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Posts posted by Kitsumiya

  1. If there is a need for a damage limit, make it irrelevant to the stun duration.
    If the damage cap is reach, make it so that the enemy stays stunned for the full duration but is no longer a tesla coil and doing damage.

    Having the stun canceled early is ridiculous and makes Volt terrible against large crowds of enemies.
    I feel like having duration mods on my Volt is pointless if the stun is just going to cancel after 3-4 seconds.

  2. Volt's Ultimate ability, Discharge has a pretty great stun and it turns enemies into tesla coils that deals damage to nearby enemies.
    Against a single high level enemy, with my duration mods, I can keep him stunned for 18 seconds.
    However there is a damage limit on Volt's Discharge that will cancel the stun.

    If there are a whole bunch of enemies grouped up, they will all become tesla coils and shock each other, reaching the limit very quickly.
    Against low level enemies, they will die and there is no problem.

    The problem is with high level enemies. They have too much health for discharge to kill them but that is not the issue.
    When I see a large group of strong enemies, I want to stun them to survive but that won't work because the stun cancels early due to damage limit.

    -Sees large amounts of strong enemies.
    -Discharge to stun them all so that I don't get overwhelmed.
    -Stunned enemies shock each other, reaching damage limit.
    -Stun cancels after 4 seconds instead of 18.
    -More enemies show up and I get wrecked.

    Plenty of Warframe crowd control abilities remain consistent regardless of enemy level.
    -Excalibur's Radial Blind affects all nearby enemies (within line of sight) for 15 seconds and opens them to finishers.
    -Nehza's divine spears affects all nearby enemies and incapacitates them for 12 seconds.
    -Nova's Molecular Prime slows down enemies and make them take more damage, lasts for 30 seconds.
    -ETC. Tons of abilities that stay consistent regardless of enemy numbers or levels.

    Volt's Discharge is less effective against large groups of high level enemies.
    Please remove the damage limit on the stun.


  3. I don't know when this was changed but I don't like it.
    The reason why Yomo Syandana was my favorite was because it felt more like a scarf. Both branches of the Cloth flowed straight down naturally when standing still like this picture below.



    Upon the recent updates, the cloth physics changed, and now the Yomo Syandana is stuck in this shape.



    This doesn't feel natural at all!
    Scarves do not branch out like that and maintain that curved form. That's not how cloth physics work!
    Please Fix it DE, it looks ugly!

  4. The Piece of Cloth that comes along with the Nikana Prime is bloody annoying for 3 reasons.
    1. You Cannot remove it and doesn't sit well with players who don't like the design of the default Sugutra or may want to replace it with their favorite Sugutra.

    2. If you equip another Sugutra, it will overlap with the Nikana Prime's default Sugutra and have clipping issues.




    3. If you equip the Nikana Conclave Skin, this will place the Nikana Prime's Default Sugutra on the Handle near the Guard. This looks very ugly.



    How to fix:
    1. Allow the Nikana Prime Default Sugutra to be removable or replaceable with other Sugutras.
    2. Fix the Placement on Nikana Conclave Skin.

  5. I play Melee Volt, and that utilizes Shocking Speed.
    When I see a corpus Nullifier, I don't want to run in and melee because my Speed will be disabled.
    Switching weapons is too slow and I would like to just use Quick shooting to pop the bubble before I run in.

  6. 2 hours ago, -VV-Phantom-Phoenix said:

    Yes the animation if faster but aside from ground finishers the regular ones ruin the flow. Think of a river flowing past and cleansing groups of enemies of their lives. That's what I feel volt is when I use him. Yes 1 finisher is fairly quick but multiply that by a large cluster of enemies and you end up with a waiting line. Finishers look cool-ish  and all but their far to single target for a melee volt. (look at nikana p animation, hits the enemy twice for no apparent reason)

    Would prefer to run through and hit the enemies a few times (fan of P reach) if it doesn't die that it gets the counter electric burst damage rather than end up doing finishers on half the enemies when most might die in 1 or 2 hits anyway.

