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Posts posted by Valkav


    All Good news but


    "A temporary reduction would be very complicated to program."
    Add a little up and down arrow, nay?
    "They don’t want to add a combo system."
    Maybe they have other ways to enrich melee then.



    By complicated, he meant that the logistics under the hood would be difficult to sort out.  It's not as simple as modifying the UI to allow us to temporarily scale the mods to our needs.


    As for the melee adjustments, they didn't give specific information, but they're looking into improving melee combat overall.

  2. I've taken notes from today's developer livestream with Geoff, Scott, Steve, and Rebecca, so anyone that missed the livestream and can't watch the video archive for whatever reason, or doesn't have the time, can still get all the relevant information.  I've included the timestamps for each question in case anyone wants to see the full discussion for that question.


    You can find the notes here: http://www.valkavgaming.com/2013/05/08/warframe-developer-livestream-5-notes/


    The video from the livestream can be found on Twitch (http://www.twitch.tv/warframe/b/400892540)  or YouTube (

  3. Nice showcase! I've yet to see what they look like in-game so this has been helpful. Strange how the capsule tail doesn't move on the Shade. That's probably the only accessory I really liked for it.




    Yeah, I'm not sure what's up with that capsule, haha.  I'm guessing it will be hotfixed with animations in a later update, but we'll see!

  4. That is so bizarre.  I wouldn't think this kind of hardware limitation even existed.  I use a standard, $20 Logitech keyboard and it's always been fine for my purposes, haha.


    Side note: mutant-sausage-dog is a fantastic name.  This could be the sleep deprivation talking at 6:46 a.m., but I laughed.


    They made it very clear in the last livestream that if you do choose to reset, it is NOT undoable.  It is permanent, so make very sure that you want to before you do it.


    You're 100% right.  I meant to include "not" in there, but I missed it.  My mistake.

  6. First off, the reset is entirely optional; you have to request it (when it becomes available), and it is undoable.


    Secondly, the other warframes can be acquired without having to spend any real world money.  It takes longer, but it is doable.  Check the wiki (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki) for the blueprints for the frame you want, and where you can find the components to build it.  If you do decide to start over, I suggest trying Excalibur -- he's the most well balanced in terms of offense and defense, and his abilities scale very well.

  7. Hi everyone,


    I've created a video guide explaining some of the basics of Warframe that new players will need to know.  Topics include navigating the UI, the HUD, wall running, and Corpus laser doors.  It's basic information, but it's intended for people just starting the game.  Hopefully this helps our fellow Tenno.  =)


    If this guide turns out to be helpful for a lot of players, I'll consider covering more advanced, in-depth gameplay features.


  8. Haha, I remember my first time. I saw someone do it, and my brain basically exploded. I was never told how to do it (I was dead at the time), but I did figure it out by accident.

    Edit: I just realized, this sounds really bad out of context. Oh, well.

  9. 5. Holding shift to run and then CTRL allows you to slide. In the first mission of venus, you will learn to slide through electric doors so that you will not get zapped and die. Learnt this from a teamate too.

    From my experience, this does not work 100% of the time. It may be ping-related, I'm not sure. In the interest of team coordination, I suggest destroying the security cameras. These can be found hanging from the ceiling with a green or red light (green meaning scan mode, red meaning you've been spotted). If you or anyone in your squad is within line of sight of a security camera, all laser-barred doors will become active. On a side note, destroying security cameras will also disable any gun turrets within the same room.

    Nutshell version: please destroy security cameras. =)

  10. Flow increases your warframe's maximum energy (the resource consumed by your frame's abilities).

    Quick Rest increases the rate at which your warframe regenerates stamina, which is the resource consumed by sprinting, jumping, wall running, melee attacks, and blocking.

    New warframes come with all four ability mods, but you can also acquire them from killing enemies and completing missions. The infested seem to have a higher drop rate on ability mods than any other enemy faction.

    The damage your warframe deals is entirely dependent on which weapon you are using and what mods you have equipped. You can find these stats on the wiki: http://warframe.wiki...i/WARFRAME_Wiki

    Edit: Fixed link.

  11. I know exactly what you mean, because I myself am a speed runner. I know from a new player's perspective, that can be rather annoying, so I actually play solo or with my friends more often than not.

    My advice would be to do what you're doing now, introducing yourself on the forums, and trying to find other new players to group with. A lot of us have been playing the game for a few months, and have seen everything there is to see; it's now a matter of efficiency.

    I completely empathize with your situation, don't get me wrong; but the fact of the matter is that this game is a dungeon crawler, and once the new game allure has worn off, you have to find fun in your own way --whether that be speed runs, being a completionist, whatever it may be. For now, try to find like-minded players to experience the game with. =)

  12. My first question is, how would the enemy factions recooperate from their losses? The Tenno don't have a particularly high losing streak, in my experience, so this idea it seems a bit biased in our favor.

    I'm not saying it doesn't sound interesting, but I'm wondering what would stop the Tenno from complete domination?

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