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Posts posted by crazzzik

  1. As the name suggests warframe is a frame made with only one purpose. Being manufactured thousands of years in the past there must have been some earlier prototypes of these frames. Think of it as older labs level set in Portal 2.



    The creation of warframes hides their origin and the war fought at the time. Who came up with the idea? What did warframe derive from? What technology was used? All these questions can uncover the true intent and power behind warframe.



    Early prototypes must have some disadvantages that made them faulty or dangerous to tenno on the battlefield. Maybe some of them were used in combat before the improvements were made. For the to appear in game they have to be viable in the current universe (ideally) or represented in a different subset of levels (less ideal, memory chamber..). For example Volt would be a metal cage armor with wires running over the armor (kinda like antagonist in Iron Man 2). The current helmet would represent different indicators and micro tools used in the original design. To make it viable it has to produce an enormous current with danger of overloading and shutting down or damaging the operator. Alternatively, it can be very slow due to weight and incompatible with the majority of current mods (or use special retro polarity).


    I hope devs will like this idea and use it at some point to deliver some lore into the game.


    In the mean time, if any artist wants to give it a try - please do! I am sure a lot of people would be dying to see an illustration to this idea.

  2. When tenno's body slams the ground falling from the cryo chamber..

    When tenno's body slams the ground when struck by enemy..

    When Alad V's body slams the ground in final agony..

    In victory or defeat, Lotus is there every step of the way.


    I've been playing Warframe almost religiously since open beta. Game grew in size exponentially, a lot changed.

    Yet, Lotus had the least notable changes during this time. Her voice (or rather method of transmissions) changed a few times over, she got a 3D animated "talking head" and her temper shifted from "tenno, pretty please do this mission" towards "you do as I said, tenno". Despite all that, we still don't know much about what she is except that she is a "motherly" figure for all tenno. It is because of the "motherly" aspect I write.


    As we currently know, DE is working on full sized Lotus. During endless internal discussions I was trying to depict Lotus in the way that would keep her credibility once revealed completely. I have 2 archetypes in mind:







    The Lotus that can not only give orders but kick a major ! herself. Strong female character, respectable as a leader and a warrior. Pay special attention to the lower half of the body. No joke. Most fan concept art is made with her wearing a short skirt or skin tight pants. While both are sexy, it is distorts the cohesion with "motherly" aspect.







    Here is one you might never thought about. While not as sexy, it demonstrates her role as a leader. Her long dress indicates the status and protection.






    The conclusion that I arrived to was that the ultimate Lotus would have to incorporate both traits in the equal measure to keep her status and inspire future tenno for more feats and victories.


    Or just make her skirt retract whenever she goes into combat..


    All the artwork is taken from deviantart, please give credit to the original artists.

  3. Very similar issues here. Running dx10 all the time. Since u15 getting decreased performance during first few minutes of the game. Noticing some 'jagging' or micro stutter during that time. Since u15.1 getting long loading times, just like described in the topic. Specs : w8x64, amd 6990.

  4. Thank you DE!


    As you know it is 3 weeks till Christmas. Dear Santa/DE, I've been a very good boy this year so can I please have working scroll in mods screen and accessible banshee helmet? Please?

  5. I've been trying to get banshee helmet ever since August. Spent a month on Xini and other recommended (at that time) missions. Submitted a ticket to support. Still nothing. Support said that it is one of the "more challenging" items to find in the game so tough luck. I have the whole quote somewhere.


    Other frames are not this hard to get! I am on 8 and got blueprints for other 2. Even Vauban took me less than a week to grind.


    At this point it is apparent that Banshee helmet acquisition is, for all intents and purposes, broken.

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