    Well sounds like Finishers need a rework themselves so that they flow better.
    Also my idea is not for Volt to go from enemy to enemy and use finisher on all of them.
    My charged shock idea would only open the first enemy struck to be opened to finishers despite multiple enemies getting hit by chain lightning.
    This is so that Volt can target priority targets that have tons of health/armor such as Heavy Gunners.
    For less tanky enemies, Yes, Volt should run through them like a truck.

  7. I wasn't aware that the Executioners were immune to Finisher abilities, but that is besides the point.
    Finishers are valid against Tanky enemies in General. Take a Heavy Gunner for example.
    Let's say we have the current melee Volt vs a level 100 heavy gunner. Volt uses shocking speed which stuns for 1-2seconds while melee attacking.
    It wouldn't do much against the Heavy Gunner, they have so much armor and health that we'll be slashing for DAYS.
    Then the Heavy Gunner does a ground slam and knocks Volt down to the ground and he gets bum rushed by bullets.

    Finishers do so much damage, and IGNORE ARMOR.
    Finishers scale off melee attack speed, so with Speed, they're not that slow.
    1 Finisher doing tons of damage > Slashing for days.

  8. Please DE, this is a good opportunity to give Volt high single target damage that is useful in late game.
    All I ask is that only one enemy be opened to finishers, not all targets hit by the chain lightning. Only the first one hit.
    It won't be OP, since other frames can open up enemies to finishers in an easier manner and affecting multiple enemies.

    Excalibur - Radial Blind
    Banshee - Savage Silence
    Inaros -  Desiccation
    Ash - Tear Gas(Smoke Screen), Teleport

  9. I've made this suggestion in the past many times. Volt is my favorite warframe and I play him as Melee volt.
    The volt rework previews are great and they contribute to Volt's Gun gameplay with Riot Electric shield, or general Mage with his Overload.
    However, I would like a little something for Melee gameplay please.

    Allow Volt to charge up his Shock by holding the 1 Key, and releasing a more powerful shock that opens up the first enemy hit to Finishers.
    Electricity Stuns the enemy, it only makes sense that we be able to use a finisher on them while they can't defend themselves.
    Several other frames have abilities that open up enemies to Finishers. I want volt to have the same.
    Finishers do massive damage and ignore armor. It would be great for Volt to use his shock to take down tanky high priority targets.
    I know Shock chains and hit multiple enemies, but I think only the First enemy hit should be opened to Finishers.

    During the Rathuum event (before hotfix 18.10.2 which nerfed all enemies), I tried to melee the tanky Executioner. I had Shocking speed, which only stunned him for a few seconds. I barely did significant damage because his armor was so high and he had so much Health. He attacked me once in the face and I died instantly with my 1110 Shields and 740 Health. I think my Shock rework idea would have been perfect for a situation like this.

  10. 20 hours ago, Vlada91 said:

    Some people seem to think that Shock won't stun anymore. 

    If you pay attention to detail, you might notice that the target enemy is a Grineer Hellion.
    The Hellions have Jet-packs on their backs, and when you damage it, they can't fly anymore.
    Jet-packs have their own HP and can block your attacks from hitting only once, unless you have punch through.
    I once shot a Hellion from behind with lex prime. The Jetpack took damage, he did not.

    In the Preview, after Volt uses Shock on the Hellion from behind, you see him running and his jet-pack is smoking.
    Basically, that Jet-pack blocked the Shock and thus the Hellion was not hit and therefore not stunned.


  11. When I wrote my Rework Ideas, I had in mind the fact that the Devs said that they want Volt's rework to be on par with Excalibur's. Excalibur is too good in terms of damage, and that is because he goes off of Melee Stealth and Finisher multipliers. Furthermore, Volt's description states "an Alternate to gunplay" which is also why I focuses so much on Melee.

    I wanted Volt to be good against High level enemies with high armor. Guns tend to fall off in terms of damage due to increasing armor and health unless you have a team of 4 with Corrosive projection. I've seen my bow go from 20k damage, to 2k damage, my Soma prime go from 800 to 100, etc.

    Whereas Excalibur can just Blind everyone, slash once with Exalted blade, and hit all enemies in a line for 30k damage. Or he can just use a finisher and do 100k damage which ignores armor. I just want Volt to be just as good.

