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Posts posted by OmegaSyndromeX

  1. join an old clan from the start of the clan update releases we used to be large clan that has just come out of a 2 year hiatus with only 4 of us remaining to play and are currently part of a 40 clan alliance with 35 ghost and 5 shadow clans we have a majority of research done and our main focus is just chill and play come on board for a relaxing gaming experience i hope to rebuild this proud clan back to its old former glory of a storm clan but im good with anything too ^_< :satisfied:

  2. Hey there im the warlord of Tidal Soltaire we are an ancient clan from 4 years ago i just got back into the game a month ago and my old peeps are gone im recruiting from scratch we have a bunch of clan reaserch done and ready to be used huge clan hall our motto is just chill and play we are also part of a HUGE alliance so we have many guys you can find to play with as well i cant wait to play with you guys after a year of inactivity ill be in your care guys ^_<

  3. so i just found out that Rhino prime is no longer available and i main a normal rhino and wanted to upgrade can you still trade in this game? and if so where and how as well as how much for a full rhino prime set? ps i stopped playing for 2 years and just got back for POE a week or 2 ago thanks a lot for any help guys and sorry if this is the wrong place or a dumb question

  4. so i am a founder from before clans arrived and i bult up a huge clan and alliances put all my platinum into building up the clan and i played a ton till i got bored of it for a while so come into a year or so having passed what have i missed i want to know anything change? what should i do to make credits and stuff? new mechanics? etc etc? again i appreciate any help i can get i love this game but after people leaving the clan and me being busy i feel like i missed a ton and want to come back fresh and new. thanks guys (also i here we can get out of our frames now? really i thought we were an ethereal being or something?) 

  5. in login rewards i said other cause ive been trying for a year login in for the 02 day tier and even logged on for 3 months never got a fing 75% not even 50 discount im sorry but i have 25 $ and want to get 2100 plat cause im low on everything and i hate trading also for S#&$s sake i have maxed all my stuff i dont need xp or S#&$ty 2500 creds.....im at the point where i am just going to quit cause i used all my founders plat all 3250 on my clan cause i was stupid and didnt know what else to do with it.....ps i mean 0-2 day rewards and i logged on for 3 months straight

  6. I CALL DIBS ON LIME GREEN SHIP sorry for caps also in my mind im picturing shade the stealth as Liam Neeson dethcube as Arnold Schwarzenegger carrier as Morgan Freeman and wyrm as Denzel Washington but in all honesty im not stupid i know that's a pipe dream like how in destiny i wish they where the ghost but a dream is a dream also my otaku half is like make em all cute little harbingers of death like i dunno.....nosebleed......nope that wouldn't work i pictured something else so yeah.....um well.......bye then thanks for being awesome

  7. omg a serro I CAN BE AN ARANCAR weeee im going to kick &amp;#&#33; with my new sexy weapon maybe ill be the new hollow ichigo...now to diverge on the subject to those who dont get this reference i prey its not gonna be weak and nasty.....also anyone who likes comedy check out alchestbreach this guy is hilarious his last video where he plays nether for tuesdayz is epicly funny

  8. will you be doing an event where in you go to earth to tame kubrows and in turn get your own from like a faction like grineer? or what cause i dont see the lore working any other way unless im missing something also when we get our ships can we have like an armory showing our weps and frames available or is it basic? along those lines can i paint my ship lime green? please?

  9. whenever i try giving permissions to my alliances clans in the menu that shows all the clans in the alliance it freezes and halts you cant exit or do anything everything else is working the solar system moves chats works but your stuck in the view alliance menu and i've done it 5 times and all times by the 3rd clan it halts and i have to alt f4 out and come back in is it just me or is it common uncommon? sorry if there's a thread like this out im new to this thank you for your time and support 

  10. DE thanks i love this game hotfixes make me go happy happy joy joy...but srsly now....wheres mein tenno doggues? i wanna see some woof woof powers yes i speak like a 4 year old im excited and full of chocolate puddin

  11. PS why you mess up item drops do you plan on fixing this or is this the way now no complaints I love you but srsly friender my head he hurts also rhiny prime and bolt or I swear 10mins before update we talked about bolt or prime coming up and how bolt or was our first legit wep then boom prime I joked saying DE read our message and said "this...yes we like this...MAKE IT SO" loved it so sorry for long rant sorry I don't post much so I thought I'd let it out sorry

  12. as jeremy clarkson would say SHWEET god i love top gear de and wf are close 3rd 1st is fallout 3-nv-4 and destiny in a tie 2nd top gear 3rd is this all the love kisses to you all and please let me win a 75 off plat thing goin 2months skipping the 3rd no luck

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