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Posts posted by Syllogy

  1. Nova has one worthwhile ability.


    Null Star = Weak against large numbers of enemies and higher level enemies

    Wormhole = Travel, and enemies can even follow her through it.

    Antimatter Drop = Worthless unless you are the host, and still does negligible damage.


    If Null Star and Antimatter drop are buffed to be useful, I don't mind tweaks to Molecular Prime. Until then, it's the only ability that makes the Nova worth playing.


    Pro Challenge: Equip a Skana, Lato, and Braton and try that mission again. Let me know how you do.

  2. If you have a strict NAT there are 3 things to try:


    1. Return your router to default settings and Enable UPnP on your router and in the game settings.


    2. Manually forward your ports (instructions in FAQ.)


    3. If you are running DSL and a wireless router, make sure that your router is in Bridge Mode to prevent double NATing.

  3. Half of the suggested alternatives are the exact same thing. You can't get around the initial concept by just changing how the mechanic works, because in the end it's all just "My X is dependent on my Y! (Y, in this case is killing enemies.) If my X reaches 0, I'll lose!" .


    So, if having your shields or a predetermined amount of time drain isn't frustrating, please explain why having health doing the same thing is.

    The point of the thread is to get some ideas that offer alternatives to the Vampire mutator. They might be similiar, but they are different in some way.


    Draining Health is basically the same exact thing as Time Trial. Kill enemies and extract before the timer (or your health) expires.


    The other modes are pretty much just off the cuff.


    Imagine Nightmare missions where you might have multiple mutators: Time Trial, Energy Drain, Wave after Wave, Infested Hydra.... now THAT is a challenge.

  4. In my humble opinion, Vampire Mode is a PITA. It's not challenging, it's just frustrating.


    If I could add a poll, I would, but let's get some alternatives going:


    -Energy Drain - Energy Drains @ 1% per second; kills add 5% Energy

    -Shields Do Not Regenerate - Kills regenerate 5% Shields

    -Wave after Wave - 50% more enemies spawn.

    -Infested Hydra - Killing an Infested enemy has a 10% chance to spawn two more of the same type.

    -Corpus Resurrection - Defeated Corpus enemies have a 10% chance to resurrect upon death.

    -Grineer Goliaths - Grineer Bombards, Napalms, Heavy Gunners, and Commanders are 50% more likely to spawn.

  5. Idea: Remove Vampire all together and do something different for Nightmare mode.


    The whole health drain mechanic is terrible IMHO.


    You might try draining Energy instead of Health, and doubling the amount of enemies. Here are a few ideas:


    -Time Attack - Limited time to complete mission; kills add time to the countdown timer.

    -Energy Drain - Energy Drains @ 1% per second; kills add 5% Energy

    -Shields Do Not Regenerate - Kills regenerate 5% Shields

    -Wave after Wave - 50% more enemies spawn.

    -Infested Hydra - Killing an Infested enemy has a 10% chance to spawn two more of the same type.

    -Corpus Resurrection - Defeated Corpus enemies have a 10% chance to resurrect upon death.

    -Grineer Goliaths - Grineer Bombards, Napalms, Heavy Gunners, and Commanders are 50% more likely to spawn.

  6. I am thoroughly impressed with these DE people everyone is talking about. Never have I ever seen such a responsive development team. 


    I even watched your YouTube stream, because I wanted to see who you were. Thank you for making (and continuously supporting) this great game :)


    I've never seen the need to release 15+ hotfixes between patches.

  7. i had gotten like 30 morphics from the new boss. thank goodness i can get my NS and CM to build nova now



    edit: WHERE DID MY EXTRA FORMA GO FROM OVER CONTRIBUTION TO A DOJO?????  thats 9 forma lost when only one was needed. i would like to know what happens.


    You knew that the change was coming. You didn't have the foresight to cancel construction?

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