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Posts posted by Ghost

  1. Me and my partner are also experiencing this bug and it seems to be related to enemies being debuffed by various effects/statuses.
    Changing from primary to secondary (or vice versa) is a somewhat tedious work-around.

  2. 55 minutes ago, Kuestenjung said:

    And who are Novas chilldren?

    If Nova partially "consists" of anti-matter it's safe to assume that everything is her children, or anti-children.

    Edit: Also to stay in topic, that skin is still shamefully bad.

  3. It's hideous.  That said I like the sash/sari thing.

    Edit: I was trying not to say this but I have to. It looks like Hydroid and Vauban swallowed tons of random neon paint and threw it up into a grineer blender infested with flies and tennis balls. Some space magic happened and the sludge within took life and form and now we have this. 


  4. I just have to say that as someone who has put in, oh, 1000+ hours in this wonderful game; the grind recently has gotten a little too much for me. However I've also been playing less - me and my wife burnt out trying to get some weapon parts from one of the recent fomorian events where we spent hours getting fudged over by ridiculous RNG that left us with nothing but depleted resources and stacks of gold fusion cores. We're kinda done putting in the big hours for now but that's usually how we play this game. On and off.

    That being said, I don't feel DE is in the wrong for their current Prime build requirements. Having, for instance, Vauban Prime does not help you in any way in this game. It's merely a trophy and if like me, you've taken Vauban through hell and back before he ever got primed, the Prime version is not going to do it better. Vauban Prime is not going away any time soon, and I bet you have a year or two to acquire him.

    I've heard of "frame shaming" which sounds completely moronic to me; for instance some tenno only wanting Frost Prime players and not the normal Frosts. I don't understand this at all and I would never turn down a non-prime frame player. Skill outperforms glitter. (Though glitter is really nice, don't get me wrong.)

    So basically I feel everything is fine as is when it comes to Prime Access.

  5. I really enjoyed Baro, good or bad, it always gave me a reason to log on during weekends.

    However, if he's being removed from the game (for now?),

    I'd hope to see him have one big blowout party where he sells EVERYTHING he has ever had in stock for a week or so.


    There's a few armor pieces and mods I might have missed and I'd love a second, or third chance, to stock up on them.

  6. I do run a few black/white/grey themes but out of principal I hate that Ivara can't be recolored "properly".

    At first I thought her seemingly forced whites were a bug but since it's not been fixed I guess not?

    I understand they're proud of her design, and they should be,

    but we really should be able to color all her parts more to our liking in my humble opinion.

  7. One run for systems on Earth

    Three runs on Neptune, SAU for both BP and Helmet.

    About 80 minutes of runs on Saturn, AEGAEON for Chassis


    Not too bad in my case.


    Edit; .. now to wait for random Nicotine alerts.

  8. Let me add a screenshot of Warframe RNG fun!


    Recently I had the stupid idea of running some T4 Interceptions because me and my wife are running low on Ducats and we try

    to collect all of the void trader stuff. Screenshot here is of the first 6 rounds and ZERO prime parts. We ended up doing 2x8 rounds and got 50 ducat each. A tad discouraging.



  9. I love all of these changes!  Not so much the terrify range decrease, but I don't really care since every thing else sounds great.

    During the last dev-stream it was mentioned that they maybe wanted to make Soul Punch castable during reload -

    I don't see that being implemented here but man, I'm not complaining.

  10. I see them still, those glorious moustaches, but only when I switch to Trinity and Valkyr. Once, a few days ago, it let me parade around the Liset with the magnum, even if Movember was long gone. Sadly my visage was deprived of moustache by the time we landed on Draco.

  11. I haven't ranked up in a while as I've had this account since closed beta, but I would

    wager people who have played for 0 to 10 hours, and their last login was nearly 2 years ago, aren't too connected to their pretty names names.


    Some games do release user names after a year or more of inactivity but that doesn't mean

    the people who do lose the name they sat on has their progress deleted.

    WoW for example let you petition GMs for names and if the original owner of the name should come back,

    they simply go through a renaming process.

  12. Adder9 doesn't seem to know that you can actually choose whether you want an acceleration in your slide or not.

    One of the latest updates to the slide attack perfected that move. Not only can you choose whether you want an acceleration, you can actually decide how much acceleration you want in your slide attack.


    Here is how you perform a slide without an acceleration:

    1. Make sure you're NOT using the toggle crouch.

    2. When performing the slide, instantly release the crouch button after pressing the melee key.

    There, you slided without an acceleration.


    And to perform a slide with acceleration:

    1. When performing a slide, do NOT release the crouch button after pressing the melee key.


    There is more. The longer you hold down the crouch, the more acceleration you can get.

    Want a small acceleration? Hold it down just for a split of a second.

    Want the max acceleration? Hold the crouch throughout the slide attack.


    So yes, slide attack is very controllable nowadays.

    The main issue I have with parcouring nowadays is this: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/355552-jump/?hl=%2Bjump+%2Bcollision


    ^Everything this guy said rings true. Please don't remove these features since they make the game unique and beautiful.

    It still has me feeling like a bad-! space ninja whenever I pull off a fling or flop across the better part of a room,

    drop into a roll, do a 180 around a corner and one-shot a heavy gunner in the head.

    There's just nothing like it anywhere, and one of the main attractions of Warframe.


    If I want to play a slow run-of-the-mill shooter then the market has that covered.

    Only Warframe is Warframe (Destiny is a pale, shameful comparison).


    Also I want to grab all the things! Like, pick up a grineer or a charger and use it as a shield. Yeah!

    Even better if I can pick them up and copter across the world with them in tow.


    As for serration, it's a cool mod and I have it maxed. But then there's splitshot and then there's heavy caliber and then...

    I like them but I won't miss them I think. Only solution I can think of here is if removed, the guns need to be fully powered on their

    own and we only mod fire rates and elemental stuff and proc% and whatnot. But that's just more of the same isn't it?

  13. Still a problem! According to Warframe of course it's my fault since I maliciously closed UDP 4950 and 4955 while asleep.

    - However I saw a red message in-game that this could be due to a recent Windows Firewall update,

    but you'd think DE would post it here in this thread too. Maybe I dreamt it?


    Either way, here's hoping whatever is wrong gets fixed soon. 


    edit: fixed to make prettier

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