overwrite the framework like it does for other skins and frame. Most notable example I can think of would be trinity prime and the Strega skin. Was it just how long ago it was made? was the prime variant made after the skin and the artist never updated it?

  3. So one of my clan mates asked me a question about her immortal skin, she asked me to take a look at them and there is a problem with what the original icon for the skin is showing versus what it is displaying, this is mainly the case for all the Immortal Skins. The immortal skins look like they have warframe prime skin but with the color of the immortal. Certain textures and lines are missing when looking at the Immortal skin, which is basically a prime skin.

    I listed a few examples below of the issue I'm seeing


    I'm just curious if this is a known bug or not.

  4. Worth mentioning I have 2 Zenurik Eidolon Lens, 1 Greater Zenurik Lens, I walk out of a 40min survival 2man with around 180-200k, My friends I bring with sometimes only have 1 greater on the warframe and possibly another greater on melee and walk out with around 50k. So it's worthwhile if you get lucky, but I wouldn't make it a habit of farming eidolon lens

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