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Posts posted by Mokotowskie

  1. 29 minutes ago, (XB1)Wham A Hand said:

    That's fair. I agree with this analysis, but I disagree on one point. The toxicity of a community can quickly kill new player base. And in fact, discourage further attempts.

    Generally speaking, most games with a age of 13 and up would want a welcoming environment. 


    Yea even though warframe is a 17-18+ game, I would say that a fair amount are under that threshold, not that it matters. Frankly I find the lack of players to be more frustrating than any toxicity I experience.

  2. 14 minutes ago, (XB1)Wham A Hand said:

    Agreed. Although I'd like to see it improve, its obvious by this thread iit won't happen.

    Most of the blame for Conclave's lack of competitiveness comes down to DE not wanting to work on improving Conclave and also this gamemode being combined with a relatively mindless looter shooter in which a fast paced quake-like pvp mode does not fit in. The toxicity of the community has nothing to do with it. Everyone could be the friendliest people on the planet, but that won't prevent people from leaving the community because the developers won't pool any resources into it and the rewards are generally underwhelming. 

  3. Just now, (PS4)haphazardlynamed said:

    Well OK, desired part or not, your offer can still be interpreted as Patronizing from some perspectives

    you may have been unintentionally insulting him. I'd stop trying to contact.


    It wasn't patronizing in any way. I said specifically. "I'm sorry I can trade you my wyrm carapace if you want" but at that point he had already blocked me.

  4. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)haphazardlynamed said:

    Maybe he doesn't want a Wyrm Carapace? Maybe he's aiming for that Loki Part

    and by offering up a pittance of a wyrm carapace, you came off sounding Insulting or Patronizing?

    Hence he blocked you, and you should probably quit trying; cause you're just leaving a bad impression.



    anyway you sound like a naively nice guy, too much for your own good

    can I have some free plat?

    You're also a PS4 player so I can't really give you any of my plat. I'm also doing a F2P style so I can't really buy any for you sorry.

  5. Just now, (PS4)haphazardlynamed said:

    Maybe he doesn't want a Wyrm Carapace? Maybe he's aiming for that Loki Part

    and by offering up a pittance of a wyrm carapace, you came off sounding Insulting or Patronizing?

    Hence he blocked you, and you should probably quit trying; cause you're just leaving a bad impression.



    anyway you sound like a naively nice guy, too much for your own good

    can I have some free plat?

    He was cursing in chat saying he needed that part. 

  6. So I did a radshare of Axi L4 (The unvaulted loki systems relic) where we did 1 by 1 staggering. The last run was my relic and at the end none of us noticed that he didn't have 10 reactant. We're at the extraction and a synthesis target pops up and hes saying wait in the chat. I and another person stayed on just in case they finished the synthesis in time and does. It turns out he doesn't have 10 reactant and he was telling us to get off extraction so he could. We didn't get anything special just a wyrm carapace but he blows up in chat cursing. I offered to give him my wyrm prime carapace but he refused my invitation and blocked me. Is there any way I can try to contact him and give him the carapace?

  7. www.semlar.com

    I looked it up and bokwin may have a better range but the upside isn't worth the downside.

    I went seekalla as the attack speed is very low when you use bokwin and you would be forced to pick a link that gives +attack speed.

    and also higher attack speed has better synergy with CO

  8. 13 minutes ago, PoisonHD said:

    Did you search for actual issues about sensitivity rounding or converting sensitivity? By default the search function will search for any word you put in it, so it'll bring up a lot of results even if it has nothing to do with your problem. I literally can't find another thread about converting sensitivity. 

    I've seen maybe 2 posts about sensitivity scale being too large a range but thats about it. Malevolent's problem is best described by melee 3.0 changes when melee channeling was moved from left click to middle click. Noone was really complaining because noone cared about melee channeling. Now if DE had sprint on a button that would make no sense like Z very few people would complain because they can easily change it. I played many other games and i still have those times where I accidentally pressed enter to chat in WF only to find out that it is T and vice versa when I accidentally use a special ability by pressing T or F in another game because I'm used to WF's control scheme. I just deal with it.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Malevolent_Master said:

    A lot of results were showing when I searched for this exact problem. People not being able to play your game because your concept for sensitivity is bad HAS to be bad for business. I can't see it getting justified at all that's just laziness. Let's stop ruining the game by nerfing farm frames and adding useless fluffs and fix some real issues. -.-

    The problem is that people really dont care about non content issues. If DE spent 3 months fixing bugs and UI and all of the things you think they should fix instead of adding content, people wouldn't be too happy as they don't see a direct result. Most people like visual content and not these small changes that barely affect them. You can look on the forums and see about 5x as many posts about content drought and large game breaking bugs rather than the UI and slider issues you mentioned. As of yet, no one really complains about it. Maybe if the community was more privy to this problem but it seems like you're in the minority here. The game isn't unplayable. Its annoying for people who have a fine tuned sense of sensitivity and get upset that they can't change things further.

  10. I do agree the slider is bad. I never see a single person messing with the higher ends of the scale, but shouldn't this be submitted in a ticket instead of players helping players? do you think that there is a large community of people that care alot about the sensitivity being the same as their other games otherwise it messes up competitive play? This would be a petition for DE in the form of an actual forum post something on reddit.

  11. I recently was looking at my arcanes and I realized that there's a description that says you can sell them for 100 ducats. I looked everywhere to see if I could sell them for Ducats but couldn't find it.  unknown.png

    This is message is on all arcanes whether arcane, magus, or virtuous. Is this just a mess up by DE or is there a place that I can actually sell them?

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