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(XBOX)Baron von Usagi

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Baron von Usagi

  1. I mean since you are invincible while using hysteria i would switch gladiator aegis out with something that will give you more efficiency like fleeting expertise since the build is based around hysteria but if your looking for more survivability outside hysteria then keep gladiator aegis on.


    The build looks like a one shot build as well as a boss destroyer so honestly it depends on whether your going against tanky enemies or not.

  2. Your best bet is to start off small and sell some lower tier prime parts that go for really low amounts and then when you get enough try to buy a full prime warframe set for on the lower side of the price spectrum and then sell that set for a higher price than you bought it and depending on what you buy ylu could get a pretty big profit.

  3. So i went to twitch prime when that was there and claimed the free prime with prime but i still don't have it. Twitch prime says that i have claimed it and that it should've been in my inbox the next time i log in but its not there so idk if its a bug or if something happened but this is the first time its happened. The free frost and soma prime worked but the trinity prime did not.

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