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Posts posted by _Marchy

  1. Tigris is an insanely nice weapon if modded right. 

    Personally i would keep it for boss battles and things like that as it deals insane amounts of raw damage and with this 100% status chance also insane slash procs, But in the end it all comes down to personal preferace


  2. Happened again on the Sortie. Breaks everytime you're casting spore and then the target dies before its finished casting. Crippling the entire system. cant use abilities, cant use operator, cant use gear items, cant even revive myself when im down. The only problem to fix this as of now is to die completely and respawn. although it will break if the target dies again while casting. 

    Please fix as soon as possible as this is a pretty serious bug in my opinion

  3. Was playing excavation on Hieracon (Pluto) using Saryn Prime. while defending an excavator i casted the spore ability and whilst casting the ability it died. In the process it locked me out from everything besides changing weapons, reloading, shooting and basic movement controls. I was not able to enter operator mode, was not able to use my melee weapon and was not able to use any of the abilities as it was simply saying "Ability is already in use" or whatever it says when you try using an ability when its already active. when i tried any of them. 


    Hope this was elaborate enough and of help. 

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