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Posts posted by Wohakoth

  1. I finished all Saturn nodes before going to Veil Proxima. Didn't bother trying to go there early so I can't comment on whether or not it's necessary to finish all Saturn nodes. But I finished them all, last one being Kasio's Rest, before moving to the first mission of Veil Proxima.

  2. 7 hours ago, Wearbe said:

    Why are the Sigma mods so rare? I've only seen 2. Ever.

    As far as I know, you already have them. They're for complete beginners. They don't drop from any enemies, at all.

    Hyperstrike, Bulkhead, and Hull Weave are the only 3 sigma avionics.

    • Like 1
  3. That sounds like...a lot of work. That's the issue with basically every major idea. The idea is good. But implementing it isn't easy. Then there's bugs. Then there's working from home due to Covid 19. To say it would be hard would be an understatement.

    Also, why are you taking out the sentient crushers? I feel like lore wise it would make more sense to Hijack one to kill the sentients...or maybe to actually work with the grineer/corpus to take out the sentients. You're killing the one weapon made to defeat your sworn enemy. That doesn't make much sense.

    Also this heavily reminds me already of Eidolons and Profit taker. I get the feeling that soooo many people would say that "DE iS oUt Of IdEaS" and that they should stop adding fights like these. Wayy too much criticism already from Scarlet Spear.

    In my opinion you don't need a reason to go to older Railjack nodes. There hasn't been a reason to go to older standard planet nodes, so why bother doing it with Railjack?


    But the idea sounds good don't get me wrong on that. I would love something like a Railjack Space boss.

    • Like 1
  4. The clues. The yellow text is what's going to be asked about, and also what the physical item was. That's pretty much it.

    Don't rush it. Take it slow. Bullet jumping can easily cause you to fall. I did mine by just sprinting and jumping. Done on first try.

    Also, according to warframe wiki:

    "Cephalite drops are not affected by Resource Boosters or Resource Drop Chance Boosters.

    In case you want to farm for it.

    Try defense missions as they've spawned quite a few for me. Though it's completely random when it spawns. Like on Hydron it once spawned at wave 17 and only one while another time it spawned like 6 of them in wave 3.

    • Like 6
  5. You hold left shift for boost.

    You tap it for a dash in a direction.

    You tap and hold it for a big boost in a direction, aka Drift Maneuver, unlocked at Piloting Rank 5.

    My controls for all these worked fine originally.


    After this hotfix however my controls seemed to be bugged. Now, when you hold it, then let go, the boosting doesn't stop. It keeps being used, until the bar becomes empty, but doesn't refill, which only happens because the game keeps boosting, even though shift isn't being held down.

    The only way to stop the game from boosting more is to hold shift and let it go again.

    As for drift maneuver, if you activate it, it works like fine, but here comes the same problem again. The boosting doesn't stop if you let go of shift, and it continues until the bar is empty, and doesn't refill until you hold shift and let it go again.


    I don't know if this bug affects only me or other clients as well. I can deal with it, but others who are new to railjack who don't know how to stop this bug (which is to hold shift and let go again) might find their railjack boost bar depleted for the entirety of the mission, because it doesn't recharge at all until you stop it.

    If further evidence or a video recording is needed I can provide it.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

    Shooting an intact engine will be enough to take out the crewship in a single hit.

    Reminds me of this post. 

    Should've mentioned that earlier. You don't even need the Forward Artillery Damage avionic and it still one shots. Long as you can aim for those parts mentioned in the post.


    Main focus if you don't want to read that entire thing.

    • Like 1
  7. Well...Cephalite also doesn't seem to be a guaranteed drop. Killed 6 while fishing in Vallis but only got like 2 of them, despite having less than 10 in total before going out for said fishing adventure. It's common, but not guaranteed. (Hopefully I'm not wrong on that, I'm only speaking from experience.) So that's not the exact reason why you only got 1 Cephalite from 5x30 points.

  8. You can switch between weapons and items when you're in Dry Dock. Wreckage you find in missions also shows up there. Any wreckage you want to repair will show up there, and if you want to repair it, you click on it, then bottom of the screen there shows a button which you can click so you can contribute resources. If you contribute some instead of all, the item will still remain in your Wreckage pile, and will show a new icon. You just click that, then click "Repair" in the bottom of the screen to contribute more items.


  9. Far as I know from experience with PC, only one needs to be repaired and the others have to be wreckage, not repaired parts.

    Click on the repaired item, then in the bottom right there should be an icon for Valence fusion, which should look a little something like 3 hexagons side by side. You then select the wreckage you want to consume, it then prompts you what resources will be used during the fusion, which bonus you want to keep (You get the option of which bonus you want between first and second part), and then you have to confirm it. After confirmation, the fusion is done, and the originally repaired part now has better stats.

    • Like 1
  10. 17 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

    Why would you do that, if not specifically to create this bug feature?

    cuz its fun seeing all the enemies ragdoll and your screen shaking. gives me the effect "welcome to my world boi"

    kinda like this


    (i have no idea how to resize images)

    I've been keeping myself away from trying it with bright color because I know a few people (Not in Warframe) whose eyes really badly hurt when they see something bright. I'd rather not risk a medical problem for some giggles.


    18 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

    I guess an "Effects Intensity" slider for ally effects, like was done for ally Octavia sounds,
    wouldn't be a terrible idea, that would also help those complaints about Bramma and whatnot.

    That idea sounds like the perfect solution imo.


    In case you don't want to watch a 2 and a half video I made:


    TLDR: Spam booben 4 in one spot with bright energy color to create the sun. If energy color not bright then you no go blind.


    If you spam vauban's 4 a lot into one spot or near each other and then activate all the vortexes by holding 4, if you have a bright energy colour it can end up being really really bright and blinding. This problem doesn't exist with darker energy colors. But I really like spamming this ability. I only use it with dark energy color in public lobbies. I don't want DE to put a limit on how many vortexes you can have active at once. Instead the solution I opted for was to have a default energy color for the vortex which is darker instead of having it rely on energy color, or just reduce its brightness.. Personally I really like the shaking effect. So I'd rather not have them remove that. But maybe let it affect only me instead of squad mates (Judging by their reactions in public lobbies I'm very sure their screens were shaking but I might be wrong. Can't confirm at this time)

    This problem doesn't exist if you keep the vortexes spread out or if you just use them one at a time. It only exists if you put them in one spot. Doesn't matter if you activated at once or activated upon casting.



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