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Posts posted by (PSN)N1NJ4W4RR10R_

  1. Bullet jumping's the key....running the drift mod that reduces friction could help.


    A CC frame helps. Ember kills everything automatically, me I'd just use rhino coz thats how I roll. His stomp could definetly help though if you like making things more difficult then neccassary....not sure if it would insta kill though.


    Ember would be the way to go, just remember, bullet jump.

  2. First off, have you completed the second dream?


    If so, RIP, you missed a drift mod. Not sure if it was speed, but it gave reach and - friction I think.


    Anyway, the trial thingys on lua are the only place to get them I think. You have to find the trial based around speed (who woulda guessed :P).


    Apparently its rarer then the others though. Not sure if its true or not.

  3. Hello fellow forumers! Just here for some advice. I'm a ps4 player (sorta new) and am looking for some advice for the planes. Any advice, tips, tricks etc are appreciated.


    I'm assuming for the best experience I need to complete the war within?


    I'm at neptune, completed second dream and run rhino. I have a hek (rhino and hek have potatoes), lex p and the broken war. Would they work in planes? If so, any reccomended builds that dont use primed mods.


    Thanks for the help. I like this game a fair bit but explaining things isnt DEs strong point :P

  4. I used it on a colour palette. I dont regret it.


    For those who dont care about colours though grab an extra warframe slot or 2 then weapons if necassary (slots I mean). Sentinel slot wont matter for a bit (least not that I've experienced....taxon ftw) and most other things are a waste early on.


    Dont bother with potatoes, the dev streams will give you the blueprints via alerts.

  5. The simple answer is yes.


    The longer answer is yes, but it may take a bit of time to get chroma to the point where he will be better then your rhino prime that (from the sound of it) you've had for a while.


    *actually, there are some cases where rhino may beat chroma, this is when running that rhino charge buffs iron skin mod/buff. Chroma is more practical for a tank frame though (I think)*

  6. Just to be a bit serious with this post, the worse players to deal with are normally the elitist types, the players who have played for a long time, know how to play the game but seem to be ignorant to the fact that new players havent (or they may be like me, naturally skilled at games ;)). I normally dont come across these players because I normally end up avoiding groups with critera such as "must be experienced" when recruiting, because they normally seem to be the people who have no patience.


    Thats running off other games though. My warframe experience so is pretty minimal (in terms of community). Only negative interaction was in trade a while ago, but lets face it, trade is the pvp of warframe and we all know what pvp is like :P


    I will always play on public, running my rhino, hek, redeemer and whatever random sidearm I have at the time (still want that akstilleto :/) by the way. And so far dispite accidentally popping in to a few nightmare alerts (iron skin ftw) I handle myself pretty well. I'm normally the guy reviving others, not being revivied. 


    All that said. I am pretty good at games, I adapt quickly and can take care of myself. I also over prepare.....to many youtube guides xD

  7. 3 hours ago, blueboy90780 said:

    I should have elaborated on that, he didn't revive the player when he was bleeding and he was right next to him. Mainly because he was surrounded by like 40+ level 80 enemies and had to gradually kill them all of before he can safely revive the guy.

    He deserved to be called a noob. We all know any good player would be running rhino ;)


    *complete joke (obviously)*

  8. If you can get a some sort of proof of purchase it should help a lot. Also, maybe some proof that the bank account was hacked if possible.


    Customer supports can be great to deal with, if they think you are doing the right thing. If they arent sure, then you'll be treated like you are one of the many trying to rip them off. A pain, but with the amount of people who are actually doing this then claiming to have been falsly banned understandable.


    Good luck getting the account back. Just make sure to stay calm and dont be unreasonable, right now they have (as far as I know) no reason to believe you are being honest. Going crazy wont help.

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