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Posts posted by bountyhunterstorm

  1. yes this was one aspect we have been wrestling with for a long time. It does seem out of place and wonky but it's hard not to. But I guess maybe it should be a an attachment looking thing because it is intended to detach from her. Or maybe it does not even need to be on her person at all. Where are the osprey on Corpus Techs, I don't see any blue mass on them? Maybe she could materialize it from her palm like a Borderlands constructor? I don't know I'm just throwing ideas out there as we are still in the brainstorm process.

    It coming out of her palm sounds like a good idea it will also free up her torso abit.

  2. The Black Storm Hunters (BSH) is a active, fun and sociable clan looking for members who are fun, active, and sociable. We host clan void runs, and dueling events often. Our main goal is to help each other in anyway possible. This is not just a clan of strangers either this is a family.



    Dueling Arenas
    Obstacle Course
    Music room
    Energy Lab (All research complete)
    Chemical Lab (All research complete)
    Bio Lab (All research complete)
    Gardens (All completely Decorated)
    (All dojo rooms decorated)


    Watcher: Watchers are the leaders, and main strategist of the clan, they over see construction of the dojo, initiations, recruitment, and promotions. (Limited to 2 for Storm Tier)

    Stalker Commanders: Stalker Commanders are the right hand men/women to the watchers. Stalker Commanders are in charge of units. Units are composed of 5 ranks within the clan, Spy, Assassins, Zealots, Stalker Assassins, and Stalker Zealots.

    Stalker Zealots: Stalker Zealots are trusted clan members who have proven themselves in combat they oversee training of new recruits, and manage the placement of new recruits who have not undergone initiation.

    Stalker Assassins: Stalker Assassins are the eyes of the Watchers. Stalker Assassins watch over the Zealots, Assassins, and spy's. If they see anything out of the ordinary they report it to the Watchers.

    Zealots: Zealots are members who have proven themselves to the Watchers(s) whether they know it or not.

    Assassins: Assassins are members who have been in the clan for a long period of time.

    Spy: Spy's are the new recruits of the clan.


    The BSH has 2 stages of initiations

    STAGE 1: When you first enter the clan you will be tested in combat and agility to see where your strong points are.

    STAGE 2: When you reach the rank of Zealot you can't progress any further unless you have proven yourself in combat whether PvP or in a high level mission. Events will be held to see whether or not you will be promoted or you will randomly be joined by a Watcher to assess you in a mission.

    GOAL: Our goal is to create a clan of strong dangerous opponents that are a force to be reckoned with. You come into the clan not being able to kill level 76 enemies but when you stay in the clan you can 1 shot them. The other main goal of the clan is to be a nice community of active and fun members.

    If this sounds like a clan for you leave your IGN in the comment box and we will see you there.

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