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Posts posted by Cephalon_Arkan

  1. If i remember correctly there was once mentioning/suggestions of a zanuka/ moa pet, is this something you (Still) wish to do at some point or not? And if you are interested in giving players such a pet, then how would it be executed? Just a standard set of moa's/ zanuka's to construct or would you consider adding a modular system that would determine it's attacks? For example a robotic using Shockwave moa legs could get as its first ability the shockwave stomp, a zanuka body gives it the ability to revive you for double or triple the time it'd normally take for a tenno to do (as zanuka does with alad) and an anti-moa gives it the ability to deploy a temporary drone.

    Maybe customisation could even go down to special machinery you could implement as auxillary systems.

  2. 1 hour ago, Dawn11715 said:

    I know the laws of physics are practicly nonexsistent in warframe, but a"bolt-action laser rifle"? 

    Theirs so much problems with that, I LITERALLY  dont know where to start....

    Have you seen Star wars? It's practicly like a blaster, but then more like a latron that shoots laserbolts. It's not that hard.

  3. (Alert, i am not that good with photo-shopping myself, so if someone would be as kind to help make concept art that would be appreciated.)


    Barbaros, the Soldier, the General. Embodying warfare troughout ages lost, he was made with one purpose in mind: To conquor the battlefield without mercy.

    Follow his command, Tenno, He'll lead you to victory.


    Barbaros, who's name is based of "Operation Barbarossa" aka the german offensive against Russia in WW2, is a warframe with the theme of warfare, with his powers adapting to four different warstyles in history: Medieval warfare, gunpowder warfare, industrial/modern warfare, futuristic warfare.


    First power: Phalanx Charge (toggle/timed) : Barbaros summons a battalion of spartan-esque warriors in  two rows: one at his position and one behind him, they then follow his lead, with each row dealing scaled damage (+ extra damage if a sword and shield is equipped) or preventing enemies to fire past (Taunt). Requires you to walk or sprint for the damage, and to stand still to taunt. Very usefull in hallways.

    Second power: Canonfire : Barbaros flips open his hand to reveal the small gun-powder canon in his arm, firing a shot that damages enemies in an AoE knocking them off their feet, opening them up for downed finishers.


    Third power: Turret mode: Barbaros Deploys a tripodfrom and shield his body and transforms into a turret, while being stationary, he can fire and deal high amounts of damage. Ontop of that, another player can mount ontop and use their own primary weapon as the turret's gun.


    Fourth, Tenno's Rifle : Barbaros summons a semi-automatic laser rifle, based upon tenno's primary rifle mods, with innate punchtrough. Sprinting will start a bajonet charge able to deal damage to enemies.


  4. Hello devteam, i've been playing warframe for a long time (2 years 8-9 months) and this means that i just about missed my chance for Excalibur prime, thus i highly anticipate Excalibur Umbra.


    Are there any updates for him?

    If you already plotted out how he will be implemented into global, how will he be implemented? A prime access? A prime vault release like the recent one with Frost? Or will he have his own tactical alert to get his pieces?


    I'd highly like to know as i really like his looks and i use excaliber quite a lot.

  5. So i am planning on building mesa so i went to get her bp. when i (12h later) returned to warframe to collect my stuff i clicked on systems and chassis.however, i got 2 systems and no chassis, with the chassis "still in the foundry".

    whenever i click the item in the foundry, I got an error saying "unknown error".


    Please DE. could you look into this?


    Greetings, Me


    UPDATE: Rebooting fixed everything but it still was weird.

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