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Posts posted by Utah

  1. No, this is not a PSA about the dangers high powered Tenno weapons have on the local animal and fauna but instead an observation on weapon effects and what could be done to make them better art wise.

    One thing I noticed was missing from this game was bullet effects/melee attack effects on set pieces. Bullet holes on set pieces would be a nice touch, since they are energy weapons a smoldering hole of red hot metal would be appropriate, maybe even a little smoke. I also think you could do a similar thing with melee weapons, I think they would be more satisfying to use if you got an effect if you knocked against a set piece, maybe a small fountain of sparks from the metal grinding.

    I'm sure there are other weapons/abilities that could use some effects like the ones I suggest above but since my experience is limited with a only a few guns and 1 war frame I can't comment.

  2. I have to agree this mechanic is annoying; now, I'm all for a random encounter during the level, but key fetching isn’t high on the list. Not only does it glitch the level and stop you from completing on occasions but it's also breaks momentum and isn't fun.

  3. From what I gather every mission is on the "ship", this is because it’s easier to generate lots of levels with not a lot of assets. However, from what I've seen the lighting and color pallets do very from faction to faction making it feel fresh, so although familiar I don't have the feeling I'm walking around the same ship every level. I doubt we will see any change from this until beta is over but it’s not necessarily a bad thing.

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