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Posts posted by HatchetHaro

  1. In the recent Devstream, we were shown a storyboard of the cinematic encounter between the Operator and the Stalker back in the player ship.






    Also, during missions, after the quest, it looks like the Operator is actually talking to the Warframes.


    I think this pretty much confirms that the Warframes are, at least, somewhat sentient.

  2. Then it's time to convince his father to stop being so pessimistic about building a PC. PC building is pretty straightforward, and there are tons of tutorials online on how to build a PC. Pre-builts are not going to be any good with your budget. Instead, search online for nice builds that fit your budget, and purchase the parts needed. You can even get some second-hand stuff for quite cheap.

  3. I've always played the game with the legacy color palettes, and some of my gold colors were from the legacy shamrock palette.


    After resetting all of my settings, I found out that the colors looked completely different in the "new" shamrock palette. I also realize that this is the same for some other palettes, such as the 'Murica palette, though some other palettes stay the same (gamma palette).


    I've already added the gold colors I use from the legacy shamrock palette to my favorites, and it still appears in my favorites palette even after disabling legacy colors, so I'm assuming that there are two separate sets of color palettes: legacy and new.


    I'd just like an easy way to switch between the two sets of palettes, because it is quite annoying to have to switch between legacy and new palettes in the options menu (from color picker, press esc > esc > esc > esc > options > gameplay > toggle legacy color palettes > confirm > esc > use > appearance > color). I would prefer if there was a toggle or tab for legacy color palettes, where I only have to click once to access the colors I might want. Better yet, put them together for what is essentially a larger palette with more colors.

  4. This problem is especially persistent when using a monitor with a resolution smaller than 1080p. That damn transmission pretty much covers my entire 768p screen every time I open up a sortie, covering up the missions and making me wait for the transmission to disperse before I can click on anything.


    If I press esc, that transmission stays until it actually fully finishes, which is a pain in the neck.


    This also happens in the syndicate UI and in missions when a syndicate sends a death squad after you, and it's really annoying.


    Another thing is that some of those transmissions don't end when they should, often staying on for about 5 seconds after the monologue ends.


    So yeah, I second this.

  5. 忘了有多久 再沒聽到你 對我說你最愛的故事

    我想了很久 我開始慌了 是不是我又做錯了甚麼


    你哭著對我說 童話裡都是騙人的 我不可能是你的王子

    也許你不會懂 從你說愛我以後 我的天空星星都亮了


    我願變成童話裡 你愛的那個天使 張開雙手變成翅膀守護你

    你要相信 相信我們會像童話故事裡 幸福和快樂是結局


    你哭著對我說 童話裡都是騙人的 我不可能是你的王子

    也許你不會懂 從你說愛我以後 我的天空星星都亮了


    我願變成童話裡 你愛的那個天使 張開雙手變成翅膀守護你

    你要相信 相信我們會像童話故事裡 幸福和快樂是結局


    我要變成童話裡 你愛的那個天使 張開雙手變成翅膀守護你

    你要相信 相信我們會像童話故事裡 幸福和快樂是結局


    我會變成童話裡 你愛的那個天使 張開雙手變成翅膀守護你

    你要相信 相信我們會像童話故事裡 幸福和快樂是結局



  6. If you get that coupon from the login rewards, you can only use it once within 48 hours from the time of claiming. If you claimed it but didn't use it, you can still use the coupon by accessing the market and clicking "buy platinum", given that it is within two days of claiming.

  7. There are a lot of weapons in the game that fire energy projectiles.

    Trying to match your description of "pew pew lasers", you may be talking about the Supra, Dera, Glaxion, Opticor, Flux Rifle, Amprex, Simulor, Gammacor, Atomos, or maybe even Mirage's Prism, which is a Warframe ability. The weapon blueprints can be bought from the market or researched from your clan dojo labs, or in the case of the Mirage Warframe, you'll have to complete the "Hidden Messages" quest.

    All of the details can be found in the Warframe wiki.

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