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Posts posted by _Marchy

  1. I very much agree with the fact that there should be some form of reporting in-game, if we wanting to report someone can do that ingame instead of having to go all the way to the tickets and go through all that, wait for days for a response or something. taking so much time from playing the actual game. 


    Please DE, as he said. No kick feature. but the very least a reporting system

  2. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

    So I did my first eidolon and tridolon hunts today and did my best to act like I had any clue about what I was doing by constantly switching between my frame and operator like a BOSS for absolutely no reason until the high levels did their thing and one shot everything in sight, and I figured out most of what you're supposed to do during hunts except for one part towards the end when all it's limbs are down and the guy with the hat says "it's time to capitalise" or something like that, i see all my allies in operator mode doing... something....but I can't figure out what it is, what exactly am I supposed to do there when the eidolon is on the ground before it gets up?

    Destroy as many vomvalysts as possible when they flood towards the eidolon

  3. 4 minutes ago, tprx said:

    Chroma need saryn parts... From Sedna, which is one of the last planets.

    Rhino is a very good starter choice, and if you have access to dojo research, Nezha is fun to play. And he doesn't take a lot of resources to craft. You also get Volt from the dojo. Get Frost as soon as you can: it's been my fav frame from the moment I got him. You get him on Ceres.

    Put a catalyst on your fav frame, but wait before you put too many formas. Forma is for high-drain mods, but until you get farther in the game, you'll end up with polarities that are meh, and you'll have to change them or cook a new frame. I've put 4 forma on a frost that I ended up scrapping because the polarities didn't fit the best mods I found later on. But heh, experiment and find a balance between the mods you have now and the mods you'll get later on. And remember, wiki is your friend 🙂

    Right i completely forgot about that needing other frame parts x) scratch that then! but yeah what this guy said sums it all up pretty good

  4. 16 hours ago, (PS4)KyleXY12345 said:

    The alternate fire is bound to your middle mouse button by default, but you can unbind it to other keys that you are comfortable with.

    In the case of your mouse, if you want to stick to a mouse you’re gonna have to get a new one.

     As he said. Switch between modes with middle mouse button. I'd stay away from third party software potentially interfering with the games memory.. can trigger an auto ban. Never know with some programs, some does things you wouldnt really know it did

  5. Honestly i think its two causes. One bugs. two it has to go through Sony and Xbox (for each respectable platforms)

    instead of pc where they can launch it when they want, they have to sort of wait for them

  6. The ivara parts only drop from certain locations for one. And at certain levels. 

    Another thing is that no purge alarms can be set off at all. All three must be exctracted without setting the rooms alarms off. 



    Ivara's main and component blueprints are acquired from Spy missions (including Nightmare Mode) depending on mission level. Alerts and sorties do not reward identified caches therefore are exempt. All parts are in Rotation C of their respective reward tables, meaning they require three successful data extractions to be an eligible reward for the mission


    Runs 99% - 99.99%
    Chassis Blueprint (5.64%) lvl 16-25 17–18 119 ± 40
    Chassis Blueprint (7.37%) Pavlov, Lua 13–14 91 ± 31
    Neuroptics Blueprint (7.52%) lvl 26+ 19–20 131 ± 44
    Main Blueprint (7.52%) lvl 26+
    Systems Blueprint (9.09%) lvl 1-15 11–12

    73 ± 25





    Last updated: Hotfix 22.8.2
    Difficulty Component Planet Node Level Faction Tileset
    Levels 1-15
    Systems (9.09%)
    Earth Cambria 2-4 IconGrineerB.svg Grineer Forest
    Venus Unda 4-6 IconCorpusB.svg Corpus Outpost
    Mercury Suisei 8-10 IconGrineerB.svg Grineer Galleon
    Mars Arval 9-11 IconGrineerB.svg Grineer Settlement
    Phobos Shklovsky 11-13 IconCorpusB.svg Corpus Ship
    Levels 16-25
    Chassis (5.64%)
    Ceres Bode 12-14 IconGrineerB.svg Grineer Shipyard
    Jupiter Amalthea 17-19 IconCorpusB.svg Corpus Gas City
    Europa Valac 18-20 IconCorpusB.svg Corpus Ship
    Saturn Dione 21-23 IconGrineerB.svg Grineer Asteroid
    Lua(7.37%) Pavlov 25-30 IconGrineerB.svg+ IconCorpusB.svg Orokin Moon
    Levels 26+
    Neuroptics (7.52%)
    Blueprint (7.52%)
    Uranus Rosalind 27-29 IconGrineerB.svg Grineer Sealab
    Neptune Laomedeia 30-32 IconCorpusB.svg Corpus Ice Planet
    Pluto Oceanum 32-36 IconCorpusB.svg Corpus Outpost
    Sedna Kappa 34-38 IconGrineerB.svg Grineer Galleon
  7. All of them have their uses. Harrow is great at hijack missions due to first ability can overshield to over 2500 shield. Gara and khora are both good in defense and overall very versatile. Khora is a bit grindy to get, Gara is a bit tedious to get but easier i feel like. Harrow is a bit of a pain to get but worth it. Honestly comes down to your playstyle so because of that i'd say Gara then Khora. Then Harrow

  8. Describe it.. Well worse in almost all ways besides crit chance and damage (it looks like) but very good looking


    if you compare their stats the prime is worse than the normal pyrana besides the crit stuff. 

    Lower damage, lower firerate etc.

  9. I'd honestly say rhino lol, he's useful far into the game and i still use it for certain things. Index for example, iron skin.


    You can make everything personalized with mods. Good warframes besides Rhino, Pff.. Gara although bit tedious to get because of the gems etc. Only "starter" i can think of rn. unless you do quests and get chroma

  10. 1 minute ago, ---Quill-Onkko--- said:

    he also claims to be a game dev and programer and that they "Resued promised exclusive assets" for umbra. I told him he would have a very hard time legally proving that they are the same thing since only the prime frame was a promised, exclusive and not its abilities, name, or ability names. He basically called me dumb for misspelling 2 words and then refused to explain how they were the same.

    People say the most incredible things huh? Say so many big things but none can be proven and none of it makes any sense whatsoever haha

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