    My focus was to build synergy between his abilities, because Current volt is only good for his Speed and Electric Shield. I wanted all 4 abilities to be useful and to be able to scale into super end game like Excalibur can.

    You're right though, my focus was too much on Melee, and there should be something to boost gunplay too and I'll come up with something to add later.

  12. 17 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

    Very well thought suggestions. I am in agreement with all your ideas, and the explanations for these changes shows the depth of your dedication to our Space Flash.

    There is one addition I would like to see incorporated into your version of Overload- the ability to charge the voltage by activating Overload first then cast again to unleash the lightning storm.

    Imagine this: Volt activates Overload for the first time, his armour crackling with sparks of electricity that draws electric current from nearby electronic doodads, active Electric Shields, and even enemies stunned by Shock and Speed. While filling the counter from 0% to 100%, Volt can discharge the accumulated damage into his localized lightning storm by casting Overload again while aiming at his target location.

    I believe this would synergize well with all his abilities and allow even better scaling into late game. Shock to create conduits from enemies to siphon power, Speed to run around collecting all that excess energy, and finally Electric Shield to add even more damage and protect you while you cast the storm.

    I hope to see what the Devs will bring to our electrifying friend.

    Thanks for the support! 

    While your idea is interesting and looks cool, I feel like it would delay Volt's Overload from using it right away by having to charge it up first. The point of Overload in my rework ideas is to Stun all enemies, so that you can run around freely and melee without being shot. Having to charge up Overload before being using it will delay players during critical "oh shiet" moments when they need to stun everything to get away from danger, or to revive an ally can prove fatal. Then again, your idea could prevent players from spamming it, right after the timer runs out.

    I too, look forward to a volt rework, but I'm also afraid. I play Volt as a melee warframe and hope that his rework caters to that playstyle. 

  13. 1 hour ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    I'd say volt is a decent gun-frame but where he absolutely shines is in melee range. 


    Speed is basicly made for melee, shocking speed adds a permastun for enemys in close range, shock is a stun for aproaching enemys and overload is a mighty tool in the middle of a croud. What volt definitly is is a energy tank. His energy or rather life pool with vitality, prime flow and qt is quite big and naramon just adds to this. E-Shield is a free support cast as you basicly get energy all the time and the damage output with body count shouldn't be that bad eather.


    Did a grineer sortie lately with volt, they had augumented armor. Took me forever to kill something (console ~ still waiting for shadow debt) but guess who was the only one who didn't die once while locking the field down... he doesn't have fancy synergy like saryn does for example but speed is a solid buff as you not only gain melee speed but also approach enemys quite fast and stun them once you're there. He isn't just not rly bad but pretty much where excal is with a good combination of CC and melee damage, even bigger focus on support.


    I wouldn't say that he needs any kind of buff but i wouldn't say no to some kinda synergy eather...

    If you like Melee Volt and Synergy, please check out my Volt Rework thread.
    Focuses on Volt's abilities Synergizing with Melee, and using finishers which ignore armor.
    My ideas will really make Volt a High Damage Warframe that is an alternate to Gunplay.


  14. 8 hours ago, (PS4)Ozone1249953 said:

    So basically with your overload you want insane cc some damage mitigationand some damage. And with mine I want infinitely scaling damage, cc and some passive durability, but my cc has to be prepared. We both have our advantages and disadvantages so how about we work together and discuss what we really want for volt

    It's is not damage mitigation, in the way that makes Volt tanky. No reduced damage, no increases armor, no increased shield. And the focus is not to make overload do tons of damage with the ability alone(unless you add the augment I suggested) but to set up the stage for him to shine with Melee without getting shot. 

    All of my ideas are focused on Melee and the abilities I suggested all synergize with each other to boost melee. 

    -Passive gives 20% electric damage to you overall melee damage on stunned enemies. Scales off melee mods.
    -Charged shock opens up enemies to Finishers. Finisher scale off melee damage and ignore armor.
    -Shocking Speed stuns nearby enemies so Volt can melee without being knocked down Grinneer bombards/gunners slam. Synergizes with Volt's passive for 20% damage on stunned enemies.
    -Shield with Augment gives Volt even more electrical melee damage if he passes through it. Stacks with Volt's passive and melee mods.
    -Overload creates a single giant bubble that stuns all enemies inside it and open them up to finishers. Volt can't get shot if enemies are stunned, and volt can do extreme damage with finishers. Bubble can't be moved, and can't be recasted until timer runs out.

    This creates 2 style of melee gameplay. Mobile rushing, and Stationary defense.

    1. Mobile Rushing - For rushing through the map with speed, and killing as many enemies along the way. Great for modes like survival that involve a big map, running around and hunting as many enemies you can. Less safe but great for people who enjoy running around. Requires Passive, Shock, Speed, and Shield with Augment.
    -Activate Speed, run through shield, get buffed.
    -Run up to enemies, stun them with shocking speed. Do tons of damage with passive and shield augment buff.
    -Shock high priority targets like High armor gunners and finish them.

    2. Stationary Defense - where overload really shines. Great for when you want to stay in one area instead of running from room to room. More effective on high armor enemies.
    -Overload stuns everyone and you finish them off. Finisher ignore amor and scales off melee weapon/mods. Extremely viable.


    I'm not trying to make Volt a mage like you are, having abilities scale through repeated casting, innate energy regen. I'm more focused on making Volt spam his melee instead of his Abilities. Your ideas to increase damage on # of enemies hit, or repeated casts only increase the nuke damage of your abilities. As enemies level up, get more armor and health, unless you have something to get rid of that armor, no matter how much scaling damage you are going to do, you'll only tickle them. Which is why I am so focused on melee finishers which ignore Armor.

    You have great ideas, I have great ideas, however completely different playstyles. And they shouldn't mix without making Volt overly complicated.

  15. 8 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

    I apparently edited too late. That augment for shield is conclave only, m8.

    Also you're right it can't compare. And it shouldn't. Excalibur is OP no matter how you look at it unless the way you look at it is by closing your eyes and seeing what you want.

    Didn't realize it was Conclave only. But still, I think it would be a great addition for PvE. 

    Just imagine:
    1. Activate Speed for Electric Proc on nearby enemies, Increase movement and melee attack speed.
    2. Activate Shield and Run through it for Electric Damage Buff on Melee Weapons.
    3. Stacks with Volt's Passive for +20% Electric Damage for Melee Weapons against Stunned enemies.
    4. Shocking Speed Stuns Enemies when Volt comes close.

    Even without using Finishers, Volt would still do lots of Damage just by running around and slicing up enemies with Melee.
    Charged shock is great for High HP/Armor targets like Level 100 Heavy Gunners. Open them up to finishers and stab them.
    Overload is great for keeping everyone stunned so that Volt doesn't get shot at. 



  16. 3 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

    Well these ideas aren't the best I've seen for each individual ability but this is the only rework thread for Volt I've seen that is as a whole good.

    I'd personally like to see volt's 1 have a charge that is an instantaneous and split second beam of energy that does high damage and has infinite punchthrough. Meant for single-target slaying. Fired through volt shield would get buffs. I feel it'd appease the people that want him to be a "high damage warframe" like his description implies- even though it should be the description that changes not a whole frame.

    As for his shields, I'm happy you said to leave them alone.

    Speed needs nothing IMO- I don't mind whether or not reload buff as many people suggest or your suggestion of innate stunning speed are added to it- but nothing else, and nothing taken away or rebalanced.

    This is hands down my favorite overload rework I've seen though. it keeps the feel, it keeps the spirit, and it makes it useful for the late game with a reliable CC. It doesn't make it a nuke. It doesn't slow volt down. It doesn't turn him into emperor palpatine (god I hate that suggestion, every time I see it I want to slam my face into a wall). It is overload but improved. +1 to you sir. Hope you see this, Scott.


    1 minute ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

    I just made a thread for Volts rework & i already like OP's better. XD

    I was starting to have my doubts, but you guys just made me feel a lot better.
    I only suggested the Innate Stun cause so many people wanted to improve Speed in some way.
    I wanted Electric shield to be unchanged however, the augment is unpopular, so I suggested adding electric boost to melee damage for the Augment.
    But yeah, Volt isn't a nuke, and doing finishers on enemies one by one can't compare to you know... Excalibur blinding everyone and one Exalted blade wave kills all of them for 30k damage. 

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