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Posts posted by zzzzzig

  1. To start, I was with a full squad in space. They picked, I believe, high index and the index entry cost screen came up. Unlike normal, I pressed escape instead of pressing the invest credits button. The countdown started, but my icon in the top corner was marked with an X, indicating that i had declined the mission. I got dragged to the mission anyway. When i showed up, I had a permanent 25 financial stress that did not increase when gathering points. This meant I had very little health and could not hold on to energy long enough to cast abilities. I figured turning in a point might reset the financial stress stack, and tried it. Unfortunately, it set my financial stress count to "4.29e+03M." I suddenly had 2 shield and 10 health, but strangely, I could hold onto energy without it decaying. After picking up another point, the stack reset to 25 and I lost all my energy. 


    Overall, fun bug. 

  2. Bump. Also, I might as well explain this better while i'm here. 

    Unlike most abilities, Gara's Splinter Storm does not hit enemies through the rift plane. This may be a bug itself. When cast un-rifted, It will damage only un-rifted enemies. When cast rifted, it will damage only rifted enemies. This is annoying, but can be worked around. The trouble comes from when Gara herself switches planes. The Splinter Storm cast in the rift plane stays in the rift plane. If Gara casts Splinter Storm while Banished (i think) or while in a Cataclysm (i know), then leaves the rift plane, the glass does not damage enemies on the normal plane. If Gara casts Splinter Storm before entering a Cataclysm, the glass does not damage enemies in it. Upon leaving, it will damage normal enemies, but never rifted ones.

    It seems like when the target of shatter storm switches planes, the storm itself gets left in whatever plane the target was in when it was cast, and since it doesn't hit through the rift plane it does no damage to enemies in the current plane.

  3. If you have all four dragon keys equipped while playing as Titania, and get the vault relic, sometimes the effect of the vault relic reapplies every time you switch to Razorwing or Operator mode. It doesn't seem to trigger with the shield and health effects, but seems to trigger with the damage one, and DEFINITELY triggers with the slow one. when this happens, you will get more slowed after switching to Operator or Razorwing. After two or three times, you aren't able move at all anymore. With the damage effect, I sometimes cant break the containers on the ground with Dex Pixia or my Arca Plasmor. That seems like it's more than the damage reductions should be, but they are steep reductions, so maybe not.

    This might apply to other frames, but it is fairly easy to trigger with Titania. I could not get this to work in my testing with Limbo, but I ran out of keys before finding a slow relic to test with.

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