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Posts posted by (PSN)LostInTheVoid_

  1. 1 minute ago, (PS4)vladofstafford said:

    Thanks for making this unplayable update barely playable.

    It needs WAY more D-Pad support to be enjoyable. Right now the D-Pad is used to move to snap the cursor to the closest thing in that direction and just breaks in multiple spots and does not work at all.

    As for the comment about Destiny popularizing it. Just because another game has it does not mean its a good idea. One of the reasons I did not get into Destiny is the repetitiveness and the very clunky UI. That kind of UI is not meant for a console.

    Cursors imo will never feel good or work for a controller. I have yet to play a game that has a cursor that feels good and I've played Destiny lol. 

  2. Another issue that could be looked at is d-pad scrolling in the foundry, again the d-pad is very limited in this build and I feel that's because you want people to use the cursor / joysticks more which really doesn't feel good for menu browsing on a controller. The d-pad controllers need to be more prominent. 

  3. Some good changes and It's good to see they have listened to some of the problems raised. I still outright dislike having a cursor, it still feels awkward using it with a controller. Another issue that I haven't seen resolved is in the alerts/events tab via the navigation map the d-pad doesn't work at all, you are forced to use the cursor to select missions that needs to change so the d-pad works there as well. It doesn't seem like they've fixed the leave squad issue either you still need to use the cursor to leave the squad instead of d-pad select.


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  4. This UI update has made everything so much worse. I seriously cannot stand a single part of it. All the shortcuts are gone. Before this update the UI was a breeze to navigate on a controller smooth and quick. Now it's slow and annoying. Like seriously clicking and dragging to add mods / move them. How did this get through QA? I seriously doubt anyone involved in this UI update has regularly played this game with a controller.
    I have never seen a single game on a console that has implemented a cursor into the UI work well. I hated it in Destiny and I hate Warthunders version of it as well. Cursors will never feel fully connected to a joystick movement style. DE seems to be fixated on having a seamless UI and UX between the different versions of the game. But if they are so gun sure in regards to having a cursor then it simply won't work on a controller. Everything is worse with this UI, trying to leave a squad is a hassle now, changing mods is as a hassle, changing equipment / frames is a hassle, using the foundry is a hassle. The navigation map is a complete mess zooming in and out with the right joystick is truly horrible. 
    I'm already tired of the DE staff saying "it's different" "It'll take awhile to get used to" or "change is scary". This is Warframe we are used to things changing and being different, this game is no longer recognisable from when it first launched, it rebranded itself and reinvented itself to a degree, so veteran users on all platforms are very much accustomed to change DE. This change isn't just different it's outright bad. I'll say it once more to make it clear. This update does not fit a controller and it never will. either you realise a cursor and controller UI doesn't work or don't and make the UX the worst it's ever been. The actual nerve to push out this update after even PC controller users said it was awful is actually mental. Good job DE what a joke. 
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  5. The changes they've made to the unvaulted relic bounties have honestly killed all desire to play this game. They've made the plains even more tedious which is a hard task. It's even more of a pain on console as we still have a lot of trash in the pool which apparently the recent PC update fixed. Seriously this sucks. 